Muslim world is in disarray, leadership incompetent and societies corrupt to the bone. Muslim Institutes and Muslim Scholars have FAILED to provide leadership and guidance to the masses.
Instead of focussing on these issues and improving, a narrative is built up that America is "Shaytaan" and every American is plotting to harm Islam and Muslims. Don't get me wrong the CIA does plan to ensure that Islam does not rise up and Muslims do not unite but majority of the issues which Muslims face are entirely the fault of Muslims.
Most Americans are FED-UP of Middle-East and don't want wars in Afghanistan or Middle-East and just want to concentrate on their own issues.
When it floods in Pakistan, properties get destroyed and lives are lost BECAUSE poor people are allowed to live right dead smack in the middle of flood plains. Drive in Punjab and you will see people living in the middle of (dried) river beds and when the floods come they die, its a planning issue.
When Earthquake comes, buildings collapse structure are not built correctly and due to corruption substandard material is used.
So when Pakistan gets floods and Earthquakes who gets the blame for these massive casualties? What do "Intellectual Muslims" talk about?
Average Pakistani DOES NOT have the sense to throw their garbage properly but he/she will definitely know about the secret US weapon which causes weather changes and earthquakes and they know that US Army has it deployed in Afghanistan to cause these things in Pakistan
Christian Evangelicals say the EXACTLY the same about Hurricanes in America!