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Unnecessary interactions of ghayr-mahram?

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd June 2014 07:02
As-salam-u-'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, fellow Muslims,

I am actually a recent member on the site, and was just going through some sub-forums, such the light side;jokes,
and to my surprise I observed unnecessary discussions between non-mahram.

What I learned was that talking is allowed only in necessity, to the point. Jokes I think are not necessary talks nor need non-mahram to interact with each other.

Kindly, some knowledgeable person, like Maulana Yasin, correct me if I am wrong, and give evidences

jazakumullahu khairan.
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd June 2014 11:18
This post has been reported. It could be due to breaking rules or something as simple as bad use of bbcodes which breaks the page format. We will attend to this soon.
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd June 2014 11:50
ibn Ismail wrote:
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Wa 'alaykumus salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

Dear brother,

if you quote some as example, then we can stay away from these inshaAllaah.
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Yasin's avatar
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd June 2014 12:15
ibn Ismail wrote:
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We have a report feature to report such posts. Please utilise it.

You have made many claims but provided no examples. And In the last paragraph you are asking me for evidences of claims you are making?

Please assist where possible and not make moral judgements from an unaware position.

Jzk. Ws
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd June 2014 14:42
ok will do insha'Allah, may I send a screen shot?
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd June 2014 15:03
ibn Ismail wrote:
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A link will be sufficient and much faster. Otherwise you can send any proof you feel is required. Jzk
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd June 2014 15:39
When, I first joined, I noticed a little bit of this myself, but didn't report it because it I was still settling in.

I can't remember who was involved, but there was a bit of "lol" and "oh dear" messages being exchanged and much of it was in a phone thread.

Allahu A'lam.
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd June 2014 15:43
At first you notice but slowly you become desentisized to it and it becomes normal.
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd June 2014 16:07
The members should not feel it's my responsibility alone or the mods alone. If you see something wrong, why let it go? You can report, PM or email to notify if you truly feel it's wrong.

Otherwise it sounds like judging and belittling when we make full effort to cut roots of Fitnah from its core. No other Islamic forum in the world has the measures we have in place from custom scripts, gender specification and restrictions ensuring this. Please give credit where it's due and please raise points immediately when you see it and not as a thread assuming that's what goes on without any sources, quotes or links.

Please do not discuss this any further unless you have actual links to posts (which can also be reported using the report post link below each post on the right if you do not wish to humiliate the member)

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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd June 2014 16:19
Yasin wrote:
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Respected Maulana, at the time I first signed up, I wasn't aware how strict and rigid the site adhered to Islamic prinipales. Brother Jinn, suggested the site as an alternative since SF had fallen asleep. I didn't know how well the members would react or what to expect. After settling in, I just forgot about it after a while.

I'll remain tight lipped now on the matter.
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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd June 2014 16:37

Yasin wrote:
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Maulana Yasin sahab, have you received my pm?
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd June 2014 16:38
Imam Ali wrote:
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I do agree somewhat. The Muftisays Gadget Guide which was known as "I'm moving to Apple" is one of those threads in which this did take place. But its not something that was offensive or haram. The thread itself is on the light side anyway.

I personally don't like the term LOL, I don't even use it (anymore). Khair, InshaAllah you wont find much of it happening anymore, even in other threads/sections. There maybe a few exceptions in the Light Side as this is meant to be on our funny side, but that doesn't mean we are interacting or joking with the opposite gender on the site in private.
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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd June 2014 17:02
abu mohammed wrote:
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Asalamualaikum brother,

I understand what you're saying, but is interacting with the opposite gender who're not blood related on a lighter note openly permitted in Islam?

I can understand we're insaan and we may slip here and there, but technically speaking is it allowed? I'm asking purely to clarify for my own understanding.
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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd June 2014 17:05
abu mohammed wrote:
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By Private, I mean by sending PM's or having personal discussions in private threads etc.

We have a dedicated sisters section where the sisters are well aware that the Admins have access to the entire site, so nothing personal/private is discussed.

There is a dedicated refutation section where only the brothers have access to that section, but nothing personal/private or for men only is ever discussed there. Members are also aware that Admins and Authorizers have access to that section.

PM's between brothers, sisters, those who haven't declared their gender and new members (until they have made enough posts to qualify) DO NOT got through until approved by an authorizer/admin.

Authorizers have a private section where we can discuss certain issues with each other or ask questions, call it a Mashwara section if you like, but again, its not between two people, all authorizers and admins can and do read the posts.
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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd June 2014 17:08
Imam Ali wrote:
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Islam is beautiful and it has its laws. I will let the Maulana answer that. Better to be safe than sorry.

On a light note too, don't we just hate it when the woman at the checkout in the supermarket tries to crack a joke. What can we do, its even worse when they are Muslim.
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