
To the farthest extent we can, we should do it. Don’t do it beyond one’s strength. Due to exhaustion, one will abandon good deeds while Allah doesn’t abandon His servant. So, one must do the best of their ability. This is the correct etiquette (adab) with Allah.
Ahmad Sirhindi رحمة الله عليه is one of our great past scholars. Emperor Jahangir had imprisoned him in Gwalior Fort. It was a Friday. Note Friday there are etiquettes one should follow. Nowadays we value Sunday more than Friday. This is a shortcoming as there are great virtues associated with Friday.
Aws ibn Aws reported Prophet

(Tirmidhi 496)
So Ahmad Sirhindi رحمة الله عليه is imprisoned in the fort. On Friday, he followed all the etiquettes, performed the ritual bath, miswak, added perfume, and got ready early. He would walk to the gate that was locked. Then would appeal to Allah,
“This is my strength; I have done my best to abide by your command. I cannot do more”.
As Allah says about the Friday prayer:
“…hasten to the remembrance of Allah…” (62:9)
What is this called? It is called servitude. ‘I am your slave; I did what I could’.
This is an example. Whatever one’s strength is, one should do with honesty. Allah in turn will open ways.
Allah opened ways for Ahmad Sirhindi رحمة الله عليه. Emperor Jahangir had a change of heart and in his progeny, great personalities came that benefited.
Thus, where we have exhausted our strengths, Allah will manifest His power.
This is also what occurred at Badr when the Prophet

“…O Allah, if this band of Muslims are destroyed, You will not be worshipped on the land”.
(Muslim 1763)
So, Allah assisted through His angels.