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#46 [Permalink] Posted on 28th August 2018 04:23
Rajab wrote:
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1. He traveled in economy class while going to some place through aeroplane.

2. He only allowed tea and biscuits to be served to foreign diplomats. The total cost of food or serving to 8 foreign diplomats was Seven or Eight hundred ruppees and that also he said is more than was needed to spend.

3. Unlike the realists, I have stopped watching TV (including news) from the last four or so years. Don't believe what you hear in the media.
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#47 [Permalink] Posted on 28th August 2018 20:12
Rajab wrote:
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There is some unnecessary criticism of IK going on.Unfortunately,he himself is responsible for it. Austerity measures are important but not at the cost of his life (there being numerous threat alerts issued to him already by intelligence agencies). Moreover,it could have been enough to curtail the expenditure of PM house,there was no need to avoid living there,his office is in PM house and it only makes sense to live there and guide the functioning of government. The same logic is applied to Governor houses and chief minister houses.Such superficial and cosmetic measure are not sufficient solutions for the economic problems faced by the country anyway...

Change is required in the way government is run,policies are made and executed,priorities are identified and implicated,corruption is stopped and corrupts punished,planes made for bringing relief to people where possible. In other words change requires solid practical steps rather than cosmetic measures we are witnessing.

Unfortunately,like every other field of life,press has also become thoroughly corrupt and money oriented. The previous two governments had given them some very bad habits like bribes in the disguise of gifts,taking them along on foreign trips and spending government money on them etc,now when they see such “privileges” slipping out of their hands they feel threatened and annoyed and have started picking on small issues to blackmail IK,but as I wrote earlier,in his ‘innocence’ it is IK himself who is providing them with the ammunition. He should know that NOW he is the prime minister of the country challenging a well entrenched establishment of corrupt mafias,hence more caution is required.
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#48 [Permalink] Posted on 29th August 2018 09:21
ALIF wrote:
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And Mullah Umar ran his country from a tent.
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#49 [Permalink] Posted on 29th August 2018 09:51
abu mohammed wrote:
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i feel we were blessed to be alive during the time Mullab Omar رضي الله عنه walked this earth but lets face it Mullah omar was Mullah omar. men like him dont come around often. you cnt expect IK to imitate the best leader islam has had over past few 100 yrs. lets settle for IK to follow in footsteps of erodgan, king faisal رضي الله عنه ziaul haq رضي الله عنه mursi.
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#50 [Permalink] Posted on 29th August 2018 15:24
abu mohammed wrote:
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Don't compare a mujahid wali with a secularly educated sportsman turned politician.
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#51 [Permalink] Posted on 29th August 2018 15:44
sipraomer wrote:
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I didn't :)

I was pointing out the extreme secure measures that are needed in a country which already is filled with corruption and ammunition compared to a country where there was/is an ongoing war, corruption, looting, murder, terrorism and so on, yet just a presidential tent :)
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#52 [Permalink] Posted on 29th August 2018 17:13
abu mohammed wrote:
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Sayyidina Ameer Mauiwyah RA despite of being a great Sahabi took protective measures unlike the Khulafa e Rashidoon. Nothing wrong in taking protective measures.
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#53 [Permalink] Posted on 29th August 2018 17:22
I would like to point out a more serious problem.

Whether it is Tayyip Erdagon or Imran Khan, in order to truly succeed they would have to banish the riba economic system and restore dirham and dinar as currency. Otherwise, their success will be superficial and short lived. And in order to do so, the whole nation must be prepared to fight a global war with the whole kafir world. This can only happen if the culture of jihad is promoted by the state.

Going against the wishes of USA and yet believing that we can solve our problems while still holding on to fake paper money and interest based banking is ignorance of the highest order. Even if we remain American puppet , dealing in interest means war with Allah and His Messenger SAWS and in that war no one but Allah and His Messenger SAW Will win.
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#54 [Permalink] Posted on 29th August 2018 18:03
sipraomer wrote:
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isnt that what saddam tried to do? look what happened to him.
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#55 [Permalink] Posted on 29th August 2018 18:49
xs11ax wrote:
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Saddam was a Baathist. May Allah accept his Islam if he truly repented and accept his sahada.

What can I say. Ok! Let's wait and see what happens next. However, this thing is for sure that the present system can't solve our problems.
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#56 [Permalink] Posted on 30th August 2018 17:08
xs11ax wrote:
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Should one be ready to wage war against the creation or the Creator? The choice is yours.
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#57 [Permalink] Posted on 30th August 2018 21:47
past few hours received videos and whatsapp msgs about imran khan speaking out against the dutch who were planning on drawing pictures of rasoolullah (saw) and that now the dutch have cancelled it.

not saying it was a direct result but hats off to him. no other pakistani leader or any world leader has ever come out to condemn. not a peep from kha'inul haramain as usual.

to publicly come out in this fashion in defence of our prophet ( not that he needs defending) may Allah reward him. already some apostates and munafiqs are upset with him saying he exporting blasphemy laws to the 'civilized' west
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#58 [Permalink] Posted on 4th September 2018 12:18
I don't know what he is thinking by appointing people like Amir Liaquat on Kashmir Committee. He should kick out this joker from his party. As a sane person, why did he even give party ticket to that scum bag on the first place?
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#59 [Permalink] Posted on 4th September 2018 12:25

sipraomer wrote:
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Imran Khan is no Khalifa or a Maulana, he is trying to be a politican. I am with you and I hate ALH but PTI needed "electables" to get into power. ALH and PTI may not last long together, they are 180 degrees of each other.

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#60 [Permalink] Posted on 4th September 2018 12:32
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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So, there was no other electable to replace ALH?

Yeah, I know that IK is not a khalifah but he should be sensible. This can hurt his party and his image big time.
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