In over 25 years of personal experience in multiple continents, I have YET to a single person whose Islah has been done by Tassawuff in terms of improvement in Akhlaq. External appearances etc change by being a Tableeghi/Salafi/Barelwee etc in fact without being anything.
Most people are Kareem and from a good family so they are fine to begin with. I have YET to see a Nasty person change (and I don’t mean a killer/gangster/drug dealer turn to growing a beard and making Salah) because that is normal and routine.
The day I witness it and the Shaykh I witness it from, I will become his Mureed.
I have no doubt that Tassawuff is from the Sunnah and it is necessary. It is necessary for certain people to safeguard their Eemaan, just like for some people it is going to Darul-uloom, for some people its Tableegh, for some people its family, friends.
Whatever it takes to safeguard your Eeman but the lofty claims and what we read in books DOES NOT exist in our times. Maybe it does somewhere, somehow with someone.
I have seen plenty of bad, immoral people change and adopt the Sunnah and their lifestyles change without anywhere near Tasawwuf so that sort of change is entirely possible but if Tasawuuf is ISLAH of the INSIDE, never seen a single person.
The Sunnah of Nabi (Sallalaho Alaihe Wassallam) has unique powers and a person changes automatically, by Tassawuff I mean Adhakar and reading things thousands of times daily etc.
sipraomer wrote:
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I am ready to take Bay't.
لا حَوْلَ وَلا قُوَّةَ إِلا بِالله