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Parking and the Muslims.

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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
#1 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd November 2021 22:00


As muslims we have spread to all four corners of the globe. Unfortunately we have not mastered the ettiquette of parking our cars. Or understood that our religion is being judged by our behaviour.

Muslim going Jummah or conferences and parking where ever they want and blocking peoples drive ways.

I am not sure about how many stories I heard but there seems to be a common scenario. A muslim blocks a persons drive way. They are unable to leave their house because their car is blocked when the muslim returns they confront him. And the Muslim instead of apologising becomes abusive.

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abu mohammed's avatar
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd November 2021 23:42
So many lessons can be learnt from this hadith

Abdullah ibn Amr reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, one of the major sins is that a man curses his own parents.” It was said, “O Messenger of Allah, how can a man curse his own parents?” The Prophet said, “He insults the father of another man and then that man insults his father and his mother.”

Do you see the link?

I'll elaborate tomorrow InshaAllah in reference to parking and the lesson in this hadith.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 24th November 2021 09:44
abu mohammed wrote:
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A couple of weeks ago, an announcement was made before Jummah Salah about parking and obeying the rules and etiquettes of parking.

The Masjid received complaints about how the Muslims have invaded so many spaces and parked in the most bizarre ways for the duration of Salah.

One Hindu came out of his house and asked the Muslim driver not to park in the private drive (The resident of the house has a space in his own front garden for private use only and no one else is allowed to park there). The Muslim driver was verbally abusive to the home owner and and got into an argument with him. The owner of the house was in the right and the Muslim was in the wrong.

Eventually, the Hindu man swore and said, "If this is Islam, then I swear at your religion"

The Masjid made it a point to address the issue and ask driver(s) to uphold our respect and be good Muslims.

That's when I remembered this Hadith about insults and name calling. This Muslim driver parked incorrectly and was the cause of Islam and Muslims being insulted and swore at.
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
#4 [Permalink] Posted on 24th November 2021 16:10

This problem is not only present in the U.K. but this selfish attitude amongst us is global . As far as the parking issue goes I heard Hakeem Tariq Chugtai mentioning in an urdu talk that many of the neighbours next to their religious centre in Lahore were Christians. And asking the attendees not to inconvenience them and how a person attending the centre had blocked a Christian neighbours gates on a prior occasion. And then threatened him and verbally abused him with obscene profanity when the Christian Neighbour had complained.

Similar incidence is mentioned by Shaykh Abdur Raheem Mccarthy of his time in Ireland in the video below. The authorities where refusing to give a masjid license to the muslims to conduct the full 5 daily prayers. The building remained an Islamic Information Centre. The reason the authorities were refusing to give the license was because one elderly female neighbour placed objections.

When one of the muslims enquired concerning this from the elderly neighbour she had been on a previous occasion been abused and threatened by a muslim who had attended the centre over a parking issue. This was a reason for her objection.
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 21st December 2021 18:24
Queing and Muslims.

Was in pharmacy today to pick up medication. Sisters in her 30's walks in just goes ahead and jumps the Que.

This Que jumping seems to be a common trait amongst us muslims. Seen this many times.

People blame the Ulema for failing to educate the muslims.

People should not need educating about how to park, and how to que and how not to drop litter on the street.

These are the very basics of manners and ettiquette the people should know from childhood.
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 21st December 2021 18:46
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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On a similar note. Shaykh Khalid Yaseen mentioned in one of his lectures that there was Islamic conference at a large Arena.

This arena had several large washrooms with multiple cubicles. They had cleaning staff at each washroom.

The muslims were going in there and doing: istinja in the toilets and Wudhu at the sinks and not cleaning up after themselves splashing water everywhere. Leaving the washrooms in a terrible state.

One of the cleaners asked which religion is holding a conference here. Someone said Islam. She responded "It must be one filthy religion in all my time working here I have never seen bathrooms being left in such a disgusting state."
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 21st December 2021 19:06
Muslims robbing pennies.

Another common thing you find amongst muslim businesses.

If you go to a non-muslim business they have something priced for example at 2.99 . They will give a penny in change.

If you go to a muslim owned business. They advertise at 2.99 when you go to the counter to pay they say "£3 please."

Thats the same with all the offers priced with 99. Whether its 99 pence £1.99. £9.99.

I told this to an elder who owned a takeout near me very practicing elder Hajji sahib ,either round of the price fully at a pound. Or make sure you return a penny to each customer. Because the extra penny is haram and contaminating your entire income. He got really defensive and argumentative.
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd April 2022 15:54
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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This stresses me out when it's not even involving me! I've seen people park in front of driveways when there was space to park close by without blocking someone's driveway, in particular when going to a corner shop. I have seen people ensure they are not blocking the driveway of the person they are visiting but will block someone else.

However on the other hand, and I know it doesn't make it right, there are some people who might park in front of other people's driveways but would not mind in the slightest if you parked in front of theirs because you could not find a space to park.
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 4th December 2022 05:06
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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Amazed by the honesty and integrity of this brother in the video.

Before selling the goods he weighs the packaging ensuring the weight of the packaging is excluded from the price of goods on the scale.

Unfortunately as I stated previously these days muslims rob pennies from their customers. For example they price the goods at 2.99 and when the customer comes to the till to pay they say £3 please.

I remember as a child decades ago if you went to a muslim shop. The shop keepers would automatically round off to the nearest pound. If goods for example came to a price of say £7.40 they would say.."Just pay me £7.00." And this practice was very common it was deep rooted culturally. And it is only years later that I discovered that it was actually a sunnah to ensure that every transaction is in the favour of the buyer.

Another practice that is dying out which was very common in my childhood was neighbours would cook a meal. And then take a plate next door to share with the neighbours. This again I found out years later was a Sunnah and a common practice amongst the Sahabah.

These were practices, amongst many others deeply embedded, culturally passed from generation to generation. With people just seeing them as the village etiquette, that they were raised with out realising they were practicing a Sunnah.

Another thing I remember is during a gathering for a meal, the elders would try to ensure they were last and every body else filled up their plate first. A couple of Ramadhans ago I used to go to the Masjid at Iftar. And there would be people filling up their plates way before Adhan, making sure they got the biggest piece of Chicken or Kebab. In this Masjid they had a very long ijtimai (collective) dua . So people would have one hand raised in dua whilst using the other to fill up their plate.

On this note i remember an American convert sister who spent time at a Zawwiya in Morroco, mentioning how she was impacted. By the selflessnes of the other sisters at meal times. Each one of the sisters trying to ensure everyone else filled up their plates first before them. Subhan'Allah.

La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illah Billah.

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akbar703's avatar
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 4th December 2022 05:47
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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This could be implemented in our lives. Whether it is vehicle parking, eating together, partnership in business etc.

Narrated Ibn `Umar: The Prophet (ﷺ) decreed that one should not eat two dates together at a time unless he gets the permission from his companions (sharing the meal with him).

Sahih al-Bukhari 2489

Chapter 4: A partner should not eat two dates at a time, Book 47: Partnership.

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akbar703's avatar
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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 4th December 2022 06:02
Here in India this is an epidemic. Selfishness prevails everywhere, the pious do this. We Muslims hinder the free movement of traffic on busy roads which pass through Muslim majority areas.
We would like to create awareness among muslims through social media message, hand bills, posters, banners and public announcement systems. Can forum members help us in this awareness campaign. We would be happy if we can get help from voluntary designers for this campaign. Can we get literature, well designed posters with cartoons/images, if required. We shall print this material and distribute/install them.
Narrated Mu'adh ibn Anas al-Juhani:
I fought along with the Prophet (ﷺ) in such and such battles. The people occupied much space and encroached on the road. The Prophet (ﷺ) sent an announcer to announce among the people: Those who occupy much space or encroach on the road will not be credited with jihad.

Sunan Abi Dawud 2629
Chapter 944: What Has Been Ordered Regarding Keeping The Army Close Together (When Camping), Book 15: Jihad (Kitab Al-Jihad)
Grade: Hasan (Al-Albani)
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Yasin's avatar
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 4th December 2022 08:12
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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For as long as I can remember, if something cost 99p I would wait at counter for the penny very obviously that I'm waiting for the change. This was never for the penny but only so he's not questioned about it.
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akbar703's avatar
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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 4th December 2022 08:53
Yasin wrote:
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Other option is gift it.
I borrowed a pen, the buzurg said "if you don't find me to return this pen, it is gift for you, I do Hiba"

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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
#14 [Permalink] Posted on 4th December 2022 14:37
akbar703 wrote:
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Customer should not feel compelled to gift because they have no choice.

The store owner will have hundreds of customers in a day. And not all customers will gift it in their hearts.

Many of the customers will be non-muslim, they will notice how the muslims are always overcharging them by a penny. Whilst non-muslim shops always give back the change. No matter how small. Unfortunately people judge muslims and Islam by such actions.

Lastly it may seem a trivial issue over a penny but it is far more serious then that. What I have noticed is that those muslims who are not meticulous in their financial dealings and do not care how they acquire money or earn their income, even those who display outward religiosity, and piety. Find the negative effects of this on their children.

I know people who spend thousands on hiring private Islamic teachers to teach Islam for their children. Yet their children turn out corrupt and engage in haram activities. These people complain why did my children become a test for me when I spend so much money and effort in trying to raise them with Islam. They dont realise that the income they raised their children on was not 100% Halal and Tayyab , and money they spend on the religious tuition of their children was not either.

Conversley I have seen muslims who
did not have outward religiosity and did not spend hundreds on private tuition. But who were very diligent in ensuring their income was hundred percent halal and tayyab. End up with their children being very pious with seemingly little effort by the parents.

So charging a little penny extra might seem trivial, to these people but they dont realise what effect it will have on their households.

It is not that these muslim store owners are out to rob pennies. It is just pure laziness the pennies run out constantly. And they are just too lazy to go to a bank stand in a Queue to acquire the change in pennies.

And ALLAH knows best.

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akbar703's avatar
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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 6th December 2022 16:23
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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The option of gifting little amount is:
1. The shop keeper should not be made accountable for the little penny.
2. To avoid ourselves from spending our precious time to save the shop keeper from accountability or dishonesty.
3. Or 3rd option is the shop keeper must push this litle amount to sadaqa account and spend it on the needy.
May be we are compelled to do this keeping in mind our busy life.
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