akbar703 wrote:
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The point I am making is this. I have never visited a non-muslim or Desi shop that I can recall that did not return change. No matter even if it is a penny, if they don't have a penny in their change box, I have seen them give a higher amount like a 5 pence piece in change.
This seems to be a very Desi trait recent example a few months ago, I visited a shop to buy a couple of household items. The brother in his 50's long beard dressed in Sunnah and even had an Islamic Bayaan playing.
On his till he had a large bucket collecting money for charity.
I bought two items, both costing 99pence and gave him £2 and told him to put the 2 pence change in the Chanda bucket.
He got really offended I give bag, and packaging for free. It costs more then your 2 pence in change. This is how Muslims rationalise well the customers have not asked you to give a bag for free charge them money for it and include it in the price.
Another guy at a food shop who didn't give back pennies when I told him he stated, I give free chutney with every order. Yes but you are still overcharging a penny.
The fact is as Muslims we ambassadors of the Deen, people judge Islam on our behaviour.