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#16 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd February 2022 17:26
Majority of the stuff listed make no difference or benefit either way. Just interested in the USA and Hitler link. There was a documentary called Europa World War 3. Had alot about Hitler and gandhi communicating and that it was Churchill who pushed for war.

Problem is even if everything mentioned above is true it don't really make a difference to us. Won't change situation on ground. As long as there is no khilafah and unity we will always be bottom of the pile and have rings run around us
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#17 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd February 2022 17:50
mkdon101 wrote:
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Problem is even if everything mentioned above is true it don't really make a difference to us.

It does make a difference.

You think the Islamic emirate just fell without conspiracy?

It's all linked and if we don't wake up to it, we accept it as fact and eventually lose faith because we accept every lie we are ever sold!

If we really think non of this is relevant, then don't you think we are part of the problem?

Wouldn't it be because of these lies, we lost power!
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#18 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd February 2022 17:59
mkdon101 wrote:
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Yes, Churchill was involved. I'm revealing what's mostly hidden
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#19 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd February 2022 18:37
abu mohammed wrote:
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Kuffar and lying/zulm go hand in hand. Non influential people like us knowing truth won't really make a difference if Muslims as a collective were or do what Allah and his rasool (saw) require then no amount of lies Kuffar will affect us.

As for your statement what difference does moon landing make to me or Muslims? As for the wars and invasions even most Non Muslims know its all based on lies for money oil power and geo politics
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#20 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd February 2022 21:19
mkdon101 wrote:
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You are asking what difference it makes.

Well if we believe one lie, then another and another and another, dajjals job will be even easier. Getting to the truth and recognising a lie is important
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#21 [Permalink] Posted on 24th February 2022 12:04
Asaaghir wrote:
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  • Filming of the fake landings were acknowledged by Neil Armstrong to Bart Sibrel personally, shortly before Neil died.
  • Neil Armstrong wanted to speak the truth officially before he died, but was unable to.
  • Bart Sibrel was under oath not to speak about it as requested by Neil.
  • The year was 1968, 1 year before the moon faking was released.
  • Source of this information is now deceased and this information could not be disclosed until a certain time period had elapsed. The source was the Chief of Security at the U.S. Military base where the moon landings were filmed.
  • President Lyndon Johnson was present during the first 3 days of shooting at the military base.
  • The shooting took place inside 2 very large aircraft hangers which were put to get together to best simulate the landscape recordings.
  • Similar setups were used in the later missions.
  • Days and weeks required for the preparation of the setup.
  • Tons of pulverised concrete was delivered and was to be used as the lunar soil and as the moon surface.
  • Lab quality samples of crushed meteorites and lunar debris from Antarctica were sent to labs for analysing.
  • The location of the filming was Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico
  • This top secret project was given the code name "Project Slam Dunk"

There were 15 known named people at The Cannon Air Force Base:

  • President - Lyndon Johnson
  • Astronaut - Neil Armstrong
  • Astronaut - Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin
  • Rocket Designer - Wernher von Braun (Former Nazi Secret Service Officer)
  • Image Consultant - Robert Irminger
  • Nasa Flight Director - Eugene Kranz
  • Nasa Administrator - James Webb
  • Astronaut - Joseph P. Kerwin
  • Nasa Deputy Administrator -Thomas Otten Paine
  • Nasa Flight Director - Glynn Lunney
  • Nasa Mission Control Founder - Christopher C. Kraft
  • Radiation Expert - James Van Allen
  • Army Intelligence - Arthur Furdo (Incorrect spelling)
  • Unknown - Donald Simon (Possibly Navy)
  • Unknown -Grant Nory (Possibly CIA) (Incorrect spelling)

All equipment and acknowledgement of any presence was destroyed.
Additional eye witnesses not yet disclosed.

In the name of a "Necessary Military Bluff" which was also used to cover up the Gulf of Tonkin deception which was an inside job for a war with Vietnam! (admitted in 2005). The American people needed something to celebrate for and cover the wounds of the dead.
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#22 [Permalink] Posted on 24th February 2022 12:05
One of the saddest lessons of history is this:
If we’ve been bamboozled long enough,
we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle.
We’re no longer interested in finding out the Truth.
The bamboozle has captured us.
It’s simply too painful to acknowledge,
even to ourselves,
that we’ve been taken.
Once you give a charlatan power over you,
you almost never get it back.
-Carl Sagan-
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#23 [Permalink] Posted on 24th February 2022 12:21
Yasin wrote:
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The trick is, "repeat repeat repeat" it works perfectly on slaves.
Days after President Kennedy was murdered by the CIA, whom he had just given the order to dismantle, the CIA’s Dan Rather of CBS “news” (propaganda) went on national television to defend the CIA’s lies and to say the EXACT OPPOSITE of the truth. In the clip above, you see this high-paid bribed complicit puppet “reporter” describe his viewing of the highly damaging “Zapruder Film”, which clearly shows, because of Kennedy’s head going violently BACKWARDS from the fatal gunshot, that the gunman was in FRONT of him, NOT behind him, as claimed by the CIA in order to frame Oswald, who they would also have murdered only days later so that a debate of the actual facts would never occur in open court.

As the revealing film of the Kennedy assassination was deliberately never shown on television at the time, the citizens of American were told to TRUST “respectable” Dan Rather’s assessment of it as he describe it FOR THEM. When the scene of the fatal gunshot is related in which Kennedy’s head goes violently BACKWARDS, proving conclusively that the bullet came from the FRONT from a different person than Oswald, who was said to be BEHIND the President, Dan Rather says the EXACT OPPOSITE of what is actually occurring in the revealing and CIA damaging film, that “His head could be seen to move violently FORWARD”.

Don’t believe that such BLATANT LIES would be DELIBERATELY told by the “respected” (CIA owned) news networks about their fraudulent "moon landings"? The clip above clearly shows this intentional BACKWARDS portrayal of reality by the complicit and bribed CIA media, just as was the case with the fake moon landings, also fabricated by the very same CIA just a few short years later.

The trick is, "repeat repeat repeat" it works perfectly on slaves.

The trick is, "repeat repeat repeat" it works perfectly on slaves.

The trick is, "repeat repeat repeat" it works perfectly on slaves.

The trick is, "repeat repeat repeat" it works perfectly on slaves.
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#24 [Permalink] Posted on 25th February 2022 16:42
Do we really need to go into the two Gulf wars? No I didn't think so. Everyone knows the lies and motives behind that!

What about the Israeli attack on US
The Six-Day War

The Six-Day War in 1967 between Israel and Egypt, Syria and Jordan is yet another example of a war which was justified for reasons that were later exposed as lies.

When Israel launched an attack on Egypt’s airfields on the morning of June 5th, they initially claimed that it was a defensive strike and that Egypt had struck first. But this was an easily proven lie, and the claim was quickly dropped.

Next they claimed that the attack was “pre-emptive self defense” and that Egypt and its Arab allies had been preparing to strike Israel. But multiple Israeli officials, including Yitzhak Rabin, later admitted that Egypt had not been preparing a war, or even interested in one.

And then, in the most outrageous incident of all, Israel attempted to get America involved in the war by attacking the USS Liberty, a US technical research ship collecting electronic intelligence just outside Egypt’s territorial waters at the time of the war. The attack, carried out by Israeli fighter jets and torpedo boats, was relentless. The Liberty was strafed and torpedoed repeatedly, with the crew sending distress messages and even hoisting a large American flag so there could be no doubt as to their identity.

The Israeli attack was finally called off an hour and a half into the assault. Israel, caught in a blatant attempt to sink an American ship, offered an “apology” for “mistaking” the identity of the vessel. But it was no mistake. In 2007 the NSA declassified intercepts confirming that the Israelis knew they were attacking an American ship, not an Egyptian ship as their cover story has maintained.

Even mainstream historians now characterize Israel’s attack on the Liberty as “a daring ploy by Israel to fake an Egyptian attack on the American spy ship, and thereby provide America with a reason to officially enter the war against Egypt.” But the incident was soon memory-holed, and to this day the Six-Day War is portrayed as an act of “pre-emptive self defense” by the valiant Israelis against the dastardly Arab aggressors.
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#25 [Permalink] Posted on 26th February 2022 01:53
Asaaghir wrote:
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Maybe the "You People" as you have described the majority of muslims are more focused on holding on to their deen.

And concerned about the plight and genocide of muslims in Palestine, Kashmir, the Uyghurs in East Turkistan the Rohingya in Burma and so and so forth.

Then who killed JFK or if America landed on a moon or not.

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#26 [Permalink] Posted on 26th February 2022 02:27
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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We tend to protest infront of their embassies and grovel at their feet because of our confidence in their system.

Our confidence in them needs to be broken. We suffer a major inferiority complex.

The majority of the solutions we adopt to "worry" about our brothers and sisters work against our favour in the court of Allah Ta'ala.

These things aid us in disconnecting from their society of lies.
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#27 [Permalink] Posted on 26th February 2022 02:51
mSiddiqui wrote:
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So if that is as you say.

Do you think muslims would be better served in focusing their time and attention on whether America landed on the moon or who killed JFK.

If so what would this accomplish and how will it benefit the Ummah..?
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#28 [Permalink] Posted on 26th February 2022 06:14
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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These are pertinent issues my friend.
Propaganda sites like reddit push these narratives often. Murtads and liberals discuss such topics relating it to the splitting of the moon.

We have to poke holes in their narratives. We kept letting them lie about things, how else do you think "liar will be considered truthful, and truthful will be considered a liar" was achieved.
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#29 [Permalink] Posted on 26th February 2022 06:18
Table of lies
Once, Qari Tayyib Sahib came to the Darul Iftaa and I narrated to
him the table of lies. He took a liking for it and noted it down so that
he could relate it to his house-folk.
It is as follows:

One lie is a lie, two lies are an exaggeration, three lies are an excuse,
four lies are a deception, five lies are a white lie, six lies are an accusation, seven lies are slander, eight lies are treachery, nine lies
are hypocrisy, and ten lies are disbelief.
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#30 [Permalink] Posted on 26th February 2022 08:12
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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MashaAllah brother!

This is precisely how and why we let the Ummah suffer.

Now tell me, who put these Muslim countries in this situation in the first place?

Then tell me how they managed to put these countries in these situations?

What should we or could we have done to prevent this from happening?

Everything we see today and everything we saw yesteryear is called divide and conquer!

We ate the first lie, we ate the second lie, we became part of the third lie. We are the result of the fourth lie, we are the fifth lie, we feed the sixth lie. One day, we will be that lie and we will have no Iman left.

All these threads have nothing to do with landing on the moon and so on.These are just eye openers.

From day one, Muadh and others have argued that these are all a waste of time. This is what the advisers to the Muslim army must've said before they got conquered. from day one, I've been saying the same thing, that we need to understand what really happened and to stop teaching these lies so that we can wake the Ummah up, but we just get mocked.

Look at the current Palestine thread, how did they get to this position and where are all the members? Why aren't they sharing their posts or discussing solutions? Because their minds have been conquered and this is the new normal. The attitude is, "What can we do it about it, we are powerless, we don't have an army, we don't have equipment, we don't have money, we don't have technology, we don't have the knowledge"

Why do we think like this? Because they are powerful, they win all the wars, they went to the moon, they have suffered at our hands, they have a law system in place, they have a democratically elected government! All lies, all deception and they have succeeded because we the people have allowed them to continue to go on!

By knowing how they lie and why they lie, InshaAllah, we can prevent history from repeating itself, right?
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