We don't vote and more harmful wolf comes to power, we are responsible. We shall be questioned, you had power of vote and a more harmful wolf got elected, you wasted your right.
That's one of the most harmful of illusions that exist in today's world. The only thing that voting is used for is by the elites to keep the non-elites busy and prevent them from finding out how they are being screwed over by the elites.
Infact, if people got together and collectively boycotted voting that would be a much more powerful and effective statement than voting.
The global elite are running the same scam in every country. There's a party which is supposed to solve your problems, and there's a controlled opposition party which keeps this illusion in perfect harmony. And these parties keep interchanging their roles ever so often as dictated by the elites. The desire of humans to avoid the harshness of truth keeps this system running perfectly.
During recent election, in the state of Andhra Pradesh, a local party, the Telugu Desam Party promised for local muslims; 5 % reservation in jobs, 1 Lakh for Haj pilgrims, 5 lakhs for masjid renovation, land for grave yard, scholarships for muslim students.... a big list....
Muslims voted for this party and it got thumping majority, but...... in parliament it supports the BJP government which has bitter differences with Indian Muslims. If TDP withdraws support for the Modi government shall fall.
The situation is, for local Muslims it is heaven, for all other Indian muslims, it is Hell. The message is we are selfish, we don't care for other muslims.
Solutions like these never work out. If there is anything that history has taught Muslims it's that encouraging a system of the baatil in order to gain favor for Muslims has only resulted in strengthening the baatil and the suppression of Muslims.
The above link is a 5 pillars video on the vote splitting in Blackburn.
Craig Murray is clearly the better candidate as it pertains to Gaza so not sure what game is at play in Blackburn.
But then again this is a town that voted for the war criminal Jack Straw in the past ( one of the masterminds of the Iraq War )
You have to vote because you are offered the opportunity, in Saudi we cannot vote.
We are asked to offer testimony on who harms less to Muslims.
If we won't vote and more harm is done to ummah, we are responsible for that.
Mitigation is also a positive development.
Ideal is if someone eats briyani, but expecting briyani, decades from now, some one doesn't eat simple rice to survive is foolish.
This cannot be undone and I am sure it will be greatly appreciated.
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