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#16 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd April 2020 12:46
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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Darul Uloom served its immediate purpose of founding with the end of the British Raj. This is according to none other than Mufti Shafi Uthmani (RA) and he was absolutely right.
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#17 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd April 2020 12:53

abuzayd2k wrote:
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I hope that one day Allah Ta'ala makes you realise the gravity of what you actually say and give you the ability to look at things in the light of Islam. (Ameen).

Darul Uloom served its immediate purpose of founding with the end of the British Raj.

And the fact that the person whom you are quoting actually left India and migrated to Pakistan so I am not sure if I take your words (about him) or take his action but this actually get funnier by the day. :lol

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#18 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd April 2020 13:43
Most people are ignorant of science, they don't care who finds the cure aslong as they can idly continue in their frivolous pursuit of worldly pleasure.
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#19 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd April 2020 14:16
This post has been reported. It could be due to breaking rules or something as simple as bad use of bbcodes which breaks the page format. We will attend to this soon.
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#20 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd April 2020 14:25

Londoner wrote:
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Would you like to also tell me that the:

Earth is not Flat!


Welcome to stating the obvious, sunshine!

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#21 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd April 2020 14:44
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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Despite his derisory tones, he does have a wider point, even though I see nothing wrong with what Mufti Yusuf Shabbir said. As I initially heard a few questionable lectures from Ulemah, which were being propagated on social media, however to be fair these have now been superseded by far more sensible advice.

On a personal note I have learned not to take medical & scientific advice from those not qualified. Similarly, I don't take religious and spiritual advice from doctors and scientists.
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#22 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd April 2020 14:59
This post has been reported. It could be due to breaking rules or something as simple as bad use of bbcodes which breaks the page format. We will attend to this soon.
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#23 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd April 2020 15:49

Deleting my comment, please approve.

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#24 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd April 2020 16:16
Please stick to the current topic. Irrelevant posts, posts inciting a debate or disrespect towards another member will be removed without notice. Jazakumullah
Please only post relevant issues to the current topic, otherwise please start a new topic. Jazakumullah
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#25 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd April 2020 16:20
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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This has been echoed by a prominent and respected muttaqi professional member on this forum. He had said efforts start, become prominent, and then decline. This cycle usually takes a century. For DU Deoband it has been over 150 years since it came into being. Maulana Isa Mansoori's (DB) criticisms of the ulama of India also echoes these sentiments. He says the ulama faded away into the madaris after independence was achieved and left the running of the country to the non Muslim politicians. They neglected modern education and the community fell behind dramatically.
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#26 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd April 2020 16:23

Intrepid wrote:
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The extrapolation from your post is common-sense and straight forward.

Maulana Yusuf Shabbir Saheb (HA) is an Alim and his expertise is providing guidance related to Deen. He is doing his job in this time of crisis. He is sticking to his field while never denying the works of other in this article.

If you ask a Doctor about what to do he will give specific medical advise while not steering into religious advice.

The "representative" from MCB is taking unnecessary digs at a Scholar when the entire purpose of "MCB" is to bring Muslims together. This is exactly and precisely the condescending attitude towards Ulama which I dislike from certain professionals. IF an Alim makes an error or misrepresents facts (which are outside of their domain) then by all means they should be corrected.

Here, Maulana Yusuf Shabbir Saheb (HA) has done nothing wrong and this Modernist/Secularist Jackass is taking a dig at him for no reason.

abuzayd2k wrote:
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Wash your mouth with Soap and Water, young man. There are deficiencies in Darul-uloom Deoband :P

Reporting this post for blasphemy towards the Sahaba (RA) :lol
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#27 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd April 2020 16:32

Just like many other jamaats before it, Tabligh Jamaat is finished. It has served it's purpose and mashallah served it very well. May Allah reward all the sincere people who took part big and small. What remains today is just a reflection of what it once was. It is (partly) due to their arrogance and their belief that they are divinely appointed that some of them decided to ignore the authorities. Along with this, their split and other issues, Tabligh Jamaat will no longer enjoy the untouchable reputation they enjoyed in the past. They will be held to account like the rest of us mere mortals.

But Allah works in ways that we will never understand. Allah will create a situation that seems to go against us, but from that very situation Allah will create a means, a way, and goodness in such a manner that it will leave us astounded and wondering at his greatness if we were to ponder. We will experience a lot of hardship and oppression (as many muslims are doing right now!) before Allah reveals his plan. In this we must do sabr and we MUST unite as an ummah. Unity will give us strength, sabr, reassurance, yaqeen, and faith.

My gut instinct is that (and I could be very wrong) a new era in islam is coming and this is the era of the mujahideen. Tabligh Jamaat, sufi shaikhs, charities, social media shaikhs, amazing qarees, etc will not liberate the Chinese Muslims, will not liberate Palestine, will not liberate the rohingya, will not liberate the Muslims of India, will not liberate Muslims of Africa, will not liberate Muslims of the Levant, etc, etc, etc. Only the sincere mujahideen will do that and it is my opinion that they will be lead by the Mahdi. Mashallah there are many Muslims who are willing to lay down their life, but they lack unity and leadership. The mahdi will come as a mujaddid to revive the obligation of jihad and unite and lead the sincere mujahideen.

The last 10 - 20 years have seen massive changes. But nothing compared to the changes we have seen in the last few months. If this virus problem continues then we are going to see even bigger changes. Allah knows best what this virus is and when it will go, but one thing for definite is that the elite kuffar and their minions will take advantage of it. They will use it to further their grip on the world. But little do they know, Allah is the best of all planners.

Day in, day out we see that many of the signs have come to pass. Only the major signs remain. The worst of us are leading the world. Muslims are persecuted, incarcerated, tortured, women walk naked, homosexuality is the accepted norm and homophobia is rejected, etc etc. What more is there left???

Maybe this virus situation will get worse to the point that the people will be begging for a saviour. Maybe dajjal will come as a saviour and will use it to entice and compel people to join him. Allah knows best.

Allah is the best of all planners. Maybe this virus will bring down the West and open the way for the black banners of khurasan. Maybe our job right now is to help as many as we can and sit tight and do sabr until a time comes when Allah sends his decree and his enemies will be destroyed.

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#28 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd April 2020 16:46
xs11ax wrote:
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Maulana Umar Palanpuri (RA) had said that this (TJ) is the jamat that will join Sayyidina Isa (AS).

I guess that things have changed.

Also, Maulana Ilyas (RA) was distressed by the lack of ulama in leading positions ("I want each jamat to be guided by an alim and a qari.").
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#29 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd April 2020 16:59
The topic is not about TJ's
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#30 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd April 2020 20:04
xs11ax wrote:
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black banners of khurasan
What does this mean?
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