Did you know ‘khawarij’ declared war on Syedena Ali Ra because of their wrong interpretation of this and similar ayaat ?
I have a lot of respect, love and heartfelt admiration for Tableeghi Jamaat but the fact is that they cannot even sort out their own house and internal differences so how will they lead the Ummah in any meaningful way?
How can they reform the Ummah and take leadership when they cannot even sort out their own leadership issues (TWICE)!
1. You like others are coming to the conclusions too quickly Ya Akhi.
2. You say like some other tablighis that if Taliban would have done this or that, people wouldn't have changed their ways when Taliban government was gone. However, you have overlooked the fact that from the very same people, there have been several thousand shuhada in the path of Allah who have supported Taliban and still they are supporting them today.
3. Who do you think is supporting Taliban today/ And isn't it true that the US is losing there despite of spending billions of dollars in an 18 year long war. How the Taliban are still surviving if people are not supporting them? The enemy acknowledges this that they control at least 75% area of the country at this very moment. So who is loser? Taliban for sure have not lost the war, it is still on going and coming to conclusions beforehand isn't rational. Give them credit for their courage and sacrifices.
4. As far as reforming the nation is concerned, how much time were they given? Only 4 troublesome years. Do you know how difficult was it for them to control and govern such a country with limited and insufficient resources?
5. And when you say that if ulema give a call for jihad and khilafah no one will come. Have you forgotten the war with Soviet Union? Tabligh at that time was not spread to the extent it is in current times, yet millions of Muslims gave their lives for the noble cause. Have you also forgotten this 18 year old war? Did ghosts fight the kuffar instead of humans this time? People of high iman and sacrifice are present even in these troubled times.
6. Again, you missed the message in my long reply. Shariah is not about lashes or punishments. When state resources are used for educating the masses and preventing culprits from emerging then the speed of islah will increase tenfold. It is a very simple logic.
7. No one is denying the importance and benefit of Tabligh. However, you think that it is enough but I think it is not. This is the only point which I am making. Everyone will not be corrected with this effort alone. We need a true khilafah badly.
8. No one is denying the importance of iman building. However, evil environment is the enemy of iman no matter what you do, your iman is negatively affected. Without shariah this environment can't be changed and evil can't be stopped. Also, ahadith tell us very clearly, that not all will be participating in establishing khilafah. Only the people of certain qualities will. And not everyone is directly required to establish a khilafah. The dawah of khilafah is also a positive contribution in this. So everyone is required to play his/her part as much as is in his power and everyone will be questioned accordingly.
This cannot be undone and I am sure it will be greatly appreciated.
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