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Important Message to Tablighee Sathees.

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#16 [Permalink] Posted on 21st February 2023 17:11
abu mohammed wrote:
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Darul uloom Deoband has clearly mentioned saad kandhalwi as a deviant in its fatwa which still stands as of date.

Exposing the deviancy of any person in influential position is incubent and as such meritorious as this is necessary to safeguard the aqaid of the masses and thus it is neither slander nor backbiting

It is outright sinful to accord respect to a person who disrespects the sahabas and ambiya alay hi salam. Saad kandhalwi has gone one step further by accusing Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam of israf.

Saad kandhalwi would have straighforward been beheaded in the era of sahaba and salaf
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#17 [Permalink] Posted on 21st February 2023 17:58
Amirless AND jobless. I stopped replying to them.

Dear Admin - pls ask them to stick to the topic and delete the invalid items.
Already they have their own multiple threads for their false propagandas and communist global ideologies.
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#18 [Permalink] Posted on 21st February 2023 18:04
akbar703 wrote:
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Dear All, this is not correct to attack all my replies and point it against any individual person and group of muslims. I never promoted any individual in this thread.

Kindly note down these activities they do.

I'm quoting some of the blunt mesage of the shura global organization brother, this will show their real color. They think they are good in knowledge, and accuse their opponents as don't have knowledge.

"because you don't have knowledge"
"we can counter these theories and present from our knowledge"

I chose not to reply to bhakts and shura global.
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#19 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd February 2023 01:16
Servant.Of.Allah wrote:
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Respected brother...

You didn't chose to reply, rather .... You don't have a choice, you can't reply.

Since 1995 there is no Ameer for tabligh. Today also, ameer of nizamuddin is illegal. There was no mashwarah to reverse the decision of 1995, and no mashwarah for appointment of ameer. All cooked stories are presented.
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#20 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd February 2023 07:32
After this controversy erupted, we asked a senior scholar what we should do. He told us to attend the majalis (public addresses) of both Markaz and Shura and spend some time with each of them. Then he told us to attach ourselves with whichever group we felt more munasibat (congruence) with, and make dua for the other group.

Alhamdulillah, the advice helped us greatly ease our anxiety. We are now at peace, contributing what little we can in the local work that goes on in our neighborhood, and our masjid al-hamdulillah welcomes jamaaths from both groups. Spending time in their umoomi bayanaath (pubic addresses), we witnessed that both groups called towards inculcating the six sifaath (virtues) and invited towards khurooj (leaving one's home temporarily).

May Allah Taala accept all of us for the work of deen, in whichever manner is most beneficial to us, in both this world and in the Hereafter. Ameen.
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#21 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd February 2023 08:28
abuzayd2k wrote:
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True, agreed.

If we are in country other than India.

1. Limit the controversy to borders of India.
2. Don't hate other group.
3. Best solution is, ignore the controversy.... work together...... if not, work in parallel, don't cross each other, share the responsibilities.
4. Don't get information on controversies through people who are not authorized to speak, get the official word directly from either nizamuddin or shura akabir. I mean.... in social media there are people who are neither in nizamuddin nor in faiz e elaahi, they offer their personal opinion, these are false claims.
Like someone falsely claims that maulana Saad sahib made billions, has a farm house etc. Or some one says, Maulana Haroon RA and Maulana Yusuf Sahib RA were allegedly murdered (father and grand father of maulana saad sahib).

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#22 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd February 2023 08:37
abuzayd2k wrote:
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As i had written in my earlier post, what you have written would have been valid as long as it was shura vs amaraat issue.

However, now since its matter of aqaaid of the masses being corrupted, you can no longer work with the nizamuddin group as long as it is headed by a deviant declared by none other than darul uloom deoband.

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#23 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd February 2023 08:55
afzalyunus wrote:
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Servant.Of.Allah wrote:
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abuzayd2k wrote:
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We can ignore Maulana Saad sahib bayans and continue to work with tarteeb of Nizamuddin. Even in Nizamuddin, the effort is inherited from earlier three hazrat jees. Additions by Maulana saad sahib can be ignored and continue to work, No harm at all.

As per shariah, when there is no harm in disassociating our self with tableeg itself, then there is no harm in disassociating ourselves with its ameer and continue to be in tableeg.

Let us share our experiences, from 1995 to 2016 we filtered many statements made by Maulana Saad sahib, we didn't repeat every word delivered in Nizamuddin from 1995. Allah SWT guided us, alhamdulillah!!!!! We felt "daal mein kutchh kala hai".

Like...... for 21 years we never said:

"kya bayeed hai ke Allah tum se woh kaam lele joe nabion se naheen liya.........."
"Hazrat Moosa AS ijtimaee amal chhod kar infiradi amal mein lagae... toe 5 lakh gumrah hoe gaye..."
..... etc. etc.
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#24 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd February 2023 09:10
akbar703 wrote:
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with this very same logic you can also work with the barelwis and salafis and all the baatil sects out there. At the grass root level they also give dawah of kalama , namaz, roza, zakat, hajj and so forth.

a jamat e islami saathi has been after me for quite some time to work with their dawah program. Should i join them ?
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#25 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd February 2023 09:42
afzalyunus wrote:
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Kindly read history.

Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar RA was present in both Hajjaj bin Yusuf and Yazeed's period. He differed with both these oppressors but he didn't disassociate himself with Islam or Muslims.

Similarly if this effort was started by Maulana Saad sahib, we would have disassociated ourselves from him and his tahreek.

This is 70 years old effort, like Hajjaj and Yazeed, he sat on driver's seat by force, illegal methods.

For your kind information... even today, in banglae wali masjid there are akabir who differ with Maulana Saad sahib and continue to be residents of banglae wali masjid. They quote only from previous three hazrat jee. I can name a few.

Let me quote one statement heard in Banglae wali masjid in weekly ijtema of Delhites, "Delhi walo, gair dilli waloen ko bhagaa diya, Allah tumhare haal par raham kare"

May Allah SWT have mercy on Delhites, you have driven out non-delhites from here
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#26 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd February 2023 11:27
akbar703 wrote:
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This does not answer what i had asked.

Should i join the jamat e islami in their dawah program ? YES or NO ?
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#27 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd February 2023 11:55
Brother, joining any effort is a big decision. I would humbly advise you to perform mashwarah with people who have your best interests at heart, and are aware of your temperament. Ulama in our area associate with and have cordial relations with Sunni ulama, Barelvi ulama, Ahle hadeeth ulama, and even Shia ulama. When there is a matter that affects all Muslims, our ulama collaborate with their ulama in such meetings.

Some of our masjidwaar jamaath saathees actively work with jamaath e islami and ahle hadeeth and Barelvi brothers on programs that benefit the community. These saathees are very well connected to the ulama of their respective movements, and sometimes some disagreements do come up, but al hamdulillah so far we have overcome those difficulties and learned to tread carefully.

Brother, no one amongst us is ever safe from falling into deep misguidance. We can only beg Allah Taala to keep us safe from being led astray and pray that when our time comes, we leave the world as Muslims.

May Allah Taala protect us all. Ameen.
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#28 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd February 2023 11:58
akbar703 wrote:
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Masha Allah, brother. Wise words, indeed.
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#29 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd February 2023 12:16
afzalyunus wrote:
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Jamaat e islami was founded by Maulana Maududi sahib, ahle haq have differences with Maulana maududi. Jamaat e islami kaarkunaan continue to accept his teachings.

Present tableeg faction headed by Maulana Saad sahib was not founded by Maulana Saad sahib. It is continues effort of past 3 hazrat jee periods.

We worked with maulana saad sahib rejecting his controversial statements for almost 20 years. 99% of sathees in saad faction are not aware about what is happening.


Yazeed was muslim, but Hazrath ibn Umar RA did not leave Islam because of yazeed. The same thing for Hajjaj bin Yusuf..... apply same for Maulana saad sahib.
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#30 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd February 2023 12:18
akbar703 wrote:
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I asked you a simple question and requested you to give a simple answer YES or NO .

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