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Mufti Taqi Usmani escapes assassination attempt; two killed, two injured

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#31 [Permalink] Posted on 14th April 2019 07:52
abuzayd2k wrote:
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Never for once think that the Jews and the Shias are your friends. They conspired against Sayyidina Uthman RA, they tried to assassinate Salahuddin RH, they assisted the Mongols in the sacking of Baghdad, despite of their repeated failed attempts, they have tried their best to destroy the Ottomon Empire, they betrayed Nawab Sirajuddaula and Tipu Sultan Shaheed Rh, they assisted the Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq. Don't allow them to fool you ever. They can never be your friends. The fire of ignorance and jealousy burning in their souls can't be cured. They were your enemies. They are your enemies. They will remain your enemies.
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#32 [Permalink] Posted on 15th April 2019 03:26
sipraomer wrote:
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These historical facts cannot be denied.

However, we should mention that this only applies to those of the Jews and Shia that persist in evil. There are among the Jews and Shia who are muwahhid (monotheists), peace loving, and follow their faith in sincerity and do good deeds and do not cause mischief.

The Quran does not issue blanket statements against Jews or Christians or other communities; it admonishes the Muslims if they stray from the path of righteousness. In fact it says that those among the people of the book who believed and did righteous deeds would find their reward in the Hereafter. Also, it says that among the people of the book there are those who are so trustworthy that even if you were to entrust them with a mountain of gold, they would return it to you in full, while the evil among them would not even return to you a single coin entrusted to them.
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#33 [Permalink] Posted on 15th April 2019 07:36
abuzayd2k wrote:
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Agreed! However a slight difference of opinion with due respect. When you derive a rule, you look at the majority and not individual exceptions or minority. The majority of them are evil and anti Islam.

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#34 [Permalink] Posted on 16th April 2019 05:43
sipraomer wrote:
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Mashallah what you have said probably applies in a certain context, but this is the very same language that is used against minorities (Muslims, in most cases) by nationalists all over the world, so is this generalization valid in all cases?
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#35 [Permalink] Posted on 16th April 2019 07:37
abuzayd2k wrote:
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Well! Actually we have to see the psyche working behind these Jews. Do you know that they consider non Jews as gentiles. A derogatory term which means animals in human form. So they believe to use non jews as we use animals to serve our needs.

Secondly, they are jealous of us as Allah took khilafah from them and made this ummah His representative because of their(Jews) disobedience. They know the truth but deny it out of jealousy and pride.

Similar is the case with Shias who are a Jewish creation and have hatred for Sunnis because of their wrong assumption that Sayyidina Ali RA was the person who should have been made the Imam (leader) of Muslims after the demise of Prophet Muhammad SAWS.

If you see the statistics then many few Jews revert to islam as compared to Christians because most of the Christians go against us out of ignorance but most of the Jews go against us out of arrogance and jealousy. Once the Christians are enlightened through dawah, most of them accept the truth where as the Jews already know the truth.

Shias also are brainwashed from early childhood and only fewer Shias who are neutral and sensible revert back to Islam.

There is a third similarity between the two. Jews have been persecuted from 2000 years so they try their best to attack and damage Islam behind cover and indirectly. Shias have also been persecuted for very long and thus they have developed their skills as spies and hypocritical hidden enemies. They have an established principle of Taqiyyah.

So it is more likely that most of the Shias and most of the Jews are our natural and bitter enemy. I hope, I am making sense.
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#36 [Permalink] Posted on 16th April 2019 14:26
abuzayd2k wrote:
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Exactly. Very good point. Genuine ignoramuses are incapable of applying their minds and realising the stupidity of their thought processes.

Prophet (SAW) had a Jew slave and went to go visit one once, who was ill.

Our Deen teaches us not to fuel our hearts with hatred for individuals who have no involvement in evil against the Muslims and therefore treat them accordingly. Our mother Safiyaa' (RA) was from a Jewish tribe.

Alhamdulillah, I went to Palestine and came across many Jews who're not in favour of what their government is doing and support the Palestinian cause.
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#37 [Permalink] Posted on 16th April 2019 17:43
Hating someone because of one's ethnicity or religion is something else while being cautious and accepting historical facts is something else. There is a difference between saying that most of the Jews are our enemy and all the Jews are our enemy. There is a stark difference between the two statements. Anyway, everyone has a different point of view based on one's understanding and exposure.
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#38 [Permalink] Posted on 17th April 2019 14:02
abuzayd2k wrote:
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However, we should mention that this only applies to those of the Jews and Shia that persist in evil. There are among the Jews and Shia who are muwahhid (monotheists), peace loving, and follow their faith in sincerity and do good deeds and do not cause mischief.

The Quran does not issue blanket statements against Jews or Christians or other communities; it admonishes the Muslims if they stray from the path of righteousness. In fact it says that those among the people of the book who believed and did righteous deeds would find their reward in the Hereafter.

Their good deeds today are of no use to them unless they accept Islam as the religion. The only religion accepted in the sight of Allah سبحانه وتعالى is Islam. So if you have a christian or jew today and he doesn't accept Islam as the truth and as his religion and he dies then, no matter how many good deeds he has done, he has died as a disbeliever and will suffer in hell fire for eternity.

Excerpt from Imam An-Nawawiy’s Rawdat At-Taalibiin, Chapter on apostasy:

وأنه لو قال كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أسود أو توفي قبل أن يلتحي أو قال ليس هو بقرشي فهو كفر لأن وصفه بغير صفته نفي له وتكذيب به وأن من ادعى أن النبوة مكتسبة أو أنه يبلغ بصفاء القلب إلى مرتبتها أو ادعى أنه يوحى إليه وإن لم يدع النبوة أو ادعى أنه يدخل الجنة ويأكل من ثمارها ويعانق الحور فهو كافر بالإجماع قطعا وأن من دافع نص الكتاب أو السنة المقطوع بها المحمول على ظاهره فهو كافر بالإجماع وأن من لم يكفر من دان بغير الإسلام كالنصارى أو شك في تكفيرهم أو صحح مذهبهم فهو كافر وإن أظهر مع ذلك الإسلام واعتقده وكذا يقطع بتكفير كل قائل قولا يتوصل به إلى تضليل الأمة أو تكفير الصحابة وكذا من فعل فعلا أجمع المسلمون أنه لا يصدر إلا من كافر وإن كان صاحبه مصرحا بالإسلام مع فعله كالسجود للصليب أو النار والمشي إلى الكنائس مع أهلها بزيهم من الزنانير وغيرها وكذا من أنكر مكة أو البيت أو المسجد الحرام أو صفة الحج وأنه ليس على هذه الهيئة المعروفة أو قال لا أدري أن هذه المسماة بمكة هي مكة أم غيرها فكل هذا أو شبهه لا شك في تكفير قائله إن كان ممن يظن به علم ذلك ومن طالت صحبته المسلمين فإن كان قريب عهد بإسلام أو بمخالطة المسلمين عرفناه ذلك ولا يعذر بعد العريف وكذا من غير شيئا من القرآن أو قال ليس بمعجز أو قال ليس في خلق السماوات والأرض دلالة على الله تعالى أو أنكر الجنة أو النار أو البعث أو الحساب أو اعترف بذلك ولكن قال المراد بالجنة والنار والبعث أو الحساب أو اعترف بذلك ولكن قال المراد بالجنة والنار والبعث والنشور والثواب والعقاب غير معانيها أو قال الأئمة أفضل من الأنبياء

[Translation of aforementioned passage from Imam Nawawiy’s text]: And if someone says that the Prophet, sal Allahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, was black, or that he died before he got the revelation, or says that he was not a Qurashiy (of the Quraysh tribe), he has blasphemed as he has attributed to him [the Prophet] that which is not from his attributes, he has negated his [prophetic attributes] and denied them. And the one who preaches that prophethood is acquired/earned or that he can reach it [the ranks of prophethood] by purity of the heart or that he receives revelations, even if he does not [directly] claim prophethood or claims that he enters jannah and eats from its fruits and embraces its houri women, he is certainly a kafir by ijma’ [of the scholars]. And the one who negates the text of The Book [i.e., Quran] or the Sunnah conclusively taken on its explicit meanings [i.e., those ahadiith that are conclusively taken on their explicit meanings by the entire body of the scholars and the ummah], he is a kafir by ijma’ [of the scholars]. And the one who does not declare kafir the ones who profess a deen (religion) other than Islam, such as the christians, or doubts in the takfeer (declaring kafir) of such people, or authenticates [or praises] their religion, he is a kafir even if he displays Islam alongside this [filthy belief] or [claims and shows he] believes in it; and likewise takfeer certainly applies on everyone who says things that imply towards stating that the entire ummah is misguided or [a person doing] takfeer (declaring kafirs) of the sahaba [1]. And likewise [takfeer is declared on] the one who does a deed that the Muslims are united on the fact that it can’t be committed except by a kafir, even if the perpetrator claims Islam by his [other] deeds, such as prostrating to the cross or fire, or walking to churches with their congregations in their specific attire like their zunnar (sashes or ropes tied around their waist as part of their uniform) and others; and likewise, [takfeer is applied on] the one who denies Makkah, or The House (i.e., Ka’bah), or The Holy Mosque [in Makkah] or an attribute of the Hajj, he is not upon this well known body [of Muslims i.e., he is not from our ummah]; or if someone says “that what is named as Makkah, I don’t know if it is the *real* Makkah or something else” then in all of this and other things of this sort [that are well known to the masses of Muslims], there remains no doubt on the takfeer (declaring kafir) of the one who says such if there is a reasonable conviction about him that he knows this [ruling] and/or has spent considerable time in the company of Muslims [to know this]; and if he is a new convert to Islam and/or hasn’t spent much time mingling with Muslims, we teach him this, and he has no excuse after being made aware. And likewise [is the ruling of takfeer] on the one who changed something from the Quran [i.e., changed the meaning/message of a concept espoused in the Quran and propagated such cocepts contrary to direct Quranic teachings, even if not changing the actual textual words] or says that there are no such things as miracles [of prophets] or says that the creation of the skies and the earth are not proofs to Allah’s Existence or if he denies paradise or hellfire, or resurrection [on judgment day], or the accounting [of deeds], or accepts these things but says that the implication by paradise and/or hellfire and/or resurrection and/or coming back to life and/or reward and/or punishment is not on their manifest meanings [but rather something else], or says that the imams are superior to prophets.

Imam Fakhruddin Ar-Razi,states in his exegesis of the Quran, Mafatiihul Ghayb, under the tafsiir for verse 5:5:
قال تعالى:
أخدان ومن يكفر بالإيمان فقد حبط عمله
وفيه مسائل

He, Ta’ala said: [… And he who disbelieves from iman, all his deeds are lost] and on it there are details:
المسألة الأولى: في تعلق هذه الآية بما قبلها وجهان: الأول: أن المقصود منه الترغيب فيما تقدم من التكاليف والأحكام، يعني ومن يكفر بشرائع الله وبتكاليفه فقد خاب وخسر في الدنيا والآخرة، والثاني: قال القفال: المعنى أن أهل الكتاب وإن حصلت لهم في الدنيا فضيلة المناكحة وإباحة الذبائح في الدنيا إلا أن ذلك لا يفرق بينهم وبين المشركين في أحوال الآخرة وفي الثواب والعقاب، بل كل من كفر بالله فقد حبط عمله في الدنيا ولم يصل إلى شيء من السعادات في الآخرة البتة

First detail: Connected to this verse, and what precedes it, there are two points: Firstly, It is related to the responsibility and the commandments discussed previously, meaning, he who disbelieves in Allah’s commands and His assigned responsibilities, he is indeed doomed and has lost in this world and the hereafter. Secondly, [as] Qaffaal said: The meaning is that although the ahl al-kitab have attained the merit in this world of [Muslims] being permitted to marry their women and eat their slaughter, in no case are they different from the rest of the mushrikiin (polytheists) in the matters pertaining to rewards and punishments in the hereafter. Rather, every one who disbelieves in Allah, all his deeds in this world are annihilated and most definitely none of the bliss from the bliss of the hereafter reaches him.

The condition for acceptance of good deed is not only sincerity and intention. It is Islam as well. Perrenialism is Kufr in Islam.
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#39 [Permalink] Posted on 18th April 2019 05:16
saa10245 wrote:
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As salam alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu:

Jazakallah for the clarification. Everything you have written is 100% true.

What is perennialism?
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#40 [Permalink] Posted on 18th April 2019 07:30
abuzayd2k wrote:
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abuzayd2k wrote:
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Perrenialist Belief #1

Perrenialism is the incorrect belief that something other than Islam can lead to salvation in the hereafter or withholding takfeer of Non-muslims by saying that some of them are monotheists therefore they are not Kufar.

Entrance into Islam is by acceptance that 1)there is no God but Allah and 2)Mohammad is His Final Prophet and final messenger. Without believing in Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) or what he brought, a person is a KAFIR still or likewise holding something to be true which is other than Islam.

Imam Al Qurtuby, may Allah be merciful to him, in his book Al-Mufhim, mentioned that the if person believes Tawhid but he does not believe in Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him then his belief and tawhid will not benefit him and he is kafir by consensus without any doubt.

Perrenialist Belief # 2
Some of Perrenialists withhold takfir by saying some of the Non-muslims in the europe and the west haven't recieved the message of Islam.

This is far from truth for two reasons. 1) They are STILL KAFIR for being upon something other than Islam. 2) The basic message of Islam has reached them.

Ibn 'Ashir has mentioned that the definition of Mukallaf (accountible) person is 1)sane 2) Pubescent 3)recieved the basic of message of Islam which are two creedal statements i.e. there is no God but Allah سبحانه وتعالى and Mohammad (P.B.U.H) is His messenger.

What is the basic message of Islam? It is the two creedal statements 1)There is No God But Allah and 2) Mohammad is the messenger of Allah.

Regarding the basic message of Islam reaching them:
In his book Al Umm, Imam Alshafi'iyy, may Allah be pleased with him said that he is not aware of anyone who did not receive the message except if they were beyond the Turks. This was in 2nd century!
Imam Tajjuddin Al-Subkiyy, may Allah be pleased with him, who was about 200 years after Imam Al-Ghazali, commented on Al-Shafi'iyy's statement in his book Raf' Al-Hajib. He said: "If this was possible during the time of Al-Shafi'iyy, but as for now I am not aware of anyone except that he received the message of Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him"

Perrenialist Belief 3

Some of the Perrenialists withhold takfir by saying that Kufr ONLY occurs WHEN a Person denies AFTER knowing that Islam is the truth.
This is again a lie against the religion of ISLAM.
In his book, Faysal Al-Tafriqah, Imam Ghazali may Allah be merciful to him defines Kufur as anything that belies what Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him came with. Then he says that therefore, Jews and Christian are Kafir (blasphemers) because their beliefs bely what Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him came with.

In his book, Al Mustasfa, Imam Al-Ghazali mentioned this issue and attributed it to Al-Jahidh (Mu’tazili) then he commented what means:

“The reality is against that by evidences that are known just like how prayers and Zakah are known (by necessity), and we all know that Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him ordered the jews and christians to believe in him and to obey him, and that he peace be upon him dispraised them for remaining on their beliefs, and therefore he judged all of them as kafir. He peace be upon him definitely knew that the arrogant ones were only FEW and that the MAJORITY were just blindly following the religion of their fathers,

Whether a person is rejecting the truth knowingly or blind-following their forefathers, they are KUFFAR.

Perrenialist Belief 4:

If a person was sincerely looking for truth and arrived at something other Islam, He will be saved.

Al-Hattab Al-Maliki on his explanation of the waraqat of Imam Al-Haramain Al-Juwainy may Allah be merciful to them, mentioned under the topic of ijtihad that it is NOT permissible to say that every one who makes ijtihad in Aqidah is correct, because this leads to correcting the belief of Chrisitians, Majus, Athiests, and other Kuffar.

In his book Al-Mahsul fi 'ilm al-usul, Imam Al-Razi may Allah be merciful to him, also addressed the issue of the person not finding the truth after putting his full effort looking for it. He mentioned that this person is still accountable and that this is the position of the scholars, unlike what Al-Jahith and Al-'Anbary said and said that the scholars have deemed their statement as invalid (faasid).

Imam Al-Razi may Allah be merciful to him, in his tafsir under the explanation of isti'adhah (seeking refuge with Allah) said:
"Everyone desires to be on the true religion and correct creed. And no one accepts for himself to be on ignorance and disbelief. And If the matter was based on one's intention and desire then this necessitates that everyone is on the truth and are sincere. And since the reality is not like that, and since the truthful ones are like a white hair of a black bull, it must be known that there is no escape from the darkness of deviances except with the support of the lord of earth and heavens."

The great Shafi’i scholar Imam Tajjuldin Al-Subki, may Allah be pleased with him, in his famous book of Usul Al-Fiqih (Jam’ Al-Jawami’), under the chapter of ijtihad, said what means:
“There can be only one correct ijtihad in the intellectual matters, and the one who reaches to something other than Islam is mistaken and is kafir.”

All men and women practising religion other than Islam are Kuffar and if they donot accept Islam as their religion , after their death they will enter Hell-fire and will suffer there for eternity. This has been narrated to us through Qati'y verses,ahadith and Ijma.

Ibin Hazm, in his book Maratib- Al Ijma', relates the consensus of Muslim scholars that Jews and Christians are called Kuffar (disbelivers).

Ibin Hazm, in his book "Al Fasl Filmilal", narrated the consensus of Muslim scholars that Jews and Christians are Kafir (disbelievers), and that whomever does not deem them as Kafir is a Kafir (disbeliever) by consensus.

Another consensus narration by Al Qadi 'Iyad Al Maliki may Allah be merciful to him. In his book Al Shifaa' he mentioned that it is by consensus that the one who does not judge jews and christians or other non-muslims as disbelievers, or has doubt about that, is a disbeliever himself.

Al-Qadi Al'adod Al-iyjiy in his famous book, Al-Mawaqif, and with explanation of the Al-Sharif Al-Jurjani it is mentioned:
"Muslims have made a consensus that disbelievers will be in hellfire eternally without having any breaks from torture, whether they have put excessive effort in looking for the truth, they rejected after knowing its the truth, or was lazy to find the truth. "

The disbeliever is accountable whether 1)he was arrogant (disbelieved after knowing the truth), 2)fell short in looking for the truth, 3)blind follower of his disbeliever parents, or 4)put his full effort (ijtihad) in finding the truth and didn't reach it. All of those types of disbelievers are accountable and will be in hellfire eternally as our scholars have agreed.
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#41 [Permalink] Posted on 18th April 2019 13:25
saa10245 wrote:
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Again, I fully affirm this to be true.

Is there something you would like to ask me about?
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#42 [Permalink] Posted on 18th April 2019 15:09
abuzayd2k wrote:
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No.You asked about Perrenialism by writing "What is perennialism? ".See your previous post. Thus i wrote it here for you. Nothing that i in particular wanted to ask from you. Jazak Allah
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#43 [Permalink] Posted on 8th July 2021 09:42
Mufti Taqi Usmani survived a knife attack at Karachi’s Darul Uloom Korangi early Thursday morning.

He was attacked after Fajr prayers. The suspect approached the scholar on the pretext of talking to him. Mufti Usmani’s guard restrained the attacker.

He was caught by the guards and handed over to the police.

Mufti Taqi Usmani confirmed the incident in an audio message available with SAMAA TV.

“After the Fajar prayers, a man came and asked me to talk in private,” he said. “As I got up to talk and went close to him, he took out the knife from his pocket.”

The cleric said his fellows timely acted and grabbed hold of the assailant.
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#44 [Permalink] Posted on 9th July 2021 01:55
Rajab wrote:
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Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon

May Allah Taala protect Mufti Taqi Usmani DB and all our ulama and mashaikh and their loved ones from the evil of evildoers.
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