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Children see actions not speech | Ml Inamul Hasan Kandhlawi (rah)

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sheikhonderun's avatar
#1 [Permalink] Posted on 24th December 2024 21:23
Excerpt from Ml Inamul Hasan Kandhlawi رحمة الله عليه’s speeches.

Active efforts to improve the environment are essential; future generations will see no progress without them.

Our efforts to make the environment better are to benefit future generations.

Through lectures, and sayings a child will not understand as much compared to what he sees and understands through his environment.

A child exposed to a negative environment is likely to adopt harmful behaviors. If the environment is corrupt, our speeches will have no effect.

As a parent, your actions set an example for your child. If you engage in negative or positive behavior, they will likely imitate it.

If we engage in swearing, abusive behavior, or wrongdoing in the home, then the child without any instruction will perform these evil actions themselves.

But if we engage in remembrance of Allah, actions pleasing to Him, and ensure His commands are followed in the home, then the child without any instruction will perform these good actions themselves.
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