akbar703 wrote:
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And a democratic system will provide all that?
Even if we kept deen aside, the numbers alone in a democracy wouldn't add up in Muslims' favor, not even a hundred years down the line.
And if you and the ulema there are more ambitious and want to change the demographic by converting Hindus, then may I remind you that the Tableeghi Jamat has now been operating for almost a hundred years and so far on a global scale, with all Muslim countries combined, we still don't have even 313 brave ulema, not common people, ulema, who would have enough emaan to mount a defense of the Palestinians against Israel, even if they knew that they would die in that attempt. Because that is the true spirit of Jihad.
Not that I am critical of TJ. They have achieved a lot when it comes to individual Muslims turning their lives around, it's just that as a collective, we are still short of that original goal of Maulana Ilyas'. This is just a reminder of the realities of trying to bring Hindustan towards Islam through verbal dawah alone.
The gist of what I am saying about your position and hopes as a Muslim in India is that when the left knee is wounded, you shouldn't be applying bandage to the right knee.