Halalified YT Audio
All praise is for Allah only. We praise Him and seek His help and guidance and forgiveness. And we seek refuge in Allah from the evil of our own selves and our bad actions. Whosoever Allah guides, no one can lead astray. And whosoever He leads astray, then no one can guide. And I bear witness there is none worthy of worship but Allah alone and without any partner. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and messenger, Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. He was sent with the true Deen so that it will become dominant over all other ways of life.
After that...
Allah Tabaraka wa Ta'ala says, after A'udhu billahi minash Shaitanir rajim:
"As for the male and female who does good and is a Mu'min, We will certainly grant them a good (peaceful and contented) life (in this world) and most surely reward them (in the Akhirah as well) for the good they used to do."
Nahl: 97
And Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: He who revives my Sunnah, has indeed loved me. And he who loves me will be with me in Jannah.(Tirmidhi)
Respected brothers,
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has honored this ummah with the greatest miracle. The greatest miracle and greatest favor is Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. And this a favor and miracle from Allah 'Azza wa Jall to this ummah. And this favor and miracle is a right to each and everyone from this ummah, men and women. And Allah 'Azza wa Jall has put isti'dad (capability) in the ummah; in men and women, so that they establish this favor and miracle. Allah has put great isti'dad in the ummah in relationship with this niyabah (being a deputy of Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam). There is isti'dad in men and isti'dad in women. Because everyone from among them is part of one occupation. The occupation of goodness...because everyone from among them is part of the occupation of responsibility. And Allah 'Azza wa Jall does not exclude anyone from this goodness. And He does not exclude anyone from this responsibility. Allah has put the greatest goodness in this ummah. And Allah has put the greatest responsibility upon this ummah.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala did not send a woman as a Nabi. However, every woman is a na'ibah (deputy) of the Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. So how great is this honor? Allah has made men and women deputies of the Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. There is no prophet to come after Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam but, being a deputy of Nabi is for men and women. Every person has a right in this deputization. And Allah addressed every one (from the believing ummah) with Iman. As Allah addressed the men with Iman, He also addressed the women with Iman. "And the believing men and women." [at-Taubah:71]. So the addressing of Iman is to both women and men. That means that women and men have a right in the effort of connecting to Al-Khaliq (Allah). The responsibility of this effort is not on the men only, without women. No...as there is a right to being a deputy of Nabi for the men in the effort of connecting to Allah 'Azza wa Jall, similarly, the women have a right to be deputies of Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam and to the effort of connecting to Allah Jalla Jalaluhu. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has made the life of the Qur'an a constitution for the ummah. Allah explains for us (through the Qur'an) what is Haqq (truth) and what is Batil (falsehood).
What are the means of Haqq and what are the means of Batil? The means of Haqq is Mujahadah (making effort for Deen) and the means of Batil is Mushahadah (perception of material things). Fir'aun had the means of Batil. He said, "Does not the land (kingdom) of Egypt and these rivers flowing beneath belong to me? Do you not see?" [Zukhruf: 51]. All the means of Mushahadah were with him. But Musa 'Alaihis salatu was salam and his mother, and his wife, and his sister and Asiya bint Muzahim (the wife of Fir'aun) - those women around Musa 'Alaihis salam...those women had Mujahadah. How great was Fir'aun's kingdom? And his means were great. But how many weaknesses are in women? Their isti'dad is weak...but their mujahadah is great. That is why Allah mentions in the Qur'an that means manifest Haqq and means abolish Batil. The Banu (children of) Isra'il were the children of Ambiya 'Alaihimus salatu was salam. But the Iman that came in the hearts of Banu Isra'il was mixed with disobedience. And what was the means of the spread of this disobedience? One thing..."They never prevented each other (did not abstain) from the evil that they used to carry out." [al-Ma'idah:79]. When they left Da'wah, disobedience came. So the Iman was mixed with disobedience, even though they were the children of Ambiya.
But the Iman that came in the lives of the Sahabah was complete Iman with obedience to Allah and His messenger Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Who were the fathers of the Sahabah? Worshipers of idols. And who were the fathers of Bani Isra'il? Ambiya. However, there is no relation between Allah and His creation. The relation between slaves and their Al-Khaliq is one relation; "Verily, the most honored of you in Allah's sight is the one with the most Taqwa." [al-Hujurat: 13]. So Banu Isra'il (became like that) because of disobedience and leaving the command of Da'wah. The command of Da'wah was fardh (obligatory) amongst themselves. But they left this obligation, so disobedience spread. So Allah imposed on them the worst of creation. The worst of creation was who? His enemy...the biggest disobedience on the face of creation...that a human being claims (for himself, like Fir'aun) oneness of lordship and worship. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala imposed on Bani Isra'il the worst of creation because of (their) evil deeds. So the worst punishment began on them. "We shall now kill (all) their sons and allow their daughters to live. We still have power over them." [al-A'raf:127] .
Punishment...what was the cause? What was the cause of punishment? The cause of punishment was the leaving of Da'wah. Okay, what is the solution? Lifting of punishment because of Da'wah. That is why Allah explains in His book (the Qur'an) the life of Musa 'Alaihis salatu was salam, from the beginning, until the end of the life of Musa 'Alaihis salatu was salam. All of Musa's life is a methodology for this ummah (that means his whole life is an example of Mujahadah). That is why Allah says about Musa, "...And We tried you with many trials." [Taha:40]. What is the meaning? That is, all of Musa's life was from one tribulation to another tribulation...from one to another. However, after every trial comes bestowal (of rewards). When does bestowal come from Allah? It comes after tribulations. And awards come after tests. So all of Musa's life was with tribulations but, after (each of) these tribulations was bestowal from Allah. That is why Allah 'Azza wa Jall loves Mujahadah...from everyone. So the problem is big but the solution is small. The solution is small. The problem is big but the solution is in Mujahadah. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala explains for us what is the problem and what is its solution.
What was the problem of Fir'aun? The problem of Fir'aun was a baby that had not been born. Fir'aun saw in a dream that a baby was born from the Bani Isra'il who would be the cause of demise of his kingdom. So Fir'aun became fearful of a baby that was not (yet) born. How much power is in Haqq? Musa is in the stomach of his mother and fear is in the heart of Fir'aun. How much power is in Haqq? So now, Fir'aun issued (the order) to slaughter the babies. However, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala made the lives of the Ambiya a cause of lifting punishment. Babies were slaughtered during the time Musa spent in the stomach of his mother. But when Musa was born, mercy was also born with him. After the birth of Musa it was impossible that a single baby be slaughtered...impossible. But when Musa was in the stomach of his mother, how many babies were slaughtered? Nabi (Muhammad) Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam was born in which year? Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam was born in the year if the elephant. Abrahah wanted to destroy the Ka'bah. And Muhammad Rasulullah was in the stomach of his mother. Is it possible that punishment will come?...impossible. So long as Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam was present, even if he is in the stomach of his mother, it will be impossible that punishment will come. "Allah shall not punish them while you are among them." [Anfal:31]. He was there...but in the stomach of his mother.
It was impossible that punishment come. Musa was in the stomach of his mother...did punishment come? How many babies were slaughtered while Musa was in the stomach of his mother? When did the slaughtering stop?...when Musa was born. However, Abrahah could not even touch the Ka'bah, because Nabi was there in the stomach of his mother. How much is the barakah (blessing) of Nabi on this ummah? It is impossible that punishment come....impossible. Similarly, with the effort of Nabi, so long as the effort of Nabi is there, it will be impossible for punishment to come...impossible. Allah 'Azza wa Jall chose sacrifice, and chose the sacrifice of the mother. The sacrifice of the mother is her son. If the mother, at the time of childbirth were to choose the life of her son or her own life, if one them may die, who will she choose? Her death, so that he may live. How much trust is in the mother? Sympathy, mercy and affection on the baby. If she were to choose between her life and his life, she would choose his life. So Allah 'Azza wa Jall chose sacrifice. From whom? From the mother of Musa. So that Allah lift the punishment from Bani Isra'il. (She was) a perfect mother and a descendant of Ambiya. Allah did not choose sacrifice of the men but chose the sacrifice of a woman. And the woman, when will she be in a weak condition? At the time of childbirth. She will be the weakest (at that time). Weakness upon weakness. Because Allah wants Ikhlas (sincerity) in Mujahadah...Ikhlas.
Sumayyah Radhiyallahu 'anha was weak from three aspects. Firstly, she was a woman. And a woman is weak. The second aspect was that she was a slave, she would move and sit by (mere) indication. And the third aspect was that she was old in age. However, Allah chose sacrifice from this women. (She) was the first to offer herself for the Ma'rifah (spiritual knowledge) of Allah. She was the first shaheedah (martyr) in Islam. What is martyrdom? It is terminating your remembrance to revive Allah's remembrance. So then, Allah will revive your remembrance forever. So Allah revived her remembrance. Did Sumayyah pray the five Salahs? Fast? Give Zakat? Make Hajj? All martyrs until they reach rank of Shahadah, must pray their five Salahs. It is a must...a must. So that they can reach this high rank. This is a bestowal from Al-Khaliq. They must have Deen in them. There must be Deen in them along with complete Ikhlas. So all Martyrs prayed Salah, fasted, gave Zakat, made Hajj...all of the A'mal ...except for Sumayyah. She did not pray, fast, give Zakat or make Hajj. And she did not listen to the Qur'an. Did Abu Jahl give her a chance to listen to the Qur'an? That is why out of all the ummahs, Allah chose the highest sacrifices for the women...the highest sacrifices. And after that comes the men. The men come based on the amount of sacrifices of women...based on the amount. That is why the sacrifices of women are a requirement...a requirement.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala desired Mujahadah from this weak women. That is, Allah explains, "We inspired Musa's 'Alaihis salam mother (instructing her), '(Continue to) Nurse him. When you fear for his life, then place him in the river and neither fear nor grieve. We shall certainly return him to you and have made him from among the Ambiya." [al-Qasas:7]. Allah makes clear to the mother of Musa what is the solution. The solution is there in the arms of the woman. The solution is in what petrified the mother of Musa. The solution is with whom? The solution is with her...the solution is with Musa. That you sacrifice this beloved (of yours). Allah has a customary practice; you sacrifice the things you love, Allah will give you benefit from the things you love. The most beloved to the mother of Musa was whom?...Musa...Musa.
And what was the most beloved in the heart of Nabi?... The most beloved creation in the heart of Nabi...the creation, the creation not Al-Khaliq. The most beloved creation in the heart of Nabi was Makkah. "Certainly you (O Makkah) are the most beloved place to me." Allah said to Nabi, "O Muhammad, do you love Makkah? So then sacrifice Makkah...and I will guarantee for you (return to it) as I returned Musa to his mother and he spoke to Me." And now, I am taking you out of Makkah. "Verily the One Who has made the Qur'an obligatory on you shall return you to your place of return (to Makkah) [al-Qasas:85]..."We shall certainly return him to you (to suckle) and have made him from among the Ambiya." [al-Qasas:7]...this is a customary practice. Did he sacrifice Makkah or not? Is the purpose the Ka'bah? The purpose is not (just) the Rabb of the Ka'bah...(but) you sacrifice the Ka'bah to connect to the Rabb of the Ka'bah. That is why this Surah, this story that Allah mentioned in al-Qasas, (is there) to teach whom?...to teach whom? To teach Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam and to teach the ummah what is the solution. Anything that your heart increases in love for, sacrifice it. So, when she sacrificed (being with) him, after tribulations come bestowal from Allah. All of Makkah drove out Nabi..."...The Kuffar schemed against you to imprison you, kill you or exile you." [al-Anfal:30]. All of them were consulting against whom? So he left in fear...he left, Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. But, how did he enter into Makkah? He said, "Today is a day of compassion." What kind of day? All of the people of Makkah gathered in front of Nabi, two thousand. All of them offended the honor of Nabi. From among them were those who divorced the daughters of Nabi...'Utbah and Rabi'ah ripped the thawb of Nabi inside the Haram...and they divorced the daughters of Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam...all of them. Now mercy entered the heart of Nabi...and he spoke words if mercy. He asked, "What do you think I should do with all of you?" They replied, "You are a noble person, son of a noble man." He said, "Go! For all of you are free." Because of this pardon, two thousand from the people of Makkah entered into Islam. How did Allah return Nabi to Makkah? And how did Nabi enter into Makkah? His head bowed (in humility). (Saying the du'a:) "There is no one worthy of worship but Allah alone. He helped His slave. He strengthened His army. And He destroyed the parties alone." He entered with mercy.
That is why Allah explains to Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam the life of the mother of Musa...how much she forbore...how much she forbore...with Mujahadah. This is a customary practice of Allah. That is why it is desired that women make more Mujahadah. What is the reason? Maybe the men will ask what is the reason, correct? And the women now ask what is the reason (why it is desired that women make more Mujahadah). What is the reason. The reason is Adam and Hawwa. Adam 'Alaihis salam ate one morsel from the tree. And Hawwa ate more from the tree than Adam. Therefore the love of Dunya (worldly things) is more in the hearts of women than in men. So it is desired that women make more Mujahadah then the men...more. Is this justice from Allah? Yes, this is just. That is why the woman will enter Jannah (Paradise) before the man. Women will enter Jannah five hundred years before men. This is justice, right? You sacrifice more here and you will enter first there...justice. That is why Allah explains the sacrifices of women in the Qur'an. After the sacrifices of women effort comes...ummahs come...goodness comes...mercy comes. After that comes the cycle of men. But the ones who laid down the foundation were whom?...Women. They laid down the foundation.
That is why the mother of Musa 'Alaihis salam did not look at 'aql (logic/human intellect) but looked at Wahiy (revelation). In this effort (of Da'wah) we don't look at 'aql. In 'aql there is darkness so it will give darkness. In Wahiy there is Nur (spiritual light) so it will give you Nur. The one who is brought up in this effort according to his 'aql, he always goes with his darkness and whims. How does he go? Darkness and whims. The one who goes in this effort according to his 'aql, he always has "Ana" (me/myself/I). He has "Ana." I am better...I have more understanding...I am more senior (in this effort). This type of person goes with his 'aql. And this is darkness. And the Nafs (the base self) is the biggest Ilah (deity) that is worshipped besides Allah. The biggest Ilah?...your Nafs. And who from among us does not have a Nafs? ...Who? That is why in this effort we do not go with 'aql. We go with naql (what has been transmitted), that is Qur'an and Hadith. In it (the naql) is the intent of Allah and Nur...yes. Allah wanted this Mujahadah. So the mother of Musa 'Alaihis salam did not look at 'aql...but looked at the command of Wahiy. But what is the isti'dad of a woman? The isti'dad of a woman is "Nurse him" [al-Qasas:7] (these words come in command form). What is her isti'dad? And the rest is upon whom? The rest is upon Allah. What is our isti'dad in (the effort of) Da'wah? What is our isti'dad in Da'wah?...The people say, 'Ahlud Da'wah' (the people of Da'wah or Tablighi Jamat)...yes. Our isti'dad in Da'wah is (also) "Nurse him" (alluding to obeying the commands of Allah above anything else). What is nursing? It is mercy, sympathy, affection, love. (All) These qualities are our isti'dad in Da'wah...only. All the A'mal (in the syllabus of Da'wah) are a comfort for us...four months...forty days...going out on foot...going out of the ladies...tashkeel...five A'mal (activities of the masjid). The purpose of all these A'mal is mercy...sympathy...affection...love. These are our isti'dad in Da'wah.
Our work in Da'wah is "Nurse him." And the rest is upon whom?...the rest is upon Him. Therefore the human being should not look at his sacrifices. Shaikh Yusuf (Kandhlawi) Rahmatullahi 'alaih used to say, "The one who looks at his sacrifices will get delayed and the one who looks at his shortcomings will advance." That is why our isti'dad in this effort is "Nurse him" only. If this is our mentality in this effort, now the mercy will come. But, sometimes the baby has bad Adab (manners) during nursing...so the nursing changed (because) he bit the breast. So will milk come out or blood? What do you all think?...milk or blood? So the mother stops nursing. Now, she is not pleased. Will the mother deceive her son? Will she give him blood? Similarly, a person goes in this effort...and he wants to have bad Adab with the mother; with the (effort of) Da'wah. So now, will he take mercy? He will be deprived of mercy. Now, he does not want mercy...he wants blood. What is the hukm (legal ruling) of blood? Blood is najis (filth). The hukm of blood is what? But milk is...what is its hukm? Tahir (pure). So when he shows bad Adab with the mother, now he can not take mercy, but takes najasah (filth). But the mercy of the mother...it is impossible that she give him najasah. These are (the principles of) Da'wah. The one who wants to go in this effort...woman or man until death, our only objective is for the ummah of Nabi, our effort is for the ummah of Nabi, we bear with mercy...we bear with sympathy...we bear with love...we bear the Deen only. But sometimes Shaitan...makes the senior (worker in this effort) have bad Adab with the mother...have bad Adab?...with the mother. So now, he will not bear with mercy.
Now, the mother of Musa obeyed the command. So she threw him. And Allah explains to her, "My enemy and his (Musa's) enemy (Fir'awn) will take possession of him." [Taha:39]. So now, because of this strong sacrifice, Allah immediately strengthened her heart (with Iman). The highest levels of Iman is strength (Rabat) on the heart...the highest. The people of Kahf (cave), what did Allah say about them? "They were a few youths who believed in their Rabb and We increased them in guidance." After that, "We strengthened their hearts (their Iman and resolve)." [al-Kahf:13-14]. Progression...progression. That is why for the senior (worker), after a long time of making effort and before his death, comes the prize from Allah. What is it? Allah strengthens his heart (with Iman) so he passes away on this effort. Allah said about this, "...and We will most surely reward them for the good that they do." [an-Nahl:97]. That is, during the time of your death, Allah ends it with (doing) the best of actions. He will make you pass away in the best way. And he will lift away from you a bad ending..."We shall definitely cancel (forgive) their sins from them and reward them (with blessings that are) better than what (actions) they did." [al-'Ankabut:7]. So, He will give special sanctity. The Ambiya 'Alaihimus salam were innocent before (the responsibility of) Da'wah and after Da'wah. But, we are not not innocent...we are not what? But with the barakah (blessing) of this effort, Allah will lift the bad (ending) from you and give you the best and make you pass away on the best (condition). So the mother of Musa arrived at the highest levels of Iman, so Allah strengthened her heart (with Iman)...the highest levels of Iman. Therefore, the acquisition of the highest levels of Iman is with Mujahadah.
So now, Allah immediately directed the command to the river. In the heart of every living thing in the river, there was protection and mercy for Musa...more than the mercy of Musa's mother had for him. Musa's mother is one mother. How many living creatures are in the ocean? In Egypt, their ocean used to have (like) horses of the sea. What did they have? Large animals. All of these animals (in the river) had mercy in their hearts for this baby (Musa). Who is The Protector?...He is Allah. He commands and that is His work. Whose work is it? Allah. So now, the basket went against the current of the water. 'Aql (logic) says anything that is thrown with the current goes with it. But now, everything is against the 'aql. This basket is going against the current of the water. When the basket came to Fir'aun, he opened the basket. And there was a baby with Nur on his face. (Addressing Musa, Allah said,) "I have chosen you for Myself."..."...so that you may grow up under My supervision." [Taha:41-39]. Is this a small matter?...no. This is who? This is Musa Kalimullah, but Muhammad Rasulullah, what did Allah say regarding his right? "...for you are under Our protection." [at-Tur:48]. Which one of the two is greater? The greatest pronoun in rhetoric (in Arabic grammar) for love and protection is, "For you are under Our protection." This speech is for whom? This speech is for Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his ummah. We are included (in being addressed) in this speech...yes.
Every thing that Allah mentioned in the Qur'an for Musa, He mentioned it in perfection for Muhammad Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam...in perfection. That is why Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "If Musa bin Imran was alive, he would not be able to follow anyone except me." So Allah did not mention in the Qur'an for Musa except that He mentioned in perfection for Muhammad Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. So now, the basket was opened and Nur came out. Fir'aun looked and Asiya bint Muzahim looked. Both of them looked at the same time. The queen of Egypt looked and the king of Egypt looked. So, both if them issued a command. ...both of them. Fir'aun said, "This is he. He is (the baby from the dream). He gave the order; "Kill him." And Asiya bint Muzahim said, "Do not kill him." King and queen. The command goes with whom? Goes with the king or queen? Allah has a customary practice...Allah's customary practice is that the one who has disobedience in his heart, Allah imposes the wife over him. So the one who leaves going out yearly...going out monthly...two and a half hours (in the masjid)...the first row for Salah...the first takbir (for Salah)...the first to be imposed on you will be whom?...yes? You are senior and she is senior (in Da'wah). All of disobedience was in the heart of Fir'aun. So Allah imposed on him Asiya bint Muzahim.
But, Asiya bint Muzahim spoke words of talab (request). "(This child will be) A (great) coolness (delight) for my eyes and yours." [al-Qasas:9]. She wanted to seek sympathy for him..."Perchance he may benefit us or we may adopt him as a son." [al-Qasas:9]. And Fir'aun the wretched said, "As for you, yes. As for me, then no." Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Had Fir'aun said 'For me' Allah would have surely decreed hidayah (guidance) for him." She (Asiya bint Muzahim) said words of talab, "For me." She said, "For me." So Allah gave her the highest levels (of Iman). "For (the benefit of) the Mu'mineen, Allah gives the example of the wife of Fir'aun." [at-Tahrim:11]. The wife of Fir'aun took Siddiqiyyah (the quality of those who testify immediately to the Haqq) from the shortcomings of Fir'aun...his shortcomings. What was the reason? The reason was talab...talab. The queen of Saba...the queen of? Saba, had the biggest kingdom in that time...it met the kingdom of Sulaiman ('Alaihis salam). Sulaiman was a king and she was a queen...she was?...a queen. But, she spoke words of talab. "An honorable letter has been thrown (given) to me." [an-Naml:29]. When she said these words of talab, Allah honored her with hidayah. Every woman who humbled herself for Allah in the Qur'an, Allah raised her rank. So, Asiya bint Muzahim made herself humble...and presented talab. So, Allah gave her...she acquired the real kingdom. "If you look (around) there (in Jannah) you will see (tremendous) bounties and an enormous kingdom."! [al-Insan:20]. What did Allah give her? Allah gave her a palace in Jannah so she has an enormous kingdom. And Bilqis (the queen if Saba), said words of humility. (She said) "Honorable." So (Al-Karim) the Most Honorable (Allah) honored her (with hidayah).
Every woman who became humble, Allah raised her. Although, all those women...were they living in the streets? No! They were living in kingdoms! But, they surrendered their temporary kingdoms for everlasting kingdoms...yes. So, she became muslim...and succeeded. She succeeded and her people also succeeded...yes. How much isti'dad did Allah put in women? But, what is the condition? Humility...the condition is humility...with sacrifice. Now, It is the season of Hajj. All of the world's hearts are focused on Makkah. Allah accepted the sacrifice of a queen. Hajar...who was Hajar? She was a queen. Hajar, she was a queen...her origins (were royalty). Her father was a king. However, this queen put forth sacrifice. She left the kingdom for the desert...she left the kingdom. With this sacrifice, Allah explains in the du'a of Ibrahim, "...So cause the hearts of some people to be inclined towards them." [Ibrahim:37]. All the hearts of the world are inclined towards whom? What is the reason? The sacrifice of whom?...Hajar. "And announce the Hajj among the people; they will come to you." [al-Hajj:27]. They will not come to Makkah. Where will they come to? The Hujjaj (people who make Hajj) where are they going now? Going to Makkah or going to Ibrahim?...no. The condition "they will come" is not that they will come to Makkah or to Ibrahim. No...(but it is that) they will come to the place of sacrifice. All the hearts of humankind are inclined towards Makkah, they do not know why they are inclined towards Makkah. They are inclined towards Makkah because of sacrifice. But the people...did not understand what the story is (about).
This queen sacrificed, Allah allowed her remembrance (to continue) in the Arabian peninsula...in a dry desert. And the queen of Saba sacrificed, so Allah allowed her remembrance (to continue - in Surah an-Naml). And the queen of Egypt (Asiya bint Muzahim) sacrificed, so Allah allowed her remembrance (to continue) in His Qur'an. The women who stood up on sacrifice, Allah allowed their remembrance (to continue) in the Qur'an. What is the reason? To teach whom? To teach us. Any woman who makes sacrifice, Allah will allow her remembrance (to continue). "And We have elevated your mention (O Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam)." [al-Inshirah:4]. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala explains these principles to the ummah to show how Allah 'Azza wa Jall lifts punishment and sends down mercy. The lifting of punishment and descent of mercy is because of the sacrifices of women. Therefore, the sacrifice of women is desired in this time and age. She sacrificed her small kingdom, Allah gave her an enormous kingdom (in return, in Jannah). Is there any king from among kings who tells a thief that waylays highways, "Come to me, I will give you from my kingdom."? Is there any king (like that)?...any? Allah, The Owner of all kingdoms, said in His book, "Say, 'O My bondsmen who have wronged their souls! Never lose hope of Allah's mercy. Verily, Allah forgives all sins." [az-Zumar:53].
Allah says, "If all of you return to Me...I am a King in Jannah and all of you will be kings with Me in Jannah." So the women surrenders her small kingdom, Allah will give her a great kingdom. Because of this effort, how much goodness comes? How much mercy spreads? This effort is a door to connect to Al-Khaliq...for men and women. The mentality of the Sahabah was that they used to race to connect to His honor. So, in Madinah, the women gathered. They consulted among themselves. The men have superseded us...in (making) Salatul Jumu'ah, Salah in congregation and spending in the path of Allah. And we are confined to our homes. So they sent Asma bint Yazid al-Ansariyyah. When she came she said, "O Rasulullah. I am an envoy of the women to you. The men supersede us in Jumu'ah, in congregation and spending in the path of Allah. And we are confined to our homes." Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "O Asma bint Yazid. Return and inform the ladies who have sent you that when a woman follows her husband in the best way, and obeys him, and establishes with him his purpose"...(that means (she helps him in) making effort for Deen"..."then she will get the reward of all his good deeds." What is desired from the woman? Three things. The first thing: following her husband in the best way. Because a woman will not enter into Jannah unless her husband is pleased with her. When...? So, when we please Allah, He will be pleased with us. So, how do we please Al-Khaliq, Allah? So, how does a woman strive to please Al-Khaliq and her husband? How To please her Rabb..? So Allah's pleasure is in following her husband in the best way. That is, to have good conduct...with him (her husband). With complete obedience...except in the disobedience of Allah and His Rasul. The third condition is her establishing the effort (of Deen) with him.
Sometimes, the wife has good conduct with obedience...but she did not establish the effort of Deen with him. They will be together in Dunya but will be separate on Yawmul Qiyamah. Although obedience is there and good conduct is there but between them on Yaumul Qiyamah will be levels of Iman. With the effort (of Deen) comes the highest levels of Iman. Therefore these conditions, three are desired. So that the men and women establish this effort...with the intention to connect to Al-Khaliq.
To get the reality of this intention, effort is desired from the women and men. From the women, "Every one of you is responsible and every one of you is accountable for those under you." So, the responsibility is on everyone. For that, my brothers and sister all of us should make intention (that) we take this effort with the intention of mercy...with the intention of sympathy...and with the intention of softness on the ummah of Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. So, the one who has mercy on the ummah of Nabi, he will be written with Allah as one who will be given mercy (from Allah). For the ummah of Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam...how much (effort) did Nabi put forth for it? And how much did the mothers of the believers put forth for the ummah? All of the mothers of the believers put forth sacrifice for the ummah of Nabi. All the the good that was in the life of Nabi was for his ummah. Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam did live a moment of his life for himself...not a moment. All his life was for the ummah. And the mothers of the believers, all of their lives were for the ummah...all of their lives. That is why the same condition that Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam faced, was also the condition that was faced by the mothers of the believers. Is it possible that Nabi go hungry and A'ishah would not go hungry? Nabi would become tired and A'ishah would not become tired? Any condition that came on Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam also came on his wives. That is why the person who has the biggest Mujahadah here will have the biggest desires in Jannah. The biggest Jannah according to Allah is the Jannah of whom? Muhammad Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. And the mothers of the believers will be with whom? It is desired like this...the senior worker, male and female. According to the amount of effort a man puts forth, his wife should put forth the same amount with him...on the same level. Therefore, effort is desired from everyone. This effort is the inheritance of Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. And for this inheritance, the mothers of the believers put forth their lives to protect this inheritance.
A'ishah Radhiyallahu 'anha lived with Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam for nine and a half years. And her right to Nabi was three days out of every month...three days. What is the average amount of time that she spent with Nabi? If we calculate, it will be less than a year. However, how much goodness did she bear for the ummah of Nabi? She narrated 2,220 Ahadith from Nabi. She was a Hafithah of the Qur'an...and a Muhaddithah...and a Faqihah. One Tabi'i (from the generation after the Sahabah) used to say, "I heard the speech of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali. But, I did not hear a person speak better than A'ishah. And she lived fifty years after Nabi. Allah used her to benefit the ummah of Nabi. And the mentality of A'ishah was the protection of Nabi's ummah. When the fitnah (tribulations) came in the ummah...and the great inheritance of Nabi almost disappeared. So, the mothers of the believers consulted among themselves. They said, "O A'ishah. Just as people presented themselves to Rasulullah and they knew their status...everyone of them knew your status also. The status of A'ishah. So, our opinion is that you go. Perhaps Allah may use you to reform the ummah of Nabi. So, she left from Makkah...with the intention to unite the ummah. When she left from Makkah, all of Makkah left along with her. And that day was called the day of Nahib (weeping)....(because of) their fear for A'ishah. She put forth the greatest sacrifice. (For) The protection of Nabi's ummah. So Allah 'Azza wa Jall used the lives of A'ishah and the mothers of the believers for the protection of Nabi's ummah. Even at the cost of their own lives. Even though she was almost killed in the (battle of the) camel...the day of the camel. And the intent of the people of fitnah was that they kill her. So, the mothers of the believers stood up on sacrifice for the protection of the ummah...until the end of their lives.
In the life of A'ishah Radhiyallahu 'Radhiyallahu 'anha...when she was about to die, Ibn 'Abbas took permission to speak with her. He said, "O my mother. Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam passed away while he was pleased with you. And Allah revealed your innocence (from the false allegations) from above the seven heavens. And Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam did not marry a virgin except you. And he used to receive Wahiy while staying in your sleeping quarters. And Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam passed away in your house, and on your day, in your room, in front of you. And Allah made you two come together in your prime." She replied, "O son of 'Abbas, leave me. 'Oh! If only I had died before this and had been completely forgotten.' [Maryam:23]." So, the mothers of the believers put forth sacrifice until the last day of their lives. That is why the Deen is the inheritance of Nabi. And this inheritance is a trust on the necks of women and men. So, how can every woman protect this inheritance? So that this goodness does not discontinue...and it (should be (considered) a necessity for all of you until the Last Day. Allah revealed a complete Surah, Surah Maryam. This is a Surah of inheritance. The inheritance of effort. And it starts with the intention of women...the wife of Imran. So, Allah put the inheritance of prophethood in their progeny, in Isa 'Alaihis salam. And the inheritance of Zakariyya was in Yahya...and the inheritance of Ibrahim was in Isma'il. Therefore, we should all ask Allah...that this inheritance does not discontinue from your progeny until the Last Day. That is why Mujahadah is desired from us. So that Allah protects this goodness. And that He blesses this goodness in this country. And how much rewards will all of you have on Yaumul Qiyamah? How much for all of you? By Allah, we do not know. Therefore, we should all make intention...men and women. This gathering is one of Taubah (repentance) and istighfar (seeking forgiveness). From Allah's mercy, if His slaves return to Him within the blinking if an eye, He will forgive their sins quicker than the blinking of an eye. "It is He who should be feared and He Who forgives." [al-Muddathir:56]. We make intention...whatever is left from our life, until the Last Day...women and men...everyone of us should have a purpose. Time, wealth, one's self...concern...everyone should have a purpose. So now, inshaAllah will be tashkeel....