100% agree with Orya Maqbool Jan and I have always felt this very strongly. I was abused for many years for speaking this but the experience of Indian Muslims is proving this point.
- Al-Qaeda: Parachuted itself in every (local) conflict and tried to mobilise (take the lead) from local Muslims.
- Taliban: Strongly pushed foreign help (Pakistanees & others), requested for Duas but worked on establishing and developing local indigenous capability
Indian Muslims (Owaisi to be specific) has firmly cut off Pakistan's propaganda. Pakistani Muslims are hurt and disoriented but the resistance of Indian Muslims (along with Indians) is praiseworthy.
I believe that a time will come that J-I-H-A-D will begin in India but it will be indigenous.
A time will come when Indian Muslims will have no choice but to K-I-L-L or be K-I-L-L-E-D but Indian Muslims have rejected foreign or J-I-H-A-D-I intervention.