Dr. Lawrence Palevsky spoke in an interview about the mechanics of spike protein shedding: “When studies are done on injections that are thought to be vaccine, we sometimes need 7, 10, or even 15 years to really understand what the injection does to the body, and what it does to those around us.
“And so, there's automatically this assumption that when the authorities say these injections are safe, that we actually have adequate data and adequate observational data to understand whether or not these injections are safe.
“The bottom line is, we don't have enough data to understand safety.
“And so, there's automatically this assumption that when the authorities say these injections are safe, that we actually have adequate data and adequate observational data to understand whether or not these injections are safe.
“The bottom line is, we don't have enough data to understand safety.
And as YouTube will take it down eventually as they usually do to censor real unsold doctors and experts, it's been uploaded here as well www.bitchute.com/video/gicbgHGv9ZCG/
Some shops and businesses have already started to deny entry to those who have had the vaccine. One shop gave the reason that one their staff is pregnant and the vaccinated should not enter so they can protect the mother and baby.
You only have to turn to hundreds and thousands of women reporting this happening to know something is not right. They're all over social media.
It will get much worse for the vaccinated believe me. This is just the beginning. Tides are turning. 1 million people Marched on 24th April. The police were kicked out from the parks when they tried to incite violence for the BBC cameras and it didn't work.
Well done to everyone who fought hard against the plandemic.