- Turn to Allah Ta'ala in repentance and seek forgiveness
- It is our DUTY to assist those in need during this time
- It is our NECESSARY to limit physical contact, obey Social Distancing Protocols
- While fulfilling ESSENTIAL needs, people are gathering close together and they should maintain distance and follow guidance from Health Professionals
- All Mosques will now be OPEN throughout Pakistan WHILE following essential protocols. At risk individuals or their carers or those infected should NOT come to the Mosque and they will Insha'Allah be rewarded for it. Older individuals (as per the recommendation of the Doctors) should also consider themselves Ma'zoor from coming to the Mosque and stay at home. Carpets should be removed and Masjid floor should be disinfected. Sanitisers should be installed at the Masjid entrances to be used BEFORE and AFTER entering the Mosques. Those with financial means should assist their local Mosque while considering it their RELIGIOUS OBLIGATION to do so.
- 5 Times Salah will be performed
- Taraweeh will be performed
- Jumuah will be performed
- Those praying should observer distance (between) each other.
- After each row and extra row (distance) should be kept and second row should not be immediately behind the first.
- Perform Wudhu and use Toilet at home.
- Sunnah and other prayers apart from FARDH should be performed at home.
- Social Distance should be maintained while coming to and leaving the Mosque
- Urdu talks before Jumuah prayers is to be suspended.
- If needed then the Imams should inform people about Health and Safety guidelines pertaining to COVID-19 but the Imams are not responsible for forcing the people to act on Health guidelines.
- Arabic Khutbah should be shortened to a single verse about Taqwa and (short) Dua to be saved from Pandemics
- Social Distancing and other Health Guidelines will be observed.
Religion is ESSENTIAL and Ulama and Madaris have a RELIGIOUS and ECONOMIC need to open.