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U.K. Elections and The Muslim Vote.

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#46 [Permalink] Posted on 30th June 2024 06:21
akbar703 wrote:
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Voting is endorsement of this system of the kuffar. That makes it even more harmful to the Ummah than not voting. The Muslims are steeped deep into these structures of the kuffar which have been engineered by the Shaytan directly. We are trapped in a loop. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result every time. Insanity, as said by Einstein. We have to break this loop, destroy these structures of the kuffar, not strengthen them by deluding ourselves into believing that we have to participate in them to survive.
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#47 [Permalink] Posted on 30th June 2024 08:06
fod1083 wrote:
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Establishing khilafat and Imposing hudood is a mirage.
Even Muslims won't accept hudood.
So let's demonstrate we care for today's Muslims.
From my childhood days I was hearing about khilafat, it was all under secular government. Now all those guys have gone underground, the reason is, dictatorship.
Now if you want secularism to continue, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE.
Remember there is no khilafat in haramain.
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
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#48 [Permalink] Posted on 30th June 2024 14:27
So what is being said is that we should not vote, so if there is choice between two political groups or parties. One is planning too ban Islamic education for children, ban Hijab, ban beard, place restriction on Masajid so on and so forth. Whilst other political party is not. We should still not vote even though we could prevent the anti-Islamic forces from obtaining power?

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#49 [Permalink] Posted on 30th June 2024 16:56
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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Dreaming of khilafath (when Mehdi arrives), that doesn't mean today we lose Hijab, islamic education, madrasah, beard, halal, offering salah in one corner of a public place or at work place, establishing masjid, darul uloom etc etc.

Today we vote to keep status quo on this.
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#50 [Permalink] Posted on 30th June 2024 18:33
akbar703 wrote:
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Who said anything about khilafat? Khilafat happens when we have the Muslims worthy of that khilafat. Which is clearly not the case right now. What Muslims need to do is something different. How long have they been voting over the years anyways? Your plea for voting is not anything new, only the desperation is a bit current. The Muslims have voted, even blindly, without questioning what the system they are endorsing is even worth and this voting has gotten them nowhere and it will never get them anywhere except delusion. And although most people would rather live in delusion than face reality but it does not befit a Muslim to take that approach. By boycotting the system at least you can let it be known that this system that has been imposed in not acceptable, and only then will Muslims get together to brainstorm a system that does work in today's time for them given the state of the Ummah.

Right now what you are proposing is to keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results. Good luck with that.
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#51 [Permalink] Posted on 30th June 2024 23:48
fod1083 wrote:
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You are right Muslims in Pakistan should boycott elections.

This thread is about U.K, and Muslims in U.K. should use the electoral system to their advantage and vote.
Probably same goes for Muslims who are living as minorities in other non-muslim countries.
And many Scholars have encouraged Muslims to vote in order to protect and preserve their religious rights.
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#52 [Permalink] Posted on 1st July 2024 01:41
fod1083 wrote:
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In India we would wish to restore a democratic system which
Will not lynch us
Will not buldose our houses and masjids
Will not stop us from halal slaughter and halal certification.
Will not tear hijab of our daughters
Will not be a crime to offer salah at public place while travelling
Will not make a crime for talaq.
Many more....
These are happening now....
So minorities can change or mitigate the damage through vote.

UK is not far behind, so vote for protection of deen of your future generations. Else they shall curse you for your taqwa.
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#53 [Permalink] Posted on 1st July 2024 16:56

Muhammad Jalal

"I have seen some interesting arguments against voting for independents in this election. But I think the argument that the system is corrupt, so by disengaging, you shall bring it down through your collective moral (in)action, is just words with little political or historical backing.

They will laugh at you for your non-engagement. And the advocates for genocide will get away with it."
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#54 [Permalink] Posted on 4th July 2024 09:58
your next generation needs your vote.
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#55 [Permalink] Posted on 4th July 2024 11:22
The Majlis/Al-Haq has branded voting haraam and that it is to vote for Taghoot. From this it follows that those Ulama who say that voting is permissible are promoting the law of Taghoot, hence are kaafir. Please comment.

Yes, voting is a system of Taghoot. It is haraam to vote. But nowhere did we make takfeer (proclaimed kaafir) the Ulama who say that it is permissible. Tajheel (declaring as ignorant), Tafseeq (declaring as faasiq) and Takfeer (declaring as kaafir) may not be resorted to on issues which are not Mansoos Alayh. Takfeer is permissible and necessary only if such Ahkaam of the Shariah are denied which are substantiated by the Nass of the Qur’aan and Ahaadith of the highest class of certitude – by Dalaail Qat’i.

The conflicting rulings pertaining to voting are the products of opinions based on the principles of the Shariah. Very senior Ulama such as Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Shafi (Rahmatullah alayh) and other Ulama-e-Haqq are of the view that in certain circumstances voting is permissible. They do not deny voting being the system of Taghoot. However, due to circumstances, they base the permissibility on prevailing circumstances. Just as consumption of haraam food, even pork, becomes permissible due to circumstances, so too availing oneself of the system of Taghoot becomes permissible because of circumstances.

Whether dire circumstances of need apply or not, obviously there will arise difference of opinion on this score, hence it is haraam and total ignorance to resort to Takfeer of sincere Ulama-e-Haqq who say that voting is permissible. At most, we can differ with them and reject the basis they proffer for their permissibility view, but we cannot doggedly and tenaciously assert that our view is 100% correct and absolute. Our view is not the effect of Wahi.

We therefore caution those who follow our view! They should not insult and criticize those genuine Ulama-e-Haqq who say that voting is permissible. Hadhrat Sayyid Abdul Qaadir Jilaani (Rahmatullah alayh), proffering advice to a Mureed said : “Do not lay claim to Nubuwwat.” The mureed did not understand this advice, hence asked for an explanation. Hadhrat Jilaani (Rahmatullah alayh) explained that one should not attribute Qat’iyat (Absolute Certitude) to one’s opinion. Only a Nabi has this right since he speaks on the basis of Wahi. Thus, the Qur’aan states: “He (the Nabi) does not speak on the basis of desire. Whatever he says is wahi revealed to him.”
Therefore, our views despite being based on the Usool of the Shariah, may not be elevated to the degree of Qat’iyat. Unlike the Adwa (contagion), riba, hijaab and tasweer (picture making) issues which are substantiated by dalaa-il of Absolute Certitude, the issue of voting is the product of opinion, and despite its Shar’i basis, is not the effect of Wahi. Hence, it is improper and not permissible to resort to tajheel, tafseeq and takfeer of those Ulama-e-Haq holding the opposite view.

We, nevertheless, maintain that in the South African scenario, the Ulama who claim voting to be permissible are in grievous error. They have erred because they have failed to apply their minds constructively. They have erred because their focus is not on Allah Ta’ala. They have erred because they do not accord adequate importance to the Aayaat of the Qur’aan and Ahaadith which categorically state that rulers, kings and regimes are by the decree of Allah Ta’ala.

They have erred because of either extremely deficient Tawakkul or because of total lack of Tawakkul. Although they do not verbally say so, their practical attitude displays that the Qur’aanic warnings, strictures and declarations are somewhat antique, hence there is a need to adopt some of the systems of Taghoot to bring about change.

But they fail to understand that change is the decree of Allah Ta’ala, and the Ummah’s state of abject disgrace and degradation will change only when they change their own state of moral putrefaction which is the actual cause of the calamities which are settling on us. Allah Ta’ala states unequivocally in the Qur’aan Majeed:

“That is so because Allah will not change (snatch away) any
Ni’mat (bounty/favour/prosperity) which He has bestowed to a nation until they change that (moral condition) which is within themselves.”
(Al-Anfaal, Aayat 53)

Thus, the decline and fall into defeat and disgrace are the consequences of the treachery and transgression of the Muslim Ummah. And, the solution for this appalling state of humiliation of the Ummah is not the adoption of the ways and methods of the kuffaar. The Qur’aan states the solution with clarity:
“O People of Imaan! Turn unto Allah altogether
so that you attain victory.”

Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Shafi (Rahmatullah alayh) and other Ulama-e-Haqq who had promoted voting in the Pakistani scenario had logical reasons for their view. This view is based on the argument that the kuffaar system of voting should be utilized as a weapon to displace the fussaaq/kuffaar secular government. If sufficient Muslims vote for a genuine Islamic party, the reins of government could be snatched from the modernist fussaaq and murtaddeen who happened to be the rulers in Pakistan. Once the genuine Islamic party acquires the reins of government, the constitution of Taghoot would be abolished and the Shariah be instituted.

While there is sound logic in this argument, it was a distant dream devoid of reality. It was a pipe dream the objective of which could not be achieved, and which even Hadhrat Mufti Shafi conceded.

The Ulama-e-Haqq of that era had failed to take cognizance of the fact that the vast majority – 90% or more – of the population was absolutely corrupt – rotten to the core. They demonstrated their corruption and disdain for Islam by voting into power fussaaq, fujjaar and murtaddeen. The declaration in the Qur’aan regarding the appointment of rulers was forgotten by the Ulama or it had become meaningless to them due to their own spiritual deficiency. Allah Ta’ala says:

“Say: “O Maalikul Mulk! You bestow sovereignty to whomever You will and You snatch away sovereignty from whomever You will.
You grant honour to whomever You will and you disgrace whomever You will. In your Hand is goodness. Verily You have power over all things.”

Nusoos of this kind in the Qur’aan and Hadith were not understood correctly by the Ulama, hence their focus shifted from the Qur’aan and Sunnah towards the ways and structures of aliens. But in the wake of such adoption came only more and greater suffering, calamity and humiliation.

Gazza, Kashmir, Burma, Syria, India, China, etc. loudly testify for the veracity of Qur’aanic Warnings. Voting will NEVER change this equation. The solution is only Inaabat Ilallaah (to turn unto Allah Ta’ala with Taubah and Taa-at (Repentance and Obedience).

Summing up the Islamic reality, Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallahu anhu) said:
“We are a nation whom Allah elevated with Islam.”

This elevation and honour are not obtainable by adoption of the laws and systems of Taghoot. The Qur’aan with considerable emphasis says:
“Verily, all honour is for only Allah.”

It is only Allah Azza Wa Jal Who apportions honour and power to His servants, whether they happen to be Muslim or Kuffaar. Granting it to the kuffaar is for punishing Muslims for their treason and treachery.

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Whatever is by Allah is obtainable by means of Taa-at (Obedience).”
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#56 [Permalink] Posted on 4th July 2024 11:35
mSiddiqui wrote:
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We Indians live as minority, for us it is WAAJIB to vote to safeguard islam of next generation.
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#57 [Permalink] Posted on 5th July 2024 10:19
"Keir Starmer to be next British Prime Minister'

What is the effect on UK Muslims?
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#58 [Permalink] Posted on 5th July 2024 11:53
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#59 [Permalink] Posted on 5th July 2024 14:14
abu mohammed wrote:
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What is the policy of outgoing government towards muslims.
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#60 [Permalink] Posted on 5th July 2024 16:06
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