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Flu Vaccination (with porcine) For 2-16yr olds

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#61 [Permalink] Posted on 30th September 2013 10:41
I have also learnt unlike alcohol, gelatine can never take complete transformation....personally I would like to take the opinion of it being Haram on the grounds of there being an alternative...and even if there wasn't an alternative...I would not be giving consent (my personal opinion)

The information was from authentic source..however I have also read a copy of a letter which is being sent to all local imams by the health authorities telling them to encourage communities to take part in the program and have children immunised.

Hence....very sadly feel the first part of the message has been doctored along the line somewhere...wonders of instant messaging!

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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#62 [Permalink] Posted on 30th September 2013 10:48

Taalibah wrote:
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Sorry to push you for further clarification on the issue.

Who is this Ml.Yunus Bhaj? In my opinion he is misrepresenting the opinion of Shaykh (Mufti) Taqi Usmani (HA) as he hasn't said what he is claiming anywhere! He has said the exact opposite that despite  various visits to factories he has found no evidence of transformation and he is not convinced so I don’t understand why this Scholar (whoever he is) saying what he is saying?

Bovine Gelatine is one issue and Shaykh (Mufti) Taqi Usmani (HA) is clear on it.

On the other issue, there is NO FATWA of any major Deobandi Scholar who considers Pork Gelatine permissable so why is he implying that?

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#63 [Permalink] Posted on 30th September 2013 10:59
InshaAllah will try to find original source of information. Travelling at the moment.
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#64 [Permalink] Posted on 30th September 2013 11:22
I have also seen another similar fatawah floating around, regarding permissibility of gelatine capsules, commonly used for antibiotics, etc.....but people! there are alternatives...I understand some medication come in capsules to aid slow release...but there are vegetarian capsules available, made from potato starch...and as our pharmacists advises, empty capsule into folded paper, and straight to the back of the throat with drink of water.
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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#65 [Permalink] Posted on 30th September 2013 12:42

Disclaimer: Just to let everyone know that my position is that vaccination is permissible (by default) until ingredients are highlighted which are HARAM in Shariah then the ruling will be based on the advice of competent medical professionals and the need for it; to be considered by a competent Mufti. I was discussing about Polio & TB (etc)

I certainly don’t support generally taking Flu vaccination containing pig gelatine, absurd! 

Taalibah wrote:
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Aapa, Capsules are designed to release medication at a certain time and in a certain part of the body so see a specialist for alternatives if these are long term medications.

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#66 [Permalink] Posted on 30th September 2013 13:10
I did look into the issue many years ago...and was informed about the gelatine capsules being time released...however learnt that the vegetarian capsules dissolved in similar manner. As for having it straight out of the capsules that was a personal option which I did take medical advice for....but soon after found veg capsules which solved the issue.

Also due to the inaccurate information on the post regarding the vaccination....I am temporarily removing it until I can find more authentic and direct fatawah....which I am waiting to receive at the moment.
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xs11ax's avatar
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#67 [Permalink] Posted on 30th September 2013 13:15
found this on SF...

That substance of my Fatwa that I had given to the South African National Halal Authority (SANHA) in 1999 is that "the Gelatin acquired from the bones can be held as pure (Taahir) and the Gelatin acquired from the hides of un-slaughtered animals can also be held as pure because chemical process fulfils the requirement of tanning (Dabaghah) but there are two points to be kept in mind. This ruling applies only to the animals other than pig. The case of pig is totally different because it is held to be impure by the Holy Quran and no process can purify it. Secondly, my ruling was to the extent of purity of the Gelatin. So far as its oral use is concerned there is
difference of opinion among the Muslim jurists. Some Fuqaha are of the view that hides of a Halal animal can be used orally after being tanned but the majority of the jurists are of the view that it is not allowed for oral use.
The latter view has been preferred by most of the Hanafi jurists. However,
some of the Hanafi jurisrs and a large number of Shaafie jurists have preferred the permissibility of oral use of the hides of the Halal animals after dabaghah. Consequently, the use of Gelatin taken from Halal animals, like cow, should be avoided as far as possible acting on the opinion of the majority of the jurists. However, since Imam Shaafie in his latter view has
opined it to be Halal and a large number of the Shaafie jurists as well as some Hanafi jurists take it as such, the view of these Fuqaha can be acted upon in the cases of genuine needs."


Muhammad Taqi Usmani
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#68 [Permalink] Posted on 30th September 2013 13:27

Vaccination Notes for a future article as suggested by Brother x11 and Aunty Acacia:

Applicable to UK only (Initial look, needs thorough look and evaluation)

  1. Right at Birth:
    1. Vitamin K Injection (PHYTONDIONE): Find indepent study or research
  2. 2 Months:
    1. DTaP/IPV(polio)/Hib (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio, and Haemophilus influenzae type b): Commonly called 5 in 1
      1. Parts of Bacteria
      2. Contains  aluminium phosphate
      3. No Thiomersal
    2. PCV (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)
      1. Conjugate Virus with sugars (polysaccharides)
      2. No Thiomersal
    3. Rotarix
      1. Attenuated human rotavirus
  3. 3 Months:
    1. DTaP/IPV(polio)/Hib (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio, and Haemophilus influenzae type b): Commonly called 5 in 1
      1. Parts of Bacteria
      2. Contains  aluminium phosphate
      3. No Thiomersal
    2. Rotarix
      1. Attenuated human rotavirus
    3. MenC
      1. Conjugate Virus with sugars (polysaccharides)
      2. No Thiomersal
  4. 4 Months:
    1. DTaP/IPV(polio)/Hib (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio, and Haemophilus influenzae type b): Commonly called 5 in 1
      1. Parts of Bacteria
      2. Contains  aluminium phosphate
      3. No Thiomersal
    2. PCV (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)
      1. Conjugate Virus with sugars (polysaccharides)
      2. No Thiomersal
  5. 12/13 Months:
    1. Hib/MenC booster
      1. Conjugate Virus with sugars (polysaccharides)
      2. No Thiomersal
    2. MMR
      1. Attenuated MMR virus
      2. Pork Gelatine
    3. PCV (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)
      1. Conjugate Virus with sugars (polysaccharides)
      2. No Thiomersal
  6. 3 1/2 -5 years:
    1. DTaP/IPV(polio):
      1. Parts of Bacteria
      2. Contains  aluminium phosphate
      3. No Thiomersal
    2. MMR
      1. Attenuated MMR virus
      2. Pork Gelatine
  7. 12 -13 years (Girls only):
    1. HPV
      1. Virus Protein
      2. Contains  aluminium phosphate
      3. No Thiomersal
  8. 13-18 Years:
    1. Td/IPV(polio) [Teenager Booster]
      1. Contains  aluminium Hydroxide
      2. No Thiomersal
    2. MenC
      1. Conjugate Virus with sugars (polysaccharides)
      2. No Thiomersal
  9. Adults:
    1. Influenza and PCV: This is what this whole thread is about but needs to be indendendtly checked and evaluated. Find indepent study or research
    2. Td/IPV(polio)
      1. Contains  aluminium Hydroxide
      2. No Thiomersal
    3. DTaP/IPV(polio)
      1. Parts of Bacteria
      2. Contains  aluminium phosphate
      3. No Thiomersal
    4. Shingles (Zostavax): Find indepent study or research
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#69 [Permalink] Posted on 30th September 2013 13:32
xs11ax wrote:
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Jazakallah for posting this information.
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#70 [Permalink] Posted on 7th November 2013 12:10
As-salaamu `alaykum yaa muslimeen!

Well, where do i begin?

I think, firstly, i should state that i am VERY SHOCKED at the attitude of some of the people on this forum. I am especially shocked that there are people abusing the name of Allah by putting it in the context of sarcasm and using such sarcastic statements together with the abuse of Allah's name in such a context in order to insult others.
Secondly, it seems clear from peoples' speech here that their eemaan is in medicine. I will remind everybody that the pure hanafi (maatureedi) creed of the ahl-us-sunnah wal-jamaa`ah states that even 1% doubt in issues of faith is exactly equal to 100% kufr, and even 1% (or an atom's weight) of faith in something kufr is also equal to 100% kufr, and kufr ALWAYS takes precedence over eemaan in such issues. The hanafi maatureedi position on such things is very strict and for good reason too. Those who claim that actions are a part of eemaan (ie. the ash`ari school, the salafi cult, the mu`tazila and the khawaarij, and other deviated groups - i am not considering the ashaa'ira as deviants even though i have listed them here because their interpretation of this is different from the others listed and the ashaa'ira are also from ahl-us-sunnah wal-jamaa`ah) MUST take into consideration here that the maatureedi stance (and that of Abu Haneefah) on this issue is talking about faith itself and not the quality of faith expressed by the tongue and actions. Both views are actually quite compatible together when properly examined.
Anyway, what i want to get to here is that there is a disproportionate number of people here who CLEARLY have major issues with their eemaan and should make tawbah and ask Allah to guide us to the right way on all things.
My shaykh is CLEAR on this issue. One should AVOID vaccinations unless (a) one is being forced by way of threat of removal of one's children by the Social Services and/or imprisonment under charges such as "extremism linked to terrorism", or (b) one is faced by a VERY CERTAIN risk of eminent death if one does not accept the vaccine/s (which is HIGHLY UNLIKELY). He has said quite clearly and in no ambiguous terms that one who relies upon the vaccines as a first resort and/or has made no prior effort to seek direct cure for oneself (or respectively, one's child/children) via the One Who has power over ALL things - Allah - or even has a slight doubt in du`aa and/or adhkaar and/or any medicine/s the prophet Muhammad has made mention of THEN such a person clearly has MAJOR issues with their eemaan!!

ALLAH is and should ALWAYS be the very FIRST resort for ALL things, and even if one turns to physical "cures" etc. then one must keep FIRMLY in one's heart that the "cure" has NO EFFECT unless by the permission of ALLAH....!!!!

Who, now, is going to give me their good deeds??

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#71 [Permalink] Posted on 7th November 2013 13:09

Anonymous wrote:
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No idea what you are talking about and don't understand but Hanafi/Maturidi Ulamah permit vaccination if there are no Haram ingredients and the issue has nothing to do with Aqeedah.

Before replying please write clearly so I can understand what you are saying.

Jazakallahu Khayran

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#72 [Permalink] Posted on 12th December 2013 03:17
Pakistan cleric Maulana Sami ul-Haq backs polio campaign

A prominent religious seminary in Pakistan has backed polio vaccinations, saying they are not un-Islamic.

The decree was issued by the school's head, Maulana Sami ul-Haq, who urged parents to immunise their children.

The fatwa comes amid a decade-long campaign of violence by Islamist groups against health workers who they accuse of being spies or part of a Western plot to sterilise Muslims.

Darul Uloom Haqqania wields great influence with Taliban groups.

There was no immediate response to the decree from the Taliban and a ban on polio vaccination imposed by the militants in Pakistan's Waziristan tribal region is still in place, the BBC's M Ilyas Khan in Islamabad reports.

Pakistan is one of only three countries where polio remains endemic, due in part to militant resistance to polio mass vaccination campaigns. Nigeria and Afghanistan are the others.

The campaign against immunisation was started by the current Pakistani Taliban leader, Mullah Fazlullah, in 2005, and turned more violent after US forces killed former al-Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden, in a secret raid in 2011.

It was believed that a Pakistani doctor helped lead the CIA to Bin Laden by conducting a fake vaccination campaign near his hideout in the city of Abbottabad.

Maulana Sami ul-Haq had opposed polio vaccinations on the grounds that the campaign had been used to kill Bin Laden.

But in the fatwa, which was issued late on Monday, he said that vaccines which prevented polio, measles, hepatitis, diptheria, meningitis and some other diseases were "helpful in their prevention" and were "in no way harmful".

A number of health workers administering polio drops to children have been killed in the past year by militants across Pakistan.

There were 35 cases of polio in Pakistan in 2012, according to the Polio Eradication Initiative.

Hundreds of thousands of children have missed vaccinations since last year in parts of Pakistan's tribal region, the main sanctuary for Islamic militants, because of security concerns, the UN says.

Polio's last stand? 2012 cases

Nigeria - 97
Pakistan - 47
Afghanistan - 26
Chad - 5*
Source: IMB

* Polio is considered "non-endemic" in Chad

(source: BBC News December 10, 2013)
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#73 [Permalink] Posted on 12th December 2013 09:42
This was a response by dr rafaqat from bradford quite while when the issue reared its head.

I know dr majid khatme well and have unfortunately fallen out with him on a few issues related to medical islamic controversies- not necessarily because of what he claims at times- though they can be quite controversial , but more about his unprofessional manner in which he goes about it like this example.

Let me just say - he is quite Solo - doesn't represent any groups of official Islamic medical bodies and is too vocal and impulsive for my liking- and is known to make statements well beyond his expertise- in other words I would think twice before accepting what he states-

secondly there is rukhsa (permissibility) for you to use the fluenza vaccine ( which contains pork gelatine), which is no different to any gelatine medication you would normally get from your doctor), as its benefits are massive for children and the whole population and also there is no other alternate with equal efficiency- imam ibn abideen in his renowned Hanafi fiqh book clearly states that such a therapy would fall within the remit of tadawi bil Muharram and as such would be permissible- can you please confirm the authenticity of such e- mails before you start sending them out to everyone- if a family with an unwell child refuses this vaccine and unfortunately dies as a result who will be responsible???? Therefore be very careful about blanket statements from sources you are not familiar with. Jazakallah khairan
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#74 [Permalink] Posted on 12th December 2013 16:39


The Express Tribune (Pakistan),December 10th, 2013 reports:

"A fatwa (decree) in favour of polio, measles, hepatitis, diphtheria, tuberculosis, pertussis and meningitis vaccinations was issued by Maulana Samiul Haq of Jamia Darul Uloom Haqqania Akora Khattak on Monday.

The fatwa says vaccination against these deadly diseases is helpful in their prevention according to research conducted by renowned medical specialists. It adds that the vaccines used against these diseases are in no way harmful.

Samiul Haq emphasised in his fatwa that doubts raised about vaccination are false and ill-founded. He urged parents to vaccinate their children against polio and other deadly diseases.

Mujeebullah Khan, an officer in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister's Polio Monitoring Cell Communication and Reporting, said he was optimistic about the effects of the fatwa. He claimed in the month of September, a total of 35,521 refusal cases were reported in all the districts of the province. The officer added that 23% of refusals in Peshawar, Mardan, Swabi, Nowshera, Lakki Marwat and Bannu were reported by religious clerics.

He believes people of the province from different schools of thought support vaccination against the crippling disease.

According to Mujeeb, religious clerics from mosques and leaders of religious political parties can play a critical role in highlighting the importance of the vaccination programme. He added a number of leaders and clerics had already issued fatwas which are very helpful for the entire campaign.
(End of press report)

A Concerned Sister from Pakistan writes:
"The above press report is another nauseating article. Recently Brelvi Ulema issued 'fatwas' that vaccines are perfectly permissible and do not contain anything haraam and do only increase health and protect from diseases. They even went so far to state that denying the child vaccines is a major, kabira sin. Those who abstain will be punished. So now the anti-polio vaccine groups who are mainly christian by the way, are having these scraps of paper (the Brelvi 'fatwas') with them to convince the refusing parents who say vaccines are haraam

Vaccinators come now with army or police staff, and at gun point, to ensure that children are vaccinated in Pakistan. Check points are manned with vaccine staff supported by the army ,etc. They stop every vehicle containing a child and ensure vaccination , otherwise it is not allowed to proceed further.

Refusing parents, often Ulema, who refuse to vaccinate their children in remote areas are thrown in jail and threatened by the vaccinators that the father will be thrown in jail if he keep refusing vaccines. They warn that action had been taken against Ulema who had refused.

I wonder too , as all here brag about the justice and religious freedom one can enjoy in Pakistan.. But are those actions actually not against the Pakistani constitution of religious freedom that I as a parent can choose not to vaccinate my child as the ingredients are haraam and harmful and against my belief?!!!!

Now the Teacher of Mullah Umar, Maulana Semul Haqq, gave the fatwa of permissibly of all vaccines in Pakistan. This will enforce and ensure that more children die and are becoming crippled and disabled.

I have been for many years writing to Mufti Taqi Sahib urging him to inform the masses and to speak up against vaccines I keep forwarding him and other madaaris the ingredients, damage and dangers of vaccines, doctors and scientific information regarding this whole issue.. Sadly nobody speaks up! Once my efforts have been fruited and quoted in magazine The Ummat regarding polio vaccines and that it contains monkey cancer and aids viruses. The media and newspapers too are in hands of the Shiah.

The student who manages Mufti Taqi's mail seems not to forward ANYTHING TO HIM BUT PICK AND CHOOSE, which one understands to a certain point as I am not the only one writing. But for years????

The information here is held back, and sons of Mufti Rafi Sahib, the brother of Mufti Taqi Sahib, is a doctor who promotes vaccination. Well he is well aware of the ingredients and side effects as they are in the leaflets of the vaccines. But I wonder how much money such ulema are being paid to be silent or to promote the mass killing and crippling of millions of Pakistani children?! Was-salaam
(End of the Sister's comment)


Our Mashaaikh said that two groups have caused immense harm and damage to Islam and the Ummah: Evil rulers and evil ulama (ulama-e-soo'). Instead of acquitting themselves as Bearers of Knowledge and of the Standard of Islam, and as the Representatives of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), these Ulama are either in cahoots with the corrupt Pakistani rulers who receive billions of dollars as 'gifts' from the western kuffaar, or they have succumbed to the threats of the evil governing forces in Pakistan. The Pakistani government, army, airforce and navy are all in the control of Shiahs and Ahmadis, and these miserable traitors to Islam are the active agents of the West, hence the insane pressure to entrench theharaam vaccination programme.

The haraam ingredients and the very grave and harmful health consequences of vaccination have been confirmed scientifically by leading non-Muslim medical authorities and experts in the western world. Thousands of articles and books have been written to explain scientifically and rationally the extremely ruinous consequences of vaccination. Yet somejuhala 'ulama' in Napakistan (the Land of Impurity) have issued corrupt and baatil fatwas of permissibility. The QabarPujaari (Grave-Worshipping) Barelwi morons posing as 'ulama' have descended further into the quagmire of corruption by pretending to have received Wahi (revelation) to the effect that abstention from the kuffaar vaccination programme is haraam and a kabeerah (major) sin.

While such corrupt 'fatwas' are entirely expected to emanate from the QabarPujaari impostors, it is not expected from Ulama of our School (Deoband). But, Alas! Even the Ulama of our School are increasingly joining the Fraternity of Ulama-e-Soo'. The dollars have corrupted them as well. While we lament, we have to accept that Rasulullah's predictions have to materialize. Nabi-e-Kareem (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:

"There will dawn an age over the people when the worst under the canopy of the sky will be the ulama. Fitnah will emerge from them, and the fitnah will rebound on them"

"Verily, I fear for my Ummah the Aimmah who will mislead."

We are faced today with this reality. The situation will deteriorate further. It will not improve.

8 Safar 1435 (12 December 2013)
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#75 [Permalink] Posted on 27th November 2017 11:58
Can we have the 2017 verdict on this case please.

There will yet again be a lot of confusion as certain Muslim scholars have said it is permitted since the pork is transformed as well the fact that it will also be known as kosher even with porcine.

Apparently, the Jewish scholars say that since the porcine is being given through the nasal passage and not through the mouth, it is permitted in their religion.
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