- "Britain's leading health care campaigner" (The Sun)
- "Dr Vernon Coleman is one of our most enlightened, trenchant and sensible dispensers
- of medical advice." (The Observer)
- "Sharpest mind in medical journalism." (Daily Star)
- "His message is important." (The Economist)
- "King of the media docs." (The Independent)
- "Perhaps the best known health writer in the world today" (The Therapist)
- "Probably one of the most brilliant men alive." (Irish Times)
- "The patient's champion." (Birmingham Post)
- "Britain's leading medical author." (The Star)
- "An articulate and prolific medical author." (Sunday Times)
- "He writes lucidly and wittily." (Good Housekeeping)
- "Coleman is a very funny writer." (This England)
- "Marvellously succinct, refreshingly sensible." (The Spectator)
- "Compulsive reading." (The Guardian)
- "The doctor who dares to speak his mind." (Oxford Mail)
- "It's impossible not to be impressed." (Western Daily Press)
- "His advice is optimistic and enthusiastic." (British Medical Journal)
- "He's the Lone Ranger, Robin Hood and the Equalizer rolled into one." (Glasgow Evening Times)
- "Vernon Coleman writes brilliant books." (The Good Book Guide)
- "...no thinking person can ignore him. This is why he has been for over 20 years one of the world's leading advocates on human and animal rights in relation to health. Long may it continue!" (The Ecologist)
- "The man is a national treasure" (What Doctors Don't Tell You)
- "The revered guru of medicine" (Nursing Times)
- "Superstar" (Independent on Sunday)
- "Rogue elephant" (Sunday Times)
- "Gentle, kind and caring" (Western Daily Press)
- "His trademark is that he doesn't mince his words. Far funnier than the usual tone of soupy piety you get from his colleagues" (The Guardian)
- "I would much rather spend an evening in his company than be trapped for five minutes in a radio commentary box with Mr Geoffrey Boycott" (Peter Tinniswood, Punch)
- "Dr Coleman is one of our most enlightened, trenchant and sensitive dispensers of medical advice" (The Observer)
- Sunday Times bestselling author Vernon Coleman has written over 100 books which have sold over two million copies in the UK alone.
- His books have been translated into 25 languages and sell in over 50 countries.
- Dr Coleman is a general practitioner principal and a former Professor of Holistic Medical Sciences at the International Open University in Sri Lanka
If all this praise, why can't we listen to what he has to say and what he has to present?
Advice for those who have been Jabbed by Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc
For over six months now I (Vernon Coleman) have been warning that those who accept the covid-19 jab will have damaged immune systems and will be susceptible to infection.
This remains my honest opinion, based on the evidence I have seen and upon my fears.
I will write more about the immune system problem as evidence becomes available (more evidence is becoming available daily).
But I recognise that millions of people have succumbed to the psychological warfare practised by governments, advisors and media doctors, and have allowed themselves to be jabbed with an experimental product.
Many of those who have been jabbed are, not unnaturally, now asking what they can do to protect themselves from infections.
I do not recommend any patented products but here is my advice:
1) Avoid crowded places
2) Avoid meeting with individuals who have any sort of infection
3) Avoid strenuous exercise (because of the potential for heart problems. Heart problems are now an increasingly common side effect of the covid jab)
4) Keep warm. In my view, leaving windows open (which is one of the covid rules that the Government recommends) is not a good idea in cold weather
5) Eat fresh fruit and vegetables for the vitamins
6) Take a vitamin C supplement
7) Take a vitamin D supplement – but only in the recommended doses
8) Have zinc tablets available to take if you do develop signs of an infection
9) Remember that masks won’t help and can actually make you more sick by increasing your risk of bacterial pneumonia (see my free PDF book on masks available on this website)
10) Social distancing is of little value since a cough or a sneeze can travel over 20 feet
11) Stay away from anyone who has recently had the nasal flu vaccine. The nasal flu vaccine is an attenuated live vaccine which means that it is live but weakened and may regain its strength
12) Stay away from the colds and flu section remedies in supermarkets or pharmacies: that’s usually where the sick people are
Note: Many months ago I predicted that the vaccinated would be vulnerable to infection and that many would die as a result. Preliminary figures already suggest that those who have been vaccinated are losing part of their natural immune system very rapidly. There are suggestions that the vaccinated are rapidly developing a form of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and, as a result, doctors and hospitals will soon be unable to cope with a flood of seriously ill patients. There are reports that 40-79 year olds who have been double vaccinated have lost 50% of their immune system and are losing another 5% every week. These figures are from the UK Government. I am checking them but it seems to me that it would be irresponsible not to provide this warning immediately.
October 2021
How Many People Are The Covid Vaccines Killing? www.vernoncoleman.com/vaccineskilling9.htm
Health news and tips www.vernoncoleman.com/hnat.htm
(Refresh daily for updates)
There is nothing secret about the fact that four vaccine manufacturers in the USA make $60 billion a year selling vaccines and $500 billion a year selling medications for the diseases the vaccines cause!
The FDA Knew of the side effects beforehand and published it on their website before the vaccine rollout! See page 16 of pdf
www.fda.gov/media/143557/download published October 2020
FDA wrote:
FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines :
DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes
***Subject to change***
Guillain-Barré syndrome
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
Transverse myelitis
Narcolepsy and cataplexy
Acute myocardial infarction
Autoimmune disease
Pregnancy and birth outcomes
Other acute demyelinating diseases
Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Venous thromboembolism
Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain
Kawasaki disease
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome
in Children
Vaccine enhanced disease
DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes
***Subject to change***
Guillain-Barré syndrome
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
Transverse myelitis
Narcolepsy and cataplexy
Acute myocardial infarction
Autoimmune disease
Pregnancy and birth outcomes
Other acute demyelinating diseases
Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Venous thromboembolism
Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain
Kawasaki disease
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome
in Children
Vaccine enhanced disease
I think there is plenty of evidence on this forum and via this page alone to raise a million questions. There should be no need for anyone to promote this poison and Mufit's around the world should prepare to revoke their Islamic verdicts and promotions of this vaccine.
Remember, YOUR Fatwa or YOUR Medical advice can be chargeable as assisted homicide! You will be as guilty as murder knowing what is known the world over and this goes for Muslim Scholars, Imams, Shaykhs, Ustadh, Teachers, Doctors, Health workers, and Keyboard warriors too.