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Gluten Intolerance and IBS

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tasbeeh's avatar
tasbeeh's avatar
#1 [Permalink] Posted on 1st March 2020 08:56
Asalamu alaykum brothers and sisters,

Has any one suffered/is suffering from gluten Intolerance and/or IBS? If yes then how did you manage to treat yourself or how have you managed to surpress your symptoms?

Look forward to hearing everyone's response, ill post my experience soon as well Inshaa Allah.
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xs11ax's avatar
xs11ax's avatar
#2 [Permalink] Posted on 1st March 2020 09:11

In general your microbiome in your bowels contribute a lot to your health including allergies and intolerances. Your gastro microbiome can be checked and then be possibly rebuilt with probiotics and prebiotics.
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 1st March 2020 11:17
I had some stomach problems which I didnt get fully diagnosed. I went to see a doctor who told me to go on a specific diet for about two three weeks.

I suffered from a lot of gas and was bloating heavily. I found these things are sometimes due to stress.

He mentioned that I should reduce my meat intake to only chicken or fish 2 or a maximum of 3 times a week. In the morning stick to fruit and water. The second and final meal should be something like rice and lentils. This should be practiced for about 3 weeks. Although I found benefit in this I would not suggest anyone else act on this. If you are suffering go to see a professional and get tailored advice. He also advised me to eat onions raw as it is very good for the immune system. From his own experience as a gp he has found massive benefits in this. He doesn't suffer from cold, flus etc.

Upon reflection I feel like my problems came from overeating and stress. I used to eat even when I felt like my stomach was full. The more stressed I felt he more I would eat. The sugary foods I ate the more it increased my appetite.

There is a book called food rules by michael pollan. I read a review of the book and the principles it advocates. From acting on this advice without much discipline I can say I found great benefit and I am confident this can change the lives of many people.

For stress I feel like walking and exercise are amazing. Especially walking through places where there is greenery and taking walks in the morning. I read somewhere shaikh hakeem akhtar ra mentioned that morning walks are very beneficial and he has some couplet about this.

This is just my own experience. This is not a cure for IBS, just something where I thought people could benefit.
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 1st March 2020 11:22
I also think we shouldn't be scared of hunger. Having an empty stomach for a couple of hours really works wonders.

Again, I would take professional advice. For some people I have heard the hakeems mention that they should always have some food in the stomach.
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