Darul Uloom served its immediate purpose of founding with the end of the British Raj. This is according to none other than Mufti Shafi Uthmani (RA) and he was absolutely right.
I hope that one day Allah Ta'ala makes you realise the gravity of what you actually say and give you the ability to look at things in the light of Islam. (Ameen).
Darul Uloom served its immediate purpose of founding with the end of the British Raj.
And the fact that the person whom you are quoting actually left India and migrated to Pakistan so I am not sure if I take your words (about him) or take his action but this actually get funnier by the day. :lol
Would you like to also tell me that the:
Earth is not Flat!
Welcome to stating the obvious, sunshine!
Deleting my comment, please approve.
The extrapolation from your post is common-sense and straight forward.
Maulana Yusuf Shabbir Saheb (HA) is an Alim and his expertise is providing guidance related to Deen. He is doing his job in this time of crisis. He is sticking to his field while never denying the works of other in this article.
If you ask a Doctor about what to do he will give specific medical advise while not steering into religious advice.
The "representative" from MCB is taking unnecessary digs at a Scholar when the entire purpose of "MCB" is to bring Muslims together. This is exactly and precisely the condescending attitude towards Ulama which I dislike from certain professionals. IF an Alim makes an error or misrepresents facts (which are outside of their domain) then by all means they should be corrected.
Here, Maulana Yusuf Shabbir Saheb (HA) has done nothing wrong and this Modernist/Secularist Jackass is taking a dig at him for no reason.
Wash your mouth with Soap and Water, young man. There are deficiencies in Darul-uloom Deoband :P
This cannot be undone and I am sure it will be greatly appreciated.
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