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Important Message to Tablighee Sathees.

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 20th February 2023 11:11
This statement shocked me.

Our Akabir zimmedar told this in his bayan.

When we are active in Tableegh we get thirst to do A'amaal. A'amaal needs knowlede, ilm.

When we spend time in Tableegh our tray or bowl to collect knowledge grows. But if we have a tray as big as a house and we have a few things in that tray, that is less useful. So we must acquire more knowledge.

By sitting in Majalis of experienced ulema, reading books etc, our collection of knowledge in tray/bowl grows.


Our knowledge is limited to what our first Ameer of our khurooj taught us.
Or what we learnt from our Ameer of later khurooj.

It is due to our limited knowledge, we get exploited, people play with our sentiments. If common sathee had enough knowledge on aqaid and other uloom, the present crisis would have done lesser damage to us.
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 20th February 2023 12:34
Your message should not be limited to tableeghi's only. It's a universal message. But at the end of the day, the heart, body and soul is limited for each individual. So they should do their utmost to learn of the Deen what they can and not just fill it for the sake of it.

At the same time, it is important what they eyes see and what the heart knows, ultimately, it is this that will determine their outward reality

See here
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 20th February 2023 14:15
akbar703 wrote:
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Bro get a smaller tray, problem solved.
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 20th February 2023 14:46
Saracen1 wrote:
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Tableegh has six sifaaths
We never discuss
1. Ilm
2. Ikraam e muslim
3. Ikhlaas.

We broadcast what we receive from elders about other sifaaths. Intentionally or non intentionally we won't broadcast what we receive from elders on the above mentioned sifaaths.
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Servant.Of.Allah's avatar
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 20th February 2023 20:38
Reality of the ilm must take one closer to Allah and bring the fear of Allah.

When you learn ilm inside a masjid or madarsa, the sakinah comes. Angels visit, spread their wings, etc. Through this we can get the Reality of the ilm.

Its not just 6 Qualities. Those are the 6 qualities of SAHABA. in order to achieve the quality and its Reality, acquiring that quality must be the way of only the sahaba.
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 21st February 2023 01:37
This post has been reported. It could be due to breaking rules or something as simple as bad use of bbcodes which breaks the page format. We will attend to this soon.
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 21st February 2023 01:47
Servant.Of.Allah wrote:
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Hazrath is delivering ajeeb theories.
1. Students must earn half day for themselves and their ustaads, and half day they must attend classes, this is the only way sahabah acquired knowledge.
2. Who ever presents ahadeeth of fazail of knowledge for learning anything other than islamic knowledge is cheating on hadeeth.
Implies.. .. Intention of becoming an honest doctor has no fazail.
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 21st February 2023 07:44
Servant.Of.Allah wrote:
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Ulema e haq differed with Maulana Maududi sab on
1. he claimed that prophets are not safe from their evil nafs. (means they can err). He quotes so called many mistakes of prophets.

The Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah are unanimous on the position that the Prophets are infallible and are free from sins. No one from among them has ever committed a sin intentionally, before and after becoming a Prophet.

2. Maulana Maududi said that he has right to criticize khulafa e rashideen and other sahabah. They are not above criticism.

Ahlusunnah wal jamaath won't allow criticism of sahabah.

It is recorded in the hadith that the Prophet (S.A.) said, ‘The best of my Ummah are those who are living at my time, then those after them, then those after them’. (Bukhari, Muslim). Here, the sahabah are referred to as the best of the Ummah.

In another hadith , the Prophet (S.A.) said, ‘Fear Allah in regards to my Sahabah! Fear Allah in regards to my Sahabah! After my demise, do not make them targets for criticisms and abuse. Whoever loves them, then it is on account of their love for me they love them. And whoever hates them, then it is on account of their hate for me, they hate them. Whoever harms them has harmed me, and whoever harms me has indeed harmed Allah. And whoever harms Allah, then very soon Allah will seize him for punishment’. (Tirmizi).

In another hadith , the Prophet (S.A.) said, ‘Do not speak ill of my Sahabah (companions), for certainly if one of you spends the mountain of Uhud in gold in the path of Allah, he will not be able to reach or equate one Mudd or half of it of a companion’ (Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Tirmizi).

In another hadith , the Prophet (S.A.) said, ‘When you see people abusing and speaking ill of my Sahabah, then say to them, ‘May the curse of Allah be upon your evil’. (Tirmizi).
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 21st February 2023 08:22
akbar703 wrote:
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1) The world would have been a better place if this was done. Ulama not relying on general masses for thier expenses is the ideal scenario. Most of the times, people lose respect of the scholars because they are dependent on others for their finanaces. Looking after the expenses of scholars should be the duty of peolpe but in reality, it doesnt happen so. Most of the times, it makes these scholars go to general masses for their needs which is against the path the pious predecessors.

2) So a person learning a chapter in Islamic Jurisprudence would be equivalent to a person learning a chapter in anatomy? [As long as his intention is to become an honest doctor]

لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 21st February 2023 08:37
seeker123 wrote:
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Kindly clarifty:

1. Should we follow sahabah's methodology that students must earn in first half and in the second half they shall attend the madrasah.

2. Are you claiming that: A person intents to be a honest doctor, judge, engineer, there is no fazail for this knowledge.

Maulana Ali Mian Nadvi RA said "we need researchers from ummah who can get Nobel prize in sciences that benefit humanity"

Maulana Tariq Jameel sahib says "A judge writes honest judgement that helps the oppressed, his one minute is better than an year of tahajjud"

Now you tell me whether there is no fazail for knowledge these brothers acquire.
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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 21st February 2023 09:14
seeker123 wrote:
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Servant.Of.Allah wrote:
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(08-12-2018/Majlis-E-Students) Ek Student Ki Karguzari - Bhai Iqbal Hafeez D.B | Kurnool Ijtima 2018

Maulana Yusuf Sahib RA said "if a college student makes intention that he shall use his degree to serve deen, then he shall be rewarded same as a taalibul ilm acquiring knowledge in deeni madrasah"
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 21st February 2023 13:57
akbar703 wrote:
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Any saying or amal of buzurg will hold weight only when substantiated with shariah proof, else will be discarded.

Similar is the case with what you have mentioned.

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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 21st February 2023 14:18
afzalyunus wrote:
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Which saying?
Hazrat jee 2 says fazail of ilm applies to english graduate.
Hazrat jee 4 declares it is lies.
Grand father and grand son.
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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 21st February 2023 15:11
There is no hazratjee no. 4
There are only 3 hazratjees and 1 deviant presently.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 21st February 2023 15:19
Please maintain respect for each other and Ulamaa (if topic is about a scholar) by avoiding accusations and slanderous comments. Also remember that in order for criticism to be constructive, it must be channeled in the right direction. If there is any doubt in a matter, it is better to ask, clarify or to remain silent rather than to speak ill of another person.
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