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#91 [Permalink] Posted on 21st September 2018 14:59
Trump to OPEC : On Twitter

Donald J. Trump

We protect the countries of the Middle East, they would not be safe for very long without us, and yet they continue to push for higher and higher oil prices! We will remember. The OPEC monopoly must get prices down now!
4:13 PM - Sep 20, 2018

That is why I asked,how can Saudi join CPEC without American consent?

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#92 [Permalink] Posted on 21st September 2018 19:09

Rajab wrote:
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There is a very strong opinion in Pakistan to get 70-75% of money back and then let these go. It costs money to keep corrupt leaders incarcerated (for their Security etc) and the only positive is that it massages the egos of certain people.

Election is over and nobody cares if Nawaz stays in Jail or exits the country. They do need his money!

You may increasingly see other releases and plea deals where Pakistan gets some of the money back.

You may have seen British police arrest, question and then release the chief money launderer for PPP:

Its the money which is important and not jailing people.

ALIF wrote:
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Pakistan is dead important for America and they simply cannot let it go.

A few years when India amassed its forces on the border and were poised to enter Pakistan, Saudi air force donated an entire squadron of F-15 to negate Indian BVR (beyond Visual range) capability to give Pakistan eyes in the skies (pictures are on the forum, somewhere).

You have to ask yourself, why would Saudia (a clear American poodle) donate American technology to Pakistan?

There are three possible reasons:

  1. Saudees are helping Pakistan with American consent. Pakistan is just too important to cut and let drift
  2. There has always been genuine support for Pakistan in Saudia (historically) so they are continuing with it
  3. US hegemony is being countered (economically) and countries which are wise in their planning will try to get a piece of the Chinese pie (if it will be stupid not too).

India is a strategic American ally and YET despite American sanctions they are buying Iranian oil:

America has put sanctions on China for buying Russian Su-35 and S-400

But India is also buying the same and knows about the sanctions…

Charbahar cannot match Gawadar in terms of natural geography and capacity

Iran sooner or later will join CBI, it’s the new gravy train and Iran will need a piece of the action as their economy is faltering

As I always said, countries to what is best for them and look after their national interests. It is in the national interest of Iran to take sides with Russia & China. Shia-Sunni fight may be important but it does not pay bills or buy Roti!

P.S: As the economy of Britain worsens, I see them closely aligning themselves with Pakistan (due to CPEC), British have always been very smart tactical traders. India doesn’t give two whistles to Britain but they know that they can make two pennies in Pakistan. All they need to do is arrest a few people in London and give some (stolen) money back and in turn they get a piece of the action in CPEC.

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#93 [Permalink] Posted on 21st September 2018 19:44
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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I agree,it is the stolen money which counts rather than keeping nawaz in jail,moreover if he dies in jail
(natural death or assassinated) , he may become a hero like Bhutto. He simply does not deserve it...

The politics in the region is becoming ever more complex by the day. America may need Pakistan but Trump is practically pushing it towards China ( and by extension to Russia) by being too harsh to Pakistan (and too kind to Modi).

The way India cancelled the agreed meeting between the two foreign ministers targetting (in a very undiplomatic way) the person of Imran khan will strengthen his position further in the masses. After all what has he done to India in his short tenure in office which irritated India so much ? It gives credence to the already strong impression in Pakistan, that unlike the past IK is the ‘home made’ leader who will act only in the interest of Pakistan.

The way America and China is on the path to head on collision ( sooner or later) allows Pakistan little room for manoeuvring to keep both China and America happy. It will have to choose sides and the choice is obvious....

It will certainly have its effects not only on the region but also on the internal politics of Pakistan.The present so called western democratic system does not suit the ‘international role’ forced upon Pakistan by the circumstances and by the stupidity of Trump. A new model of government will have to replace the old system and old politicians will become irrelevant as the game unfolds.
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#94 [Permalink] Posted on 21st September 2018 21:24
does anyone know what happened between US sec of state visit to pakistan last week with IK? Didnt really hear much on the news. did they agree on anything or discuss regional affairs?

also as we all know there is no such thing as a free lunch, so when countries like saudi give pak billions in loans and aids what is pak giving in return? no one gives money without strings attached.

finally whats IK relationship with china? it seems the chinese just like the yankees before them have bought the muslims nations with their donations and now no muslim nation dare condemn them for the zulm on the ugiuer muslims
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#95 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd September 2018 00:03
This post has been reported. It could be due to breaking rules or something as simple as bad use of bbcodes which breaks the page format. We will attend to this soon.
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#96 [Permalink] Posted on 20th October 2018 10:55

Masjid Speakers:

PTI Government uses Mosque speakers in Punjab to announce social measures.

  1. Cleanliness is half of Eemaan so don't throw Trash. If you do you will be prosecuted and fined
  2. Illegal encroachments needs to be broken in 2 days, If you do you will be prosecuted and fined
  3. All Mosque noticeboards have detailed instructions, Qari Saheb has also been informed

Youtube Video

P.S: Mosque speakers in Pakistan are NOT just used for Adhan, they are used for inciting sactarianism by everyone.

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#97 [Permalink] Posted on 20th October 2018 10:58

Umrah Tax abolished on Pakistanees:

Islamabad: Saudi Arabia has agreed to withdraw an additional Umrah fee of SAR2,000 (Dh1,958) for Pakistanis following a request made by Prime Minister Imran Khan during his recent visit to Saudi Arabia.

The information was shared by secretary of religious affairs Mohammad Mushtaq with the senate committee that met to discuss the problems faced by Pakistanis while performing Haj and Umrah.

The chairman of senate standing committee on religious affairs, senator Maulana Abdul Ghafour Haideri, said he had received several complaints about the “discriminatory tax” of SAR2,000 by Saudi government on Pakistani pilgrims performing more than one Umrah within two years.

Mushtaq explained that the rationale behind the Saudi move was to discourage repeated Umrah by some people and that the same tax had been levied on all pilgrims. “However this new tax of SAR2,000 on people performing more than one Umrah within two years has been abolished for the people of Egypt and Turkey after requests were made by governments of these countries to the Saudi government,” Mushtaq said.

The matter had been first taken up with the Saudi authorities in Islamabad and later “the prime minister during his visit to Saudi kingdom took up the matter with the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman and he has agreed to abolish the tax,” the secretary said, adding that the Saudi government would notify the waiver soon.

The committee was also informed about this year’s Haj operations and that the ministry of religious affairs would start preparations for Haj 2019 in January.

Saudi Arabia was the first foreign destination of Pakistan’s new Prime Minister Imran Khan where he held meetings with Saudi King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud and the Crown to enhance cooperation in political, defence, economic, commercial, and cultural sectors, as well as developing “joint ventures.”

A recent meeting between Pakistan’s minister for information Chaudhry Fawad Hussain and Ambassador of Saudi Arabia Nawaf Bin Saeed Al Malki also highlighted the close relations between the two friendly countries. The information minister said Pakistan has always valued its cordial and friendly relations with the brotherly country, while the Saudi Ambassador asserted that Saudi Arabia considers Pakistan a friend with whom Riyadh enjoys time-tested close relations.

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#98 [Permalink] Posted on 28th October 2018 19:11

تبدیلی مصطفیٰ کی اطاعت سے آئیگی
تبدیلی صرف دین کی محنت سے آئیگی

تبدیلی کے شوقین کو گانے پسند ہیں
تبدیلی تو قرآں کی تلاوت سے آئیگی

تبدیلی ضروری ہے میرےدیس میں لیکن
تبدیلی کیا ہر وقت کے غیبت سے آئیگی

تبدیلی کارواں میں کئی کالے ناگ ہیں
تبدیلی صحابہ کی محبت سے آئیگی

تبدیلی کی باتوں سےہمیں بغض نہیں ہے
تبدیلی مگر دینی قیادت سے آئیگی

تبدیلی چاہیے تو سنو غور سے ناداں
تبدیلی صالحین کی صحبت سے آئیگی

تبدیلی کیسے لاؤ گے کشکول اُٹھا کر
تبدیلی کیا اغیار کے دولت سے آئیگی

تبدیلی معیشت سے نہ اسباب سے ہدہد
تبدیلی اتباعِ شریعت سے آئیگی

✍ بابا ہُدہُد الہ آبادی
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#99 [Permalink] Posted on 29th October 2018 01:23
bint e aisha wrote:
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Google translation for non Urdu speakers

# Change

Change will come from obedience to Mustafa (saw)
The change will only come from the hard work of religion

Those who want change are fond of songs/singing
The change will come from the Koran recitation

Change is necessary in my land but
Will change come from backbiting all the time ?

The change caravan has many black snakes
The change will come from the love of the companions

We do not get angry with talk of change
The change will come from senior religious leadership

If you want to change your mind then listen closely
The change comes from the companionship of the righteous

Will you make change by turning to violence ?
Will change come from the wealth of others?

Change will not come from having more wealth and means
The change will come from following the religious laws (shariah)

Baba Hudhud Elahabadi
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#100 [Permalink] Posted on 29th October 2018 08:54
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#101 [Permalink] Posted on 30th October 2018 09:50

abuzayd2k wrote:
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I am not a poet or Dr76 or Alif but isn't the dude's pen name "Hud-Hud" like mentioned in the Qur'aan:

وَتَفَقَّدَ ٱلطَّيۡرَ فَقَالَ مَا لِىَ لَآ أَرَى ٱلۡهُدۡهُدَ أَمۡ ڪَانَ مِنَ ٱلۡغَآٮِٕبِينَ

[27:20] And he took attendance of the birds and said, "Why do I not see the hoopoe - or is he among the absent?

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#102 [Permalink] Posted on 31st October 2018 11:09
bint e aisha wrote:
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MashaAllah today they have proved they are aashiqan-e-Rasool!! Allah's curse be on liars!
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#103 [Permalink] Posted on 31st October 2018 21:03

Muadh_Khan wrote:
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I wrote on the 24th of August 2018:

He needs to be lot less like "Imran Khan" and more like a Politician at this time and he has shown no capability of that over the years. He only has one gear!

This was an issue for the Supreme Court and nothing to do with Imran Khan BUT Imran Khan opened his big mouth and changed the topic and owned it.

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#104 [Permalink] Posted on 13th November 2018 09:48
A PTI Member of National Assembly Asma Hadeed calling for conciliation with Israel:
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#105 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2018 09:50

bint e aisha wrote:
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Is she deranged???

Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihe Wassalllam) was from Bani-Israel???

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