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Mufti Saeed Khan DB Pakistan Women's March

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ssaad, bint e aisha, abuzayd2k, alandalus
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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 16th March 2021 07:09
youtube . com/watch?v=4FwFfReVkYk


1. Issues such as the Women's March in Pakistan are a direct result of what we are teaching in our universities.
2. It is only taqwa (piety) that prevents someone from sinning. No man made laws can dissuade anyone from sinning if the person does not have piety.
3. Education in universities breeds atheism.
4. We learned rational sciences in our religious schools. However, universities teach rational sciences in such a way that they negate the existence of God.
5. We are not surprised by the behavior of these women, because they are a product of the education in our universities that does not affirm the existence of God.
6. We are seeing these demonstrations progress in such a way that soon they will be burning the Quran and Hadith in these demonstrations.
7. Our politicians and leaders are devoid of piety. They are also a product of our universities.
8. The teachers in our universities are themselves of immoral character.
9. The Women's March carried banners that were explicitly blasphemous. The French cartoons were nowhere near as blasphemous as the banners these women carried about our Prophet (SAW) and the Mother of Believers Hazrat Ayesha (RA).
10. Our politicians and leaders were enraged by the French cartoons, but have nothing to say about the blasphemy occurring in the Women's March, because these women are related to the people in power.
11. The Women's March is a reaction of the injustice in our society towards women, and also a reaction to trying to implement Islam through force. The wisdom behind Islamic injunctions has not been conveyed effectively to these people.
12. Whenever Islam is implemented through coercion, it gives rise to secularism.
13. We lack justice, education, and peace in our society. Our leaders are ignorant of Islam. We have no satisfactory system of education. In such a situation, the Women's March is no surprise at all. If we sow thorns, we cannot expect to reap roses.
14. We need to change our education system. This needs to be done privately by us. We need to establish schools, colleges, and universities, and not depend on our governments.
15. No one could have imagined 50 years ago that a Muslim would utter what the protesters in the Women's March said. And, 50 years on, we will see Muslims burning the Quran and the Hadith in these demonstrations, and they will renounce Islam altogether.
16. In the last 75 years, we have not been able to establish a single women's only medical college and hospital. The hospital in Lahore was built by Ganga Ram. Our leaders simply changed the name from Smoorti Hospital to Fatimah Jinnah Hospital.
17. There are hundreds of thousands of parents in Pakistan who want their daughters to study medicine and become doctors. The only thing stopping them is the system of coeducation in our universities. The parents say that the honor of their daughters is more important than a medical degree.
18. We should think about raising funds and establishing our own private institutes that cater separately to boys and girls. Boys and girls should be isolated from each other in our education system.
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bint e aisha's avatar
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 16th March 2021 09:20
Some excellent points! I think one of the causes is the shunning of women by Pakistani Ulama and the religious community. Women are kept away from everything Islamic from a very young age in Pakistan.
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muslimman's avatar
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 16th March 2021 19:41
Mufti Saeed sahib is a scholar of great intellect and has a deep understanding of modern society and its problems.
However I do not understand the following point made by Mufti sahib:

That when religion is forcefully imposed it causes people to rebel and turn away from it. Which eventually leads to events such as this Aurat March.

I am confused because while I understand that forceful implementation of religion can cause people to move further away from the Deen. But based on my limited knowledge, the women participating in the Aurat March are mostly those who come from non-religious backgrounds in the first place. I don't think these women would have had Islamic injunctions forced on them.

Yes, there are some countries where Islamic laws pertaining to women (for eg dress code) have been implemented by the governments which leads to a reaction but that is not the case in Pakistan.

Can anyone explain what Mufti sahib is referring to?
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 16th March 2021 19:44
bint e aisha wrote:
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Can you please elaborate and provide examples?

P.S: I am not challenging you, just interested to know the explanation. Have an idea of what you are indicating towards (and even agree with it) but will comment further after I know your viewpoint fully.
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 18th March 2021 04:45
muslimman wrote:
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Women are kept away from masajid which is not wrong but here masajid don't even have women's section so they believe namaz is only for men. Jummah is for men, not for women. Eid salah is for men and for women Eid is another name for vanity and show.
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ssaad's avatar
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 18th March 2021 05:15
A general comment:

For our ladies, congregation salah, Juma'a, janazah salah, eid salah in eidgah is not obligatory.

While there is a fatwah by few scholars that a person offering salah without reason at home while congregation salah is on in masjid is not acceptable. For ladies this doesn't apply. Ladies need not go to masjid for Fajr Salah.

Many men would have welcomed this concession to them. Sorry to say, my nafs also would have welcomed that.
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bint e aisha's avatar
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 18th March 2021 05:27
ssaad wrote:
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Obviously the concession is good but the connection is lost. Men have a connection to the Deen because of Masjid.
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muslimman's avatar
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 19th March 2021 22:54
bint e aisha wrote:
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The importance of going to the masjid for prayers (for men) is undebatable however I don't think most men get much out of it in terms of increasing their knowledge and understanding. In Pakistan the pre-Khutba Jumma bayans are there but many come late and don't attend either due to lack of time from work, or not enough interest.

The internet has changed things greatly, but before it came around, and when in-person or telephonic contact was the only way, it was easier for men to have contact with Ulama. Partially it was due to the valid reason of segregation between the genders.

I do plan on starting a thread about the lack of knowledge among lay people including myself, soon insha'Allah
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 20th March 2021 01:01
muslimman wrote:
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The situation is same here in India.

But we witness here that in my city, hundreds of families are reformed and sustained through our sisters. Masjid doesn't have any roll here.
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 20th March 2021 06:13
tanveerzakee wrote:
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Sharing your post
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