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MashaAllah and please feel very welcome here.
Salaam to my new sister.
Good Point Sister, I just remembered, The Book below was recommended to my wife by another sister, also for a similar reason.
Du'aas for the Contentment of the Heart (9788172314712) £1.75
Duas for the Contentment of the Heart - Majmu'a-e-Wazaa'if in abridged form.
Includes Manzil, Surah Yasin, As-Sajda, Al-Waqi'ah, Al-Mulk, Ar-Rahman, Al-Kahf, Ad-Dukhan, and Al-Jumuah, 40 Rabbana, the 99 names of Allah and du'as for the morning and evening. Also includes 40 duroods (Salutations on the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) compiled by Shaykh al-Hadith Maulana Zakariyya. Arabic text with English translation.
Jazakallah for the links Maulana Yasin, Jazakallah for pointing out this gold mine sister.
Ad Du'a (Divine Help) (9788172318758) £1
I will order my copy today InshaAllah. (English for me and Urdu for my wife)
An English translation of 'Momin Ka Hathyar'.
Easy masnun prayers for the morning and evening. Contains the beautiful names of Allah, verses for protection and healing. Also includes Manzil.
Includes Arabic text and English translation of All Qur'anic verses and prayers.
This cannot be undone and I am sure it will be greatly appreciated.
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