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Taking good photos

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#31 [Permalink] Posted on 7th November 2020 12:18
abuzayd2k wrote:
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Your answer is in the photo.

Look at that again. The reflection clearly shows flat ground. No bumps or hills in front.

Proof: The leg of the moon lander is straight, had there been a bump or dip, it would've been bent. (dropped or raised)

The proof is in the pudding ;)

And ironically, you have brought me new evidence :)

The shadow of that same leg goes through Neil. It should have gone onto his leg.

Thank you so much for bringing that to my attention too.

Edit: photo added again
Straight line in parallel to the leg of the moon lander (going through the legs and under the left foot) This tells me that Neil was placed over the shadow by inserting him into the image. This gets worse the more I look at it!
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#32 [Permalink] Posted on 7th November 2020 22:13
This post has been reported. It could be due to breaking rules or something as simple as bad use of bbcodes which breaks the page format. We will attend to this soon.
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#33 [Permalink] Posted on 8th November 2020 11:21
Please stick to the current topic. Irrelevant posts, posts inciting a debate or disrespect towards another member will be removed without notice. Jazakumullah
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#34 [Permalink] Posted on 8th November 2020 13:15

People are content with lies. Let them be.
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#35 [Permalink] Posted on 10th December 2020 15:01
JazakAllah Kahyra for sharing the tips, lighting is very important, especially when taking food pictures. Using a torch from another phone from a distance definitely helps as you can adjust the distance & how hard the light is.
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#36 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd March 2023 17:11
Sorry to get involved in this tricky discussion. I have to defend a nation, I differ with.

1. Did NASA anytime claimed that those pictures are from chest mounted cameras.
2. Is it not possible that a tripod was erected and remote camera was mounted on that and linked with space module and streamed back to earth or recorded in space module and retrieved after return..


As NASA claims, after mission was over the astronauts boarded the return capsule and the module took off from lunar surface. This was captured by remote camera placed on moon surface and sent to the module/capsule.
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#37 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd March 2023 17:47
abu mohammed wrote:
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And they had jets to carry a nuclear bomb in 1940s and precisely bomb two cities.

They had first commercial flight between 2 cities in 1914.

All this with computing power of less than a mobile.
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#38 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd March 2023 18:20
akbar703 wrote:
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Allow NASA to answer

Please note, it is the same image.
The camera is attached to the chest as mentioned multiple times and it's clearly visible in the reflection!

NASA wrote:
Apollo 11 Commander Neil Armstrong took this photograph with a 70mm lunar surface camera

On July 20, 1969, the Apollo 11 Lunar Module landed with two cameras, but only one went outside — carried by Neil Armstrong. That explains why nearly every photograph of an astronaut on the surface during that first landing is of Armstrong crewmate Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin. Armstrong had the only camera for nearly the entire two-and-a-half hours the two walked around the Sea of Tranquility.

akbar703 wrote:
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All this on the same surface!

And the lunar mission was also accomplished with technology less powerful that the device in our pockets. But they fail to recreate it.

I'm sorry, but you have not succeeded in convincing yourself either!

You may label yourself as you wish.
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#39 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd March 2023 18:26
abu mohammed wrote:
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Anywhere is it mentioned that the high resolution image was taken from 70mm chest camera. Agreed that they had camera on chest to catch every object when they walk.

But NASA didn't say anything about "lift off of return module with astronauts inside was captured from lunar surface". How was it done.
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#40 [Permalink] Posted on 2nd March 2023 21:53
akbar703 wrote:
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You can go back a few pages and confirm this is the same photo! Zoom in as much as you can :)

This is in theory only the 2nd 70mm photo of Neil Armstrong standing on the surface of the moon. Neil took the photo himself! It is actually a close up shot of Buzz Aldrin's reflective visor, which shows Neil as the photographer as a mirror image.

Using digital imaging techniques we zoomed in on Buzz's visor and cropped, flipped and de-sphered, the reflection to get the rare shot of Armstrong as Buzz would have looked back at him during the famous shot.

No tripod for this shot. Single camera attached to the chest! How did they manage to get the horizon in the wrong place.

Is it because the moon has a different atmosphere, smaller horizon, what?
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#41 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd March 2023 01:17
abu mohammed wrote:
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Unless it is mentioned that it is from tripod or chest, we can't decide.
We are assuming based on our convenience and to our advantage.

We see a pole is mounted next to the astronaut.
Similar pole for camera and astronaut is behind the pole and camera?
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#42 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd March 2023 08:27
akbar703 wrote:
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You are making too many assumptions and not going by evidence or common sense.

You have totally missed the lessons in the op! You have understood nothing about the position or location of the horizon and the position and location of the camera.

You wish to obscure your blindfold forcefully, overlooking and ignoring anything and everything because it will go against your fixed belief and fear that the Indian government have spent 1000 crore on lies. However, that doesn't mean they can't or won't be able to land a lunar buggy on the moon. Let's just wait and see, until then, you've been sheepled (my new word)

For sheeple

Further evidence of the location of the camera. Very detailed analysis of the photo and a video showing what is being reflected in the visor!
The photo shows a clearer view of Armstrong standing next to the Eagle lunar lander operating the chest-mounted Hasselblad camera. The “pale blue dot” of the Earth is seen in the upper right of the frame.
This image can be viewed in a 360° photo viewer — there are various apps out there you can use, but you can also open it in Google Street View.

Ranger also made this video (short clip in link) in which we get to “look around” from Aldrin’s point of view:
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#43 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd March 2023 09:01
abu mohammed wrote:
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I am not convinced that all images were taken only with camera mounted on chest.
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#44 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd March 2023 09:28
akbar703 wrote:
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Correct. But this particular photo was on the chest mount. So now please explain how the horizon is misplaced?

Correct because the camera was on a chest mount and removable. There was another camera that was mounted/fixed.

Other photos were taken with the chest-mounted camera held in the hand, like the foot-print (whilst in New Mexico, not on the moon). The director was very clever and made very few mistakes and very few errors in judgement. Of course, they get multiple takes whilst shooting, so they can eliminate any bloopers and yet, some bloopers got through :) as was shown in other evidence.

I have another question on perspective. I will add it soon inshaAllah.
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#45 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd March 2023 09:50
abu mohammed wrote:
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A person has a chest mounted camera.
He removes that camera or uses a different camera to take images.....
This is possible...
And this is not assumption.

Moreover, scientists look for more concrete evidences, photography is secondary for them.
If they were serious about camera images, they have scientists with expertise in optical science. Optics is used in these mission. But they are busy with more important and concrete and scientific evidence. And they got it.
When there is Nass, zaeef hadees is irrelevant.
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