Whenever Ml Ibrahim Dewla speaks to graduating students of knowledge, he remembers his teacher, Ml Hussain Ahmed Madani رحمة الله عليه with great reverence.
The Prophet

When Ml Hussain Ahmed Madani رحمة الله عليه was imprisoned in Malta for three and a half years, his beloved father passed away. Before this, he had lost his mother, who endured much difficulty and hardship. His two brothers were also detained in an unknown location. His eldest daughter had already died. Subsequently, both his wife and sons also passed away.
Before going to Malta, his home was filled with happiness and people. However, after returning, it felt as though his house was now empty. He had no mother to offer him any motherly love, nor did he have his father's shadow under which to rest. There was no wife to console him and provide him with solace and no children to bring a smile to his face. He returned to an empty home.
Despite all the difficulty and hardship, he never complained to anyone. He faced every challenge with patience and forbearance.
He remarried, but sadly, she also passed away. After the burial, numerous scholars and teachers gathered at his home. A few moments later, he stood up and began to walk to start the lessons on teaching Bukhari. Everyone was shocked to witness this, as he was struggling with the grief of losing his wife.
Many scholars tried to persuade him to delay the lessons since his grief was still fresh, and there was no need to go immediately to the classroom.
However, nothing deterred him, and he continued. When Ml Shabbir Usmani رحمة الله عليه attempted to explain and stop him for the second time, he replied,
“Is there anything that can bring more solace to one’s heart than the remembrance of Allah?”