Are these preparations for the coming of Dajjal so he can control the weather? [/quote]
in 2014 Umar123 wrote:
It is less than likely that India had the know how to do such a stuff back then.
Although this may not related to chemtrail directly, it is something we should be worried about :(
Artificial rain by Cloud seeding
World wide acceptance and application
As per reports from World Meteorological Organization, cloud seeding is being used for more than 42 years now. Currently, this technology is being applied in more than 52 countries.
U.S. alone undertook more than 55 cloud-seeding projects in the last year spending more than $15million. In North America, cloud-seeding is also used for artificial snowfall by big ski resorts.
In 2008, China spent millions of dollars on cloud seeding project to create artificial rain in Beijing before the Olympic Games to reduce the air pollution. In 2011, China spent about $150 million on a single cloud seeding project to make artificial rain. On an annual basis, China creates about 55 billion tons of cloud seeded artificial rain which is expected to increase to about 280 billion tons in the near future.
In India, this technology was been used for the first time in 2015 in the state of Maharashtra amid doubts of weak monsoon ahead, as the state had already witnessed drought for three successive years in the past. The Maharashtra government spent $4.5 million on a 3 months cloud-seeding program across 100 sq miles of area. Though, this was a costly project but the Maharashtra government advocates that it is only a fraction of the cost ($750 million) they have spent over the last three years to reduce the impact of drought.