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Let's honour the dignity of our marhum, 'fallen brethren'

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 13th November 2023 10:42

Let's honour the dignity of our marhum, 'fallen brethren'

Undoubtedly, Allah Ta’ala‬‎ has favoured the Ummah of Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) in countless ways.

Intervalled Tests

From time to time Allah Ta’ala -by his wisdom- also tests the Ummah.

Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) informed the Ummah that they will be tested by Allah Ta’ala in the form of natural catastrophes and other physical hardships.

Currently, many Muslims throughout the world are subject to unimaginable torture and brutality.

Insha Allah, this is a passing phase, which will be replaced with better times ahead for the Muslims globally.

Feel the Pain

As Muslims and members of one global family, we are definitely required to feel their pain and to make an earnest effort to assist them in every way possible.

But that ‘effort’ does not include circulating gruesome pictures of our brothers and sisters!

Human dignity

Allah Ta’ala has endowed humanity with dignity. (Surah Isra)

As Humans, we are taught to cover the deceased wherever they may be. And not to leave human corpses to lay around like that of animals!

ثم أماته فأقبره

Then He (Allah) gave man death and had him buried. (Surah ‘Abasa)

Broadcasting pictures of our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters choking on their blood or laying martyred on the ground or even as decapitated is totally wrong!

In trying to -rightfully- create awareness of their plight we have -unknowingly- failed their right to privacy.

It is indeed sad, how we have violated their dignity, albeit unintentionally.

The same applies to when fellow friends are involved in car accidents and any other tragedy.

This is besides the fact that taking pictures of animate objects is impermissible, in the view of my seniors.

Let’s do it the right way

Please continue to raise awareness and assist the part of our family that is greatly in need.

Do it in the correct manner. Don’t be tricked into thinking that they would want their fallen bodies broadcast throughout the world.

Would we want that for our own selves or our blood brothers, sisters, parents and children!

Therefore, let’s keep the posters, flyers and clips free of such pictures or any animate picture for that matter.

It shouldn’t be that due to the current bombardment of brutal pictures and clips, we become immune to such scenes, and then do nothing about it besides passing it around!

May Allah Ta’ala guide us and may He‎ alleviate the suffering of the Ummah, soon. Very soon.

بحوله وقدرته. وما ذلك على الله بعزيز
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