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bint e aisha, Maripat, Eliza Zegham, sipraomer, Taalibah, abuzayd2k
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#151 [Permalink] Posted on 5th December 2018 04:40
Alhamdulillah. Allah protected me from voting and participating in stupid democracy. My standing applause to those ulema who have written in great length against democracy and have exposed it's true treacherous, cunning, hypocritical, ambiguous and un settling, dual nature. My appeal to all Muslims. Never participate in democracy and any un Islamic political, socio, economic system as much as possible.
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#152 [Permalink] Posted on 5th December 2018 05:44
sipraomer wrote:
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I didn't mean the government literally. I meant the real masters of our current government who are running the entire sham from behind the scenes and the powerful agencies that they have at their disposal. They don't want anyone to stand up to their faithful puppets that are the PTI politicians.
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#153 [Permalink] Posted on 5th December 2018 06:09
sipraomer wrote:
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Where do you live, akhi? The jungle? You are living in a country run by democracy. You not voting ensures that Pakistan will become more and more secular and our Deen will be erased. Is it not better to vote for people who show that they respect our Deen and ensure that these politicians cannot say anything about Islam because we will hurt them where it counts?

My appeal to my Muslim bros, please go out and vote. Vote for people who will help the Deen and do not let the kuffar abd secularists win.
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#154 [Permalink] Posted on 5th December 2018 06:33
A 90 year old Alim-e-Deen, Mufti Yousuf Sultani has passed away in jail. Orya Maqbool Jan is infuriated. His clip is worth listening.
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#155 [Permalink] Posted on 5th December 2018 07:51
Bilal_Ummati wrote:
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Well, I belong to the people who are known as Janglees. We live in chaks and before the british my ancestors used to live in the jungle.

Islam cant be protected through democracy and those who vote for any government are equally responsible for the actions of that government. Democracy is shirk because only Allah has the right to legislate.
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#156 [Permalink] Posted on 5th December 2018 09:10
One of my brailvi friends whatsapped me the agreement between government and tlp. I replied him that may this be true but I don't trust these guys (the government).
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#157 [Permalink] Posted on 5th December 2018 09:10
sipraomer wrote:
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I agree except the last sentence. Democracy is a faulty system,and I can write at length about it, but it is NOT shirk. Islam gives the right to make laws for day to day business according to sharia. In a country like Pakistan where the constitution declares Allāh swt as the sovereign and the rulers acting as subservient, and where the constitution clearly makes mandatory to change any law of the land which is contrary to sharia,and where ‘Islamic ideology council’ is supposed to keep an eye on such issues,democracy can’t be called shirk...
That such provisions of constitution are not put into practice is a collective sin,no doubt about it,but calling the democracy of Pakistan SHIRK is an ‘extreme’ view which should better be avoided. The 1973 constitution of Pakistan bears the signatures of some great scholars belonging to all schools of thought, we may have to call them ‘mushrik’ too, نعوذ بالله من ذالك
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#158 [Permalink] Posted on 5th December 2018 09:15
ALIF wrote:
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w wردِ-جمہوریت-پر-مختلف-مکاتب-فکر-کے-جید-علماء-و-مفتیانِ-کرام-کے-فتاویٰ-و-فرامین-حص/1436039326710100/

Copy paste the link in your browser, and remove the spaces from www.
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#159 [Permalink] Posted on 5th December 2018 09:42
bint e aisha wrote:
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I am talking about Democracy in Pakistan under the 1973 constitution,not just any democracy,and I have given my reasons for it.

Disagreements are part of healthy discussion and are very welcome :)

ہم پرورشِ لوح و قلم کرتے رہیںگے
جو دل پہ گزرتی ہے رقم کرتے رہیںگے
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#160 [Permalink] Posted on 5th December 2018 09:45
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#161 [Permalink] Posted on 5th December 2018 09:53
ALIF wrote:
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1. The constitution which those scholars signed has been tampered with, starting with the amendments of his majesty z.a.bhutto late himself.

2. Some major muftis and ulema of our maslak have declared it kufr. For example Mufti Nizamuddin Shamzai Shaheed Rh, Mufti Abu Lubaba Shah Mansoor Sahab RH and others. link. Watch all the five clips.

3. This constitution has contradictory laws in it. For example, the president has the right to acquit a murderer where as in Islam only the family of the one who was killed can leave the criminal by taking blood money. This is why I say that Dajjal's arrival is very near. This system is only there to fool the practicing Muslims that one day Islam will be implemented through this. Muslim brotherhood also believed in this strategy, Tayyap Erdagon is trying his best, Jamat e Islami has also been fooled by it and the Afghan fighters are very clear about it.

3. As far as those ulema who agree with democracy are concerned , I consider them Muslims but I believe that their ijtihad in favour of democracy is a mistake.

4. Islam has the system of Shooriayat and not Jamhooriat. When we seek guidance in other things from Quran and Sunnah of Prophet SAWS and Sahaba RA then why in politics and economics we have to see other way around. Why are we fighting the kuffar in Afghanistan. This war is not about resources or anything else. It's the system for which both parties are fighting.

5. If we have to promote democracy here then what's the reason of promoting and supporting shariah there?
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#162 [Permalink] Posted on 5th December 2018 10:02
Voting for a democratic party doesn't mean you want it to be anti Shariah.

If there were Ulama who stood up to be elected (democratically) then what would one do? Vote right.

In the cases we have around the world, when we vote, we need to vote for those closest to the Deen or those who are in the our best interest, otherwise we are giving way to those who are against our Deen. A NO vote means that the other party is one more point ahead and it is the fault of the non voter!

When a party closest in aiding the Ummah is voted in - Who knows where it will lead, so long as we did't let the others take the seat.

When we want reform, it doesn't have to come in the form of scholars, it can be a layperson. Even a layperson can become the reviver overnight.
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#163 [Permalink] Posted on 5th December 2018 10:20
ALIF wrote:
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وَمَن لَّمۡ يَحۡكُم بِمَآ أَنزَلَ ٱللَّهُ فَأُوْلَـٰٓٮِٕكَ هُمُ ٱلۡكَـٰفِرُونَ

"And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are the disbelievers."

In many cases, Shara'ii punishments are not implemented in our courts, even the laws are different!
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#164 [Permalink] Posted on 5th December 2018 10:28
Failure of the democratic governments make our claim of shariah more strong and this further develops the need and yearning of implementation of Shariah in the practicing Muslims. Also the non practicing Muslims also start pondering about the alternative which Islam gives for the solutions of the problems they are having. By supporting democracy for reason A or reason B , we are cooling down the emotions of sincere Muslims and all of us are letting the kuffar fool us that someday democracy will solve our problems or it's less evil.

For me one deen, Islam or no Islam. How can I mix it's teachings with any other way of life? How can I let my self to be confused.
Islam will come only through revolution. The Khorasani revolution which will spread from Khorasan to the subcontinent and then to the rest of the world under the leadership of Imam Mahdi. Until then avoid participating in the secular system as much as possible. Participate in apolitical social welfare, academic and dawah activities. Avoid politics on all costs. I have my reasons. However, I am not imposing my views on others.
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#165 [Permalink] Posted on 5th December 2018 10:41

Adyan ki jang by Maulana Asim Umar HA. I don't agree with (and understand) everything mentioned in this book, however it's an excellent book written on this topic.
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