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Sorry to push you for further clarification on the issue.
Who is this Ml.Yunus Bhaj? In my opinion he is misrepresenting the opinion of Shaykh (Mufti) Taqi Usmani (HA) as he hasn't said what he is claiming anywhere! He has said the exact opposite that despite various visits to factories he has found no evidence of transformation and he is not convinced so I don’t understand why this Scholar (whoever he is) saying what he is saying?
Bovine Gelatine is one issue and Shaykh (Mufti) Taqi Usmani (HA) is clear on it.
On the other issue, there is NO FATWA of any major Deobandi Scholar who considers Pork Gelatine permissable so why is he implying that?
Disclaimer: Just to let everyone know that my position is that vaccination is permissible (by default) until ingredients are highlighted which are HARAM in Shariah then the ruling will be based on the advice of competent medical professionals and the need for it; to be considered by a competent Mufti. I was discussing about Polio & TB (etc)
I certainly don’t support generally taking Flu vaccination containing pig gelatine, absurd!
Aapa, Capsules are designed to release medication at a certain time and in a certain part of the body so see a specialist for alternatives if these are long term medications.
Vaccination Notes for a future article as suggested by Brother x11 and Aunty Acacia:
Applicable to UK only (Initial look, needs thorough look and evaluation)
No idea what you are talking about and don't understand but Hanafi/Maturidi Ulamah permit vaccination if there are no Haram ingredients and the issue has nothing to do with Aqeedah.
Before replying please write clearly so I can understand what you are saying.
Jazakallahu Khayran
This cannot be undone and I am sure it will be greatly appreciated.
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