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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Conspiracy Theories and Fake Research

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Muadh_Khan's avatar
Muadh_Khan's avatar
#1 [Permalink] Posted on 18th April 2020 13:46

Every digital platform in the world has taken steps to ensure that FAKE NEWS and unfounded theories about Coronavirus (COVID-19) are flagged. However, people are posting whatever they want in the name of research.

I strongly suggest to either remove the posts OR move them to "Conspiracy Theories" thread. I opened the thread deliberately for people to satisfy their Nafs.

A scientific study is something which is published in a reputable journal, references and critiqued and not random videos etc, no matter how slick the production values.

People are attacking FACTS with half backed theories and scare tactics and this has to be stopped.

Secondly, as in the past start blocking posts which are incoherent and written in Urdu (ect) without translation.

Disinformation, Misinformation should NOT be allowed, no matter how sincere the poster.

A person can easily google and find that "Tonic water" cures COVID-19 by a Doctor and viewed nearly 2 million times

Doesn't mean that it should be quoted as "scientific"
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Muadh_Khan's avatar
Muadh_Khan's avatar
#2 [Permalink] Posted on 18th April 2020 15:18
Shaykhul-Islam Mufti Taqi Usmani (HA) is leading the Ulama Committee on Coronavirus and his stance on the issue is crystal clear.

Why is Forum allowing disinformation from certain members?

  • This person is either deliberately LYING
  • OR not intelligent enough to comment

Either way, these sort of Posts should be censored.

This is N-O-T the opinion of Mufti Taqi Usmani (HA) on Coronavirus and his stance is clear. A person has the right to disagree but DOES NOT have the right to spread disinformation!
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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 27th April 2020 13:48
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ssaad's avatar
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 27th April 2020 13:56
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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I didn't lie
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super-glue's avatar
super-glue's avatar
#5 [Permalink] Posted on 13th February 2021 19:18
Once you realize the same people calling you a conspiracy theorist are the same people wearing triple-face coverings, hiding in their homes and lining up to be a government science experiment...

It becomes a compliment.

Dr. Suneil Jain wrote:
Do people just wake up one day & suddenly decide to be "anti-vax"?

NO! They've either had a negative experience personally or done more reading & understanding than most doctors. Nobody wants to challenge the most powerful & corrupt industry in the world just for $h**s & giggles

Referring to someone who highlights corruption, suppression, and manipulation of science, asks valid questions about science and shares valid science that the mainstream selectively ignores as "anti-science" is ironically textbook "anti-science" behavior

Today's most popular conspiracy theory:

Believing that all people who think differently than you are conspiracy theorists.

In science, questions are welcome, alternative ideas are cherished, and concerns are explored.

In scientism, questions aren't welcome, alternative ideas are banished, and concerns are ignored.

"Conspiracy Theorist" - Nothing more than a derogatory title used to dismiss a critical thinker

As saying goes, not every conspiracy is a theory
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abuzayd2k's avatar
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd June 2022 09:16
Journalist Johnny Harris talks about the lab leak hypothesis:
It is mind blowing to me that a hypothesis can be labeled as "fringe" and "conspiracy" all because of politics, and then it can immediately just get reversed depending on the political climate.

It is very disappointing to me that scientists whose motive should be nothing but seeking the truth, keeping everything on the table that has any promise, are digging in their heels, throwing a legitimate hypothesis off the table and lobbying to keep it out of the public, and showing that they are probably influenced by the the fact that their funding and life's work is associated with the other hypothesis that they don't like. I get it when politicians do that, but leading experts, who we are looking to for truth and guidance... like, come on guys...
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd June 2022 10:21
We have passed Covid-19, so any new hypothesis done is mostly to deter attention from known facts, facts about the dangers of the vaccine.

Muadh was and still is wrong about the dangers of the vaccine. We have thousands of doctors shifting their support and and confirming the dangers of the vaccine.

The world's leading virologists are being silenced by unqualified medical experts from WHO to Microsoft!
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Yasin's avatar
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd June 2022 11:30
abu mohammed wrote:
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The reason that video is not censored is because it suggests that covid is real. "Created in a lab" means it exists when its proven it doesn't exist. It's so similar to moon landing where they actually said it doesn't matter what the hell they believe as long as they believe we went. Aliens, structures, UFO whatever. Same tactic with covid. Allow the conspiracy videos that suggests it exists by any means. You'll find those on YouTube.

Try finding a video about covid not existing. Search "Covid doesnt exist" and see what results come up.

Then search 'was covid created in a lab' and see if those videos are allowed.

Amazing still, is that the misguided still can't connect the dots. Some want the truth but they want to settle for the theory that suggests it's real to justify the poison they injected in themselves.

Not sure why you mentioned Muadh but he was very aggressive and rude during the covid hysteria. He was taking about me being questioned on day of judgement etc. My info hasn't harmed anyone whereas his info has harmed 4.6 million people since the vaccine rollout. That includes hundreds of thousands of deaths.

If he still reads this forum, you're welcome to go live with me to justify you're position, I'm a different, stronger person now.
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Yasin's avatar
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd June 2022 12:33
Muadh wrote:
I strongly suggest to either remove the posts OR move them to "Conspiracy Theories" thread. I opened the thread deliberately for people to satisfy their Nafs.

Alhamdulillah that's exactly what we did. We didn't allow misinformation about covid. We silenced the conspiracy theorists. Now all you will find here is truth, facts and actual science. It's unfortunate that this step you requested ended up banning you due to the dangers you highlighted yourself.
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 27th February 2023 11:41
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