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Why does Yasir Qadhi get so much hate ?

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#121 [Permalink] Posted on 17th July 2020 07:41
Ibn Ghafoor wrote:
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I know. Who said I listen to him? I don't.
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#122 [Permalink] Posted on 17th July 2020 10:33
bint e aisha wrote:
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If someone isn't a qualified "Doctor" that automatically excludes his opinion. This guy isn't a qualified Scholar so his opinion isn't worth the piece of paper it is written on.

It is against Islam to listen to someone in matters of Deen and to take "Fatwa" from someone who has no authority and no credibility from contemporary Ulama. In an Islamic Caliphate he would be put in Jail for issuing religious rulings with ZILCH qualifications!

Once again, learn the basics of Taqleed before surfing Facebook and liking/disliking "con-men".

Condemning Fazail-e-Amaal or Deobandees is neither here or there, Shaykh Ibn Baz (RA) was a Scholar so a "Deobandi" can disagree with him and not follow his Fatwa or Shaykh Uthaymeen (RA) for that matter but those were Ulama.

This guy is a Charlatan with a basic course which is pretty close to what many people have including some on this forum.

Ridiculous to equate a ward-boy with a Vascular Surgeon and no disrespect to the Ward-boy.

As I keep saying, ignorance of Taqleed will destroy people's Deen. Instead of listening and thinking of conspiracy theories people should look at "Dajjal" directly in front of their face.

Deen cannot be taken from random, unknown and unqualified people on Social Media. This is the true impact and reach of Dajjal.

Your Deen is the most important aspect and Deen and Dunya depend on it, Social Media isn't the place to take opinions from!

Sorry to push this extremely hard but this is Islam and this is Shariah, not random tittle-tattle from Bacardi-drinkers!
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#123 [Permalink] Posted on 17th July 2020 10:47
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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I agree. I didn't know about his qualifications, I thought he was a proper scholar. However I have never taken his words seriously, his answers make me laugh and that's about it.
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#124 [Permalink] Posted on 17th July 2020 12:23
Rajab wrote:
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salaam, pray your well, wanted to know, how do u send a private message to the forum thing? what are we supposed to type in the 'to' box
reply will be extremely helpful
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#125 [Permalink] Posted on 17th July 2020 12:28
Free palestine wrote:
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#126 [Permalink] Posted on 17th July 2020 12:28
He only became famous because he spoke English and got lot of TV gigs early in his career
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#127 [Permalink] Posted on 17th July 2020 12:46
bint e aisha wrote:
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I have studied in Saudi Arabia and it's a 6-month to 2 year basic program after high School which many people do. The curriculum enables you to a "Bahishti Zewar level" in Hanabali Fiqh except that you have good mastery of Arabic language skills (written, read and spoken). What I mean by this is that you are able to articulate positions in Fiqh and not much more.

Nobody in their right mind in Saudia calls these people scholars and many of them do basic jobs in the society. It is a good course to give you basic grounding.

Our Indian/Pakistani people are STUPID in many ways:

  • Anyone who speaks Arabic automatically becomes a "Shaykh". I have met bicycle repair workers from Syria labelled as "Allamahs" in America
  • Our Madrasah system is so inadequate that many of the "Muftees" are unable to read, comprehend or research basic Islamic text (in Arabic) let alone try to decipher, speak or write it....

To give you some idea one of the most "well known Muftees" on the Internet knows me and we talk sometimes. When I ask him about the "original Hanafi Madhab ruling" on an issue, he replies back with text from Akabir of Ulama of Deoband and if push him on the issue he replies with Allamah Shaami (RA).

He simply doesn't have the ability to research and articulate the changing positions of Hanafi Madhab and wrap his mind around it.

This is the competency level of a person whom people on this forum refer to for their Islamic queries. Contrast this to Saudi system and when they study the "Hanafi Madhab" they actually are reading the original (or as close to original) Madhab as possible. Take a look at Yasir Qadhi's Fiqh articles and it is mostly listing positions of the Madhabs from their original stance.

It is a pretty dire situation but our people get impressed because the Academic level they are used to is so BAD that anything better impresses them.

Haris Hamaam also did not much but quote original Hanafi Madhab back to the masses

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#128 [Permalink] Posted on 17th July 2020 13:05
bint e aisha wrote:
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True,what brother Muadh Khan said.
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#129 [Permalink] Posted on 17th July 2020 16:27
Free palestine wrote:
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In the "To" box, start typing the name of the user and either complete the name or select it from the list that appears.
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#130 [Permalink] Posted on 18th July 2020 07:22
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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You mentioned, and we all agree that it is not permissible for a non-qualified person to issue religious rulings. Only an Aalim/Mufti is allowed to issue fatwa.

I am genuinely confused about one issue though.

In the past, I have read and heard from Ulama that only a qualified Aalim who has studied all the Islamic sciences (I think 14 sciences), is allowed to write Tafseer. I assume this would apply to giving Tafseer lectures too. Same goes for giving Darse Hadith.

However, Dr Israr Ahmad (RA), whom I highly respect and pray that Allah Ta'ala elevates his ranks in the Hereafter, was not a qualified Aalim. This is a well-known fact and I am sure Dr Israr (RA) never claimed to be an Aalim either. In spite of that, Dr Israr's (RA) Tafseer was promoted by you, my dear brother, on this forum. And many other Ulama-following people also listen to his Tafseer.

What am I missing on?
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#131 [Permalink] Posted on 18th July 2020 07:31
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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Its sad to see how the level of academics among Ulama especially the younger ones, has gone so down.

I would be really interested to know the names of some contemporary Ulama, that you think are at a very high academic level in the various Islamic sciences and especially in the fields of Hadith and Tafseer.
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#132 [Permalink] Posted on 18th July 2020 08:36
muslimman wrote:
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Dr. Israr Ahmed RA was par excellence and more knowledgeable than many madrasah graduates.
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#133 [Permalink] Posted on 18th July 2020 11:56
muslimman wrote:
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Excellent question young man, it shows that you are thinking :P

Short answer: Dr Israr Ahmed (RA) never wrote or gave a Tafseer in his life. His PTV and later YouTube sessions are reading from "Deobandi Ulama" with added historical background and motivational tit-bits. Maulana Maududi (RA) on the other hand, actually wrote a Tafseer.

Long answer:

  1. Dr Israr Ahmed (RA) never wrote or did a Tafseer, he narrated from the Tafseer of Deobandi Ulama, see the YouTube below where he categorically describes his method
  2. Dr Israr Ahmed (RA) never engaged in controversial Fiqh issues or issued judgements/Fatwaas, his technique was to motivate Muslims and encourage them to establish Khilafah
  3. Dr Israr Ahmed (RA) started with refutation of "Secularists, Atheists, Liberals" on PTV and did a fantastic job of defending Islam when our Ulama believed that TV was Haram and liberals were running wild in Pakistan
  4. Dr Israr Ahmed (RA) has Islamic education and training from Ulama (not a graduate) but he studied some Shariah and he was an exceptional individual and Ulama never hardly disagreed with anything major with him, see the article written by Mufti Rafi Usmani (RA) on his demise.

Maulana Maududi (RA) on the other hand not only wrote a Tafseer but delved into issues of Fiqh all the time. The person being discussed in this thread actually gives "Fatawa" all the time on Facebook.

Dr Israr Ahmed (RA) was a genius (seldom born) and never deviated from the Sunnah while the person being discussed in this thread is below-average, controversial and often loses his temper in anger lashes out and all he indulges in his Fiqh and differences of opinions. It would be an honour for someone to be discussed in the same forum post as Dr Israr Ahmed (RA) let alone be compared.

People like Dr Israr Ahmed (RA) are born once every few generations in this Ummah. In my lifetime, I have not seen or witnessed anyone like him in taking out Secularism, Atheism, Liberalism in the Media. Hazrat Maulana Abul-Hasan Ali Nadwi (RA) worked in a different field...

Maybe you are too young or not even born in 1980s India/Pakistan to know what Dr Israr Ahmed (RA) did on National Television, he regularly humiliated Anti-Islam and Anti-Sunnah and thoroughly destroyed them and no one could match him in his absolute and utter destruction of these people in Urdu or English.

P.S: Where is the Tafseer in this brutal take down?
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#134 [Permalink] Posted on 19th July 2020 03:32
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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If my question was excellent, your answer is even more brilliant. Jazak-Allah for elaborating and clearing my confusion.

For the record, as I said earlier, I have great respect and admiration for Dr Israr Ahmad (RA) and his work in the ideological sphere. I have never listened to his Quran/Tafseer lectures so could not tell that he was basically using the Tafaseer of Ulama and NOT writing/lecturing from his own knowledge. Of course, he would add in his own bit as you mentioned, especially with regards to current issues I believe, and that is understandable. I am fully clear on this issue now due to your answer.

In this day and age, I find Mufti Muhammad Saeed Khan of Islamabad, to be a man of great knowledge and academic expertise and he does a good job of dealing with topics like atheism and secularism in his lectures.

Mufti Saeed's approach towards politics and current affairs is different that that of Dr Israr (RA) and majority of Pakistani Ulama. I could be totally wrong on this so please rectify my error if you know better, but one reason for Mufti Saeed's different approach could be that he is a Khalifa and staunch follower of Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi (RA).

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#135 [Permalink] Posted on 19th July 2020 03:37
bint e aisha wrote:
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Your reasoning would still not justify a non-scholar to give Tafseer lessons.

Tomorrow a person will memorize the fiqh kitaabs without having any formal training, and start issuing fatawa. Will we find that to be acceptable? Of course not.

Muadh Khan has explained the issue really well and I am clear on it now. May Allah Ta'ala elevate Dr Israr's (RA) ranks in the Hereafter.
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