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Is it true that the deserts are turning green?

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 16th December 2018 19:11
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

The Prophet (saw) said, The hour will not begin until the land of the Arabs once again becomes meadows and rivers. (Muslim).

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Is it normal for some parts of these deserts to have some vegetation or is the prophecy of the Prophet (saw) unfolding in our time?
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 16th December 2018 20:05
Arabia was once a lush paradise of grass and woodlands

Nowadays Arabia is a fierce desert, but it was once densely vegetated, and could have been a home to the first humans that left Africa

When most of us think of Arabia, we think of rolling sand dunes, scorching sun, and precious little water. But in the quite recent past it was a place of rolling grasslands and shady woods, watered by torrential monsoon rains.

The finding could help settle how and when modern humans first left Africa, where our species evolved. If Arabia was once lush and fertile, it would have been an ideal place to migrate to.

"There were more windows of opportunity for humans to leave Africa than previously thought," says lead author Ash Parton of the University of Oxford in the UK.

Our hunter-gatherer ancestors "wouldn't have been able to exist in many areas of Arabia as it is today," says Parton. "At present the Indian Ocean Monsoon just clips the very southern edge of the peninsula," so the rest of Arabia is desert.

His team's findings suggest that the monsoon pushes further into Arabia every 23,000 years, allowing plants and animals to flourish. The findings are published in the journal Geology.

A waterfall in the Dhofar mountains of Oman (Credit: Hanne & Jens Eriksen / NPL)

Modern humans evolved in Africa around 200,000 years ago. Later on, some of them left Africa for Europe and Asia, and from there spread all around the world.

But it is not clear when they left Africa, or what route they took.

The most widely-accepted notion is that they left around 60,000 years ago, travelling along the coastline of Arabia into southern Asia. That would mean they were stuck in Africa for 140,000 years.
Other archaeologists think they left much earlier, perhaps as much as 130,000 years ago. "We have evidence that humans managed to expand out of Africa and into the Middle East between 130,000 and 90,000 years ago," says Parton. "But a lot of people have believed that this was a dead end, this was as far as they got, because of Arabia and the deserts."

Parton and his colleagues have now shown that Arabia went through several periods of heavy rainfall. This would have created savannahs and woodlands, making it much more habitable. That supports the idea of an earlier migration.

Parton studied dried-up riverbeds in south-east Arabia. Found in a quarry, the Al Sibetah site preserves the silt and sediments from the bottom of the rivers, going back 160,000 years.

They found evidence of five wet phases, during which the rivers flowed and silt was deposited. During the dry times, there was little water flow and less silt was laid down.

The first wet phase happened between 160,000 and 150,000 years ago, and the most recent was around 55,000 years ago. Each was an opportunity for people to move out of Africa towards Asia.
Previous studies had suggested that rainfall increased during these periods, but it was unclear how much. In a scorching desert, a little extra rainfall doesn't make much difference. The new study suggests that the increases were big enough to support rich ecosystems.

"The environmental record I've got fits perfectly with the archaeological record," says Parton. "There was a whole series of movements of humans into Arabia."
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 16th December 2018 20:46
im glad someone started this thread as i was about to start a new one regarding the signs of qiyamah. seeing the accuracy our master (saw) prophicised many signs i wanted to ask did he time travel or was shown the future in front of his eyes?

if you take the hadith which i think all ulema are unanimous on is referring to aeroplanes its so accurate and precise as if he had actually seen it. he described fire in its belly (engines), travelling long distances in matter of hours and many more. reason why i ask if the prophet (saw) time travelled or actually saw it is if it was purely just wahi wouldnt Allah سبحانه وتعالى given him the actual names of the stuff he saw? arabic now has its own word for mobile phones aeroplanes, skyscrappers. yet if you see the way the hadith are worded its as if rasoolullah (saw) described something he had actually seen but tried to explain something in a way the sahaba could understand.
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 16th December 2018 20:48
recent floods in Jordan and parts of saudi has also turned dry deserts into lush grounds.
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Rajab's avatar
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 16th December 2018 21:47
Someone who is knowledgeable about Arabian geography will be better placed to answer this phenomenon.
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 16th December 2018 21:48
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 16th December 2018 21:53
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 17th December 2018 02:41
When people were sharing the before and after image supposedly of an area in Saudi, I read one Shaykh who studied in Madinah mentioning something regarding that being a regular occurrence after rainfall. I can't find the post, but we should verify whether this is normal or a new phenomenon.
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 17th December 2018 09:12
mkdon101 wrote:
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On many occasions we read many Hadith in which the Prophet clearlt says that he could see so and so in front of him (and behind him)

Did he time travel? YES

He travelled faster than the speed of light on Buraq and he witnessed many things (not meaning he (saw) saw planes in the sky)

How do we know it was as fast as the speed of light?

Lightning = Buraq But lets stick to the topic, Buraq can be discussed in its own thread in needed.
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 17th December 2018 10:30
but many of the things (saw) described were as if he saw them eg planes. if it was something Allah had revealed to him then wouldnt the full terminolgy have been used and told it was made from metals and engines etc? were as the way rasoolullah (saw) described what he saw but had no way of thing the exact descriptions as engines and many of the materials planes are made off didnt come around till 100s of years later.
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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 17th December 2018 10:35
mkdon101 wrote:
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One can only describe to their understanding of what they are seeing.

If He (saw) saw an object with flames coming out from the middle - why would he say "Engine" instead of belly when all they were accustomed to were horses and camels etc. It would've been like saying a horse with fire from its belly :(

Go back 20 years and tell me how you would describe What's App or tweeting :) or even Mobile devices.

Don't forget, a lot of the things were described metaphorically, even till today
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 17th December 2018 14:41
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

My musings regarding this is that the words and advice/warnings/information of the Prophet (saw) are timeless and the WORDS and GENERAL understanding can be understood by all generations. But only the generation(s) who will be affected by the hadith will be able to understand its real/actual meaning.

So if the Prophet (saw) blatantly spoke about Smart technology, then most of the members of this forum have lived in a time where it would have made no sense at all. And it would not have made any sense at all to all of the preceding generations. Perhaps the message would not have been preserved as it made absolutely no sense? Allah's hikmah is above all.

When mobile phones became popular we tried to make the hadith of the talking thigh fit with mobile phones. But the hadith doesn't stop at thigh, it mentions talking shoe, talking whip and even talking animals. Because we didn't understand about talking shoes/whips we chose to ignore that part and chose only to address talking thigh which we equated with mobile phones. But now due to smart technology, talking shoes/whips make even more sense as we enter an era of integrated smart technology. Who knows, we might even see an era of talking animals.

Allah knows best.
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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 17th December 2018 14:55
xs11ax wrote:
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This is what I was trying to say in the other thread.

I said there is much more to see. Although technology is moving fast, it's not all about tech, or is it?

Look at the rocket scientist, he claimed he was inspired by other foces which people are saying was Dajjalic forces.

We are close yet very far. We are as close to the end as we are to our own D.O.D :(
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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 18th December 2018 12:00

Concerned wrote:
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Yes that is correct as I have lived in Saudia and frequented Madina as well.

In the desert (after rainfall) vegetation starts. But as quickly as it starts, it withers in no time.

What is different is that it seems to be thriving and staying which is obviously down to increase in precipitation levels within the atmosphere or maybe the underground water levels are rising.

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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 18th December 2018 12:30
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

I've lived in the UK all my life. The weather here is acting strange as well. Yes it's still wet and it's still cold, but somehow it's very different to what I remember as a kid.
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