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Mashwara between seniors & juniors, Bilqis | Ml Tariq Jameel

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sheikhonderun's avatar
sheikhonderun's avatar
#1 [Permalink] Posted on 29th December 2024 04:55
Excerpt from Ml Tariq Jameel’s speeches and notes.

Bilqis consults with her people so beautifully that Allah mentions it in the Quran.

(1) Seniors:

Bilqis honors her people and community. She is not scolding and taunting them.

She is not responsible for one small jamaat or even the Markaz. She is the queen of one of the most powerful kingdoms in that period.

How did she address her juniors?

“O eminent ones…” (27:32)

Look at what she mentions after:

“…Advise (aftuni) in this matter…” (27:32)

The word ‘aftuni’ does not mean giving a mere opinion but asking for professional counsel. This gives them respect as she implies; they are competent in providing counsel.

A woman of such authority, with courtesy seeks professional counsel from her juniors. What did she say next?

“I only ever decide on matters until you witness for me”. (27:32)

Any matter irrespective of how insignificant it is, I will not decide until I have sought your counsel on it. How beautifully has she honored her people?

How inspired and motivated will her people be after hearing that?

‘She has honored and given us respect’.

How many times do you get to hear:

‘What does this person know? I was in Tabligh before he was born. I have given more time to Tabligh than he has’.

We shouldn’t dismiss or be condescending towards anyone’s opinion. Who knows whose opinion is beneficial?

(2) Juniors:

Now for juniors, it is expected that to treat their seniors with respect and honor.

Look at how Bilqis is addressed. They gave their opinion:

“They responded, “We are men of strength and of great military might…” (27:33)

They were willing to fight. But they didn’t insist. They said:

“…but you are in command…” (27:33)

Then they said:

“…so consider what orders to give us”. (27:33)

They asked her to consider all options.

After which, they will abide by whatever order is given to them.
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akbar703's avatar
akbar703's avatar
#2 [Permalink] Posted on 29th December 2024 10:55
Tableegh is safe until it moves with mashwarah. When prophet SAS was asked to consult sahabah and he did consult his sahabah, then today no one is above Prophet SAS.

There are narrations on 4 khulafa e rashideen did consult the other sahabah (Arbaab e hal o aqd) before taking any decision. On exceptional and emergency situation they took decision based on consultation among 2 or 3 members.

Hasan Basri RA says the first bid'ah was, suggestion by a single sahabi to khalifa to nominate his son (yazeed) as next Khalifah. Otherwise khalifah was selected with consultation among arbab e hal o aqd.

Today tablighis boast of being on seerah of sahabah, we don't know, how did they miss reading importance of mashwarah among sahabah and khulafa e rashideen. Today to promote autocracy the aadaab e mashwarah itself are being changed, these aadab are different from pre 2014 times.
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