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abu mohammed, Seifeddine-M
Yasin's avatar
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#16 [Permalink] Posted on 10th November 2022 18:24
abu mohammed wrote:
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Sorry I wasn't saying that there's no harm considering they're doing it so there should at least be benefit.. What I said was that there's no proof chemicals are being sprayed from airplanes creating chemtrails. And even if we ignore that there's no proof, the claim is that "it harms us" but there's no proof of any harms either.
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#17 [Permalink] Posted on 17th April 2024 14:22
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#18 [Permalink] Posted on 17th April 2024 14:23
abu mohammed wrote:
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mSiddiqui's avatar
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#19 [Permalink] Posted on 17th April 2024 17:23
abu mohammed wrote:
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[ ???? ??????: 21]
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#20 [Permalink] Posted on 17th April 2024 18:12
mSiddiqui wrote:
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Unfortunately natural calamities are striking at places where locals are are pious. We can't call these calamities as adhab of Allah SWT. Places like Kashmir, pakistan, afghanistan, Indonesia etc.

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#21 [Permalink] Posted on 17th April 2024 18:42
The Hadith of Hadhrat Alqama RA Concerning the Reality of Imaan, Giving Da'wah towards Imaan and the Faraa'idh

Hadhrat Alqama RA narrates that he was one of seven people from his tribe who came to meet Rasulullaah SAS.

Rasulullaah SAS replied to their greeting and when they spoke to him, he liked what they said.

Rasulullaah SAS asked them, "What are you?"

"We are Mu'mineen," they replied.

Rasulullaah SAS said, "Every statement has a reality (to substantiate it). What is the reality of your Imaan?"

They replied, "Fifteen attributes (prove the existence of our Imaan). Five are those that you have commanded us to do, five are those that your messengers have commanded us to do and five are those that we have adopted from the Period of Ignorance and are still practicing until now unless you forbid us from them O Rasulullaah!!

Rasulullaah SAS asked, 'What are the five that I have commanded you to do?"

They replied, "You have commanded us to believe in Allaah, in His angels, His books, His Anbiyaa and in the predestination of all good and evil."

Rasulullaah SAS asked, "What are the five that my messengers have commanded you to do?".....

............ Rasulullaah SAS asked, "And what are the attributes that you have adopted during the Period of Ignorance?"

They replied,

  • "Expressing gratitude when enjoying good fortune,
  • exercising patience when experiencing difficulty,
  • speaking the truth during occasions of confrontation,
  • being happy with the decrees of fate
  • and not expressing pleasure when an enemy is afflicted by calamity."

Addressing the Sahabah RA Rasulullaah RA exclaimed, "Intellectuals and well-cultured people! Their manners are close to those of the Ambiyaa because they are so excellent."

Hayatussahabah Vol.1 by Hazrat Jee Maulana Yusuf sahib RA
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#22 [Permalink] Posted on 17th April 2024 19:40
*Why Are Our Duas Against Tyrants Not Being Accepted?*

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:

You must continue to enjoin people towards good and *PROHIBIT THEM FROM WRONG-DOING* (i.e. breaking of Allahs sacred Laws). Otherwise, Allah will place in authority over you the worst of people amongst you (e.g. Bashar Assad, Sisi, Modi, Boris, Trump, Burmese monks, etc). Then the most pious amongst you will do Dua, but their Duas will not be answered.

[Tabarani, Bazzar, and many others. Authentic due to the multiplicity of chains]

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:

O People! Indeed Allah commands: Enjoin good and *PROHIBIT WRONG-DOING* before [a time comes] you will do Dua to me but I will not answer you, and you will ask me but I will not give you, and you will seek help from me, but I will not help you. [Musnad Ahmad, Ibn Majah]

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:

As for those who neglect to enjoin good and *PROHIBIT WRONG-DOING* (i.e. breaking of Allahs sacred Laws), their deeds do not get recognition and their Duas are not answered. (as-Sunan al-Kubra)

Once Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said with much emphasis and urgency:

By Him in Whose Hand my life lies, you shall continue to Enjoin Good and *PROHIBIT WRONG-DOING*. Otherwise, Allah will send down upon you such calamities and punishment that you will do Dua to Him but He will not answer you. [Tirmidhi, Musnad Ahmad]

*PROHIBITING WRONG-DOING* has been highlighted because this is the undeniably neglected duty due to which Allahs Wrath and Punishment is currently descending upon this Ummah.

Despite the clarity of the words of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) above, Muslims all over the world still decide to come up with their own silly self-concocted theories and answers to the following questions:

Why are Muslims all over the world being afflicted with brutal, tyrannical rulers, and other natural disasters???

Why is every Rulership all over the world increasing day by day in their discrimination and oppression of the Muslim communities under them???

How much longer are we going to continue to ignore the words of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) above and come up with such stupid theories and scape-goats for the Ummahs current dire situation, which are perfectly designed to soothe our own guilty consciences and deflect blame away from the root-cause of Allahs Punishment i.e. our own sinful and unrepentant selves????
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akbar703's avatar
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#23 [Permalink] Posted on 19th April 2024 08:23
I read in a book.
Overdose of piety should not make you conclude that everyone around you is a sinner.
And I am baa yazid bustani or junaid baghdadi.
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