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#121 [Permalink] Posted on 27th January 2020 09:42
abu mohammed wrote:
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I guess this is what I meant about it being "foreign".

I have learned quite a lot in a short period of time.
But learning it isn't the same as being in the habit of doing it.

I'm a "lefty". All of my life it was okay to do anything with my left hand.
In Islam, I need to eat and drink with my right hand (something new or "foreign").
I now have the knowledge, but it will take a long time before it ever becomes habit and normal for me.
That's the breakdown between knowledge and doing for a lot of things.
I've almost mastered the drinking, I still slip occasionally.
The eating part, I start out intending to eat with my right, but most of the time I subconsciously switch to my left and don't catch it.
(It would probably be a little amusing watching me attempt to eat this way. I feel like a baby without the ability to master a knife and fork. :) )

So I've accumulated the knowledge about more than a few rules and practices. Now I have to make them become a normal habit, which in a sense involves overwriting some previous habits.

Forming an intention to do something is not difficult, remembering to make the proper reference to Allah ta'ala is.

That's pretty much what I meant about there being many rules and practices that are foreign to me. (Brand new, never even had the knowledge before.)
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#122 [Permalink] Posted on 27th January 2020 10:26
In Need of Teaching wrote:
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You keep overly worrying about the minor things. This will drive you mad. Don't sweat the small stuff too much! These things will slowly fall into place themselves.

You will see many Muslims, even born Muslims slipping. You will see them use their left hand sometimes. I use my left hand sometimes if it's not practical to use my right hand e.g when I'm driving.

Satan is very clever. He will try to get into your head. He will overblow the small stuff. He will make you think you are not good enough. (Sometimes) he will NOT stop you from doing good, but PUSH you to doing it to an extent that it seems impossible and when you fail you will end up feeling down and depressed.

I was like you at one time. Many others will have been the same. Don't try to be perfect. We will never be perfect. Just try your best and try to improve a little at a time each day. Inshallah it will all fall into place.
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#123 [Permalink] Posted on 27th January 2020 17:42
In Need of Teaching wrote:
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I'm a leftie too but only in writing and some sports, otherwise I can play sports with either hand.

Most important thing to remember is that the Prophet (saw) did almost everything with his right hand. There are only a few things that are done with the left.
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#124 [Permalink] Posted on 28th January 2020 02:08
In Need of Teaching wrote:
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Knowing the meanings isn't necessary for the salah to be valid, but at the same time the meaning is an important part as mentioned above by Mufti Ismail Menk.

But as others have said, don't become overwhelmed and try to rush it. Yes the salah must be performed in arabic, but in the interim there are ways for new muslims to perform salah. At the same time start learning the minimum amount of Quran in Arabic necessary to be recited in salah (sura fatiha and a couple of short suras at the end of the Quran) and the minimum amount of arabic supplications/praises. Insha Allah it should be easy to learn the meanings of the above as the suras and supplications/praises are not long. Then over time, at your convenince, you can learn longer suras and different supplications/praises along with their meanings.
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#125 [Permalink] Posted on 28th January 2020 02:25
abu mohammed wrote:
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Yeah, it's only a matter of changing eating and drinking to the right hand. It will just take time for it to become a habit.

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#126 [Permalink] Posted on 28th January 2020 13:54
Concerned wrote:
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One of my big concerns about this is that I only have 1 mosque anywhere close to me.
It lists less than a dozen as officers and members.

If they pray in Arabic, I will never know if they're of the type that are innovators.

I recognize Allahسبحانه وتعالى will know my intention, but all the same I don't want to be associated with the innovators. (I hope that makes sense.)
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#127 [Permalink] Posted on 28th January 2020 14:27
In Need of Teaching wrote:
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Post the name and address of the mosque. We might be able to investigate who they are.
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#128 [Permalink] Posted on 28th January 2020 15:09
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#129 [Permalink] Posted on 28th January 2020 15:35
In Need of Teaching wrote:
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They will host an MSA open house so i guess they approve of organizations that tend to lean away from innovations.
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#130 [Permalink] Posted on 28th January 2020 16:29
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#131 [Permalink] Posted on 28th January 2020 20:12
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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Yes, it is.
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#132 [Permalink] Posted on 29th January 2020 04:00
Diabetics and Fasting.

I know that there are medical exemptions for fasting. I believe diabetes was one of the valid exemptions I read about.
I'm a diabetic, and I have in the past gone a pretty good length of time without food with no ill effect.
So with that in mind, I will try fasting (not eating,or smoking) but I'm not so sure it would be wise for me (medically) to refrain from drinking water. Diabetes can be very damaging to the kidneys and drinking plenty of water goes a long way with preventing this.

So, opinions, would it still be considered a valid fast, if I only drank water as needed?
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#133 [Permalink] Posted on 29th January 2020 04:21
In Need of Teaching wrote:
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I think first thing you should do is talk to your doctor about fasting. See what the doctor says.

Btw it's nice having you here. Gives me something to do at 4am in the morning. I can't sleep much in hospitals.
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#134 [Permalink] Posted on 29th January 2020 04:24
xs11ax wrote:
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My doctor would probably advise against it. I think I'm capable enough to monitor my own needs for food. If I found my blood sugar getting "out of whack", I would break the fast as needed.

(Believe me it's nice having someone else online at this time too. :) )

*Edit* I just want to at least attempt a good fast, my only concern is the water intake.

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#135 [Permalink] Posted on 29th January 2020 04:31
In Need of Teaching wrote:
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Which type diabetes is It?

My father and uncle both swear by a medication produced in India. I think it's called BGR-34. It seems to work for them, but I don't know much about it.
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