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Muslim Countries? Are you Serious?

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 14th September 2018 04:02

A religion is a set of customs and traditions where as a deen is a complete code of life.

Currently there are two ways of life prevailing in this world. 

1. Islam

2. Secularism

Islam means submission to Allah’s will on the way of Prophet Muhammad SAWS in every macro and micro aspect of life.

Secularism is a way of life which advocates slavery of nafs and one’s desires. Whether it is democracy, monarchy or dictatorship in political realm. Capitalism or Communism in economic realm. Individualism, liberalism, conservatism, collectivism or any other ism in philosophy. The basic theme of secularism is worship of one’s nafs, no matter what the outer manifestation is.

Islam is the only way of life which has divine guidance in regards to the Political, Social, Economic and Personal life of a person and a state.

Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism and the rest of the religions only deal with some rituals like birth and death rites, marriage and divorce, some form of moral guide lines in a limited sense and some form of concept in regards to afterlife.

No country can be called a Hindu country or Christian or Jewish country because no religion provides guidance for how to run a state. Therefore, every religion and every civilization has bowed their heads down to secularism. Most of the world is under the spell of some kind of democracy where the “representatives” decide how to run the state. What to do and what not to do. Their agreed upon wish is the law. They can legalize homosexuality if they think it’s right. One day they might legalize incest. Some places like China are ruled by one party dictatorships and yet some others are monarchies.

Muslim Countries?

I am astonished when our educators from the religious as well as secular circles use this term. There is either a secular state or an Islamic khilafah. How can we define a country by the religion of it’s majority’s population? An Islamic country is not that country which has Muslims in the majority but that country which derives her laws from Quran and Sunnah in letter and in practice, regardless of what religion the majority follows.

In the times of khilafah vast regions were being controlled by Shariah even though the population was mostly non-Muslim. Would we say that those regions weren’t the part of Islamic Empire?

However today, despite of many countries having Muslims in majority, are run under secular laws. This means that they are as secular as India or USA. So what does a Muslim country mean? 

I can only say that it is a kind of deception like nationalism to fool the Muslims into thinking that they are living in “Muslim Countries” where as the truth is that they are living in poorly managed and corruptly governed secular countries run by the puppet governments and only khilafah can solve the problems of this ummah.

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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2025 12:40
Today even if all muslim countries unite and establish khilafat, can they face the military might of the west and the communist world.

We were strong when the fight was one to one with swords, horses etc. This required strength, skill and most important zeal.

with invent of gunpowder, gun, small rockets etc the power center shifted to other side. Muslims woke up late. As time progressed the gap widened. Today power center is for those who posses state of art technology.

Muslims can regain their strength when they develop something which is more powerful than present technology. But alas, muslims didn't even start this. Dream of khilafath.

It is from seerah to asses the strength of the opposition and counter it with strategy, available resources.

Do whatever you want, even duas, acquire antidote for the present technology.
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2025 13:21
akbar703 wrote:
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We've been through this many times before. It's not numbers that wins wars!
It's not weapons that win wars either!

It's Tawakkul and Obedience!

This is what many Muslims are lacking, especially in the Indo-Pak Subcontinent. They are driven by Wahn

On top of that, If a Muslim is killed or kills in war, he is not at loss. It's a win win situation
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2025 13:40
akbar703 wrote:
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America, and it's alliance of 44 countries were defeated by barefooted Afghans.

Israel with all the weaponry of warfare, backed by the entire western world on every level. Could not defeat a lightly armed
resistance in GAZA.
In the words of Malcolm X " Real power comes from conviction, and it produces insurrection against oppression".

Furthermore on a propaganda level they are spending billions demonising, and villifying Islam and The Pure Character of our Prophet (saw) despite this hundreds of thousands are converting to Islam every year.

And even if today Muslims had equal military power with the west, that would not guarantee victory. Because our spiritual condition is such that the vilest of leaders and rulers emerge from our ranks. Take the example of Egypt they got rid of Anwar Sadat, they ended up with Hosni Mubarak, they got rid of Mubarak and they then ended with even a greater Munafiq in Sissi.

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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2025 14:20
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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I think you are incorrect, equal military power and economic power would be checkmate on both sides.
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2025 14:22
Saracen1 wrote:
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2025 14:27
Saracen1 wrote:
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Not if the rulers are Munafiqeen.
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2025 14:39
It's nowhere near to being an either or situation. If the Muslims are capable enough to establish a true Khilafat, it's a given they will defeat the kuffar. Weapons or no weapons. No doubt about that.
Khilafat is not given to ragtag Muslims like us Muslims of today. So us not being able to defeat the kuffar is because we are not capable of forming a Khilafat either. To Muslims like us, Khilafat is not given, it's taken away as happened with the Ottoman.
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2025 16:06
abu mohammed wrote:
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Saracen1 wrote:
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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Pakistan became nuclear power due to a liberal leader Bhutto (he was not khalifa), now the world thinks twice before attacking them. He told "we shall eat grass in our meals but acquire an atom bomb".

While Afghanistan is vulnerable to attacks, they are not safe yet. Why?
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2025 16:24
akbar703 wrote:
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And Pakistan would be destroyed in minutes. (not forgetting that they are stoogies in this game) Yet Afghanistan defeated every army that came and left shamed!

No point in Allah testing such people, some people have already failed. Yet He tests whom He loves the most and success comes in the form of a win or loss!

Please come out of this delusional box.
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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2025 16:42
abu mohammed wrote:
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Afghanistan never defeated armies, armies invaded and got bored and left.
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2025 16:47
Saracen1 wrote:
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Yes they simply got tired of the cuisine, hot weather, lack of entertainment and dull days with nothing happening.

Said "Okay old chaps let's just go home, I am so bored".

There was no resistance to them, and there was no guerilla warfare no just a myth Muslims conjured up.

In fact Muslims have never won anything or achieved anything in their history....

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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2025 16:51
abu mohammed wrote:
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Except for the Sikhs. They defeated the Afghan Army
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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2025 17:04
abu mohammed wrote:
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The Durrani empire, and mostly within the territories of what is Pakistan today.
Mainly due to treachery, of Muslims and infighting.

In short the Sikhs took Punjab and Kashmir and a province of Afghanistan from the Afghans The city of Peshawar and the Khyber area where at one time an integral part of Afghanistan They did not conquer the entirety of Afghanistan, these battles lasted several decades. Until demise of the Sikh empire.
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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2025 17:05
abu mohammed wrote:
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Saracen1 wrote:
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fod1083 wrote:
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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In present times every technology has shelf life. Either it gets obsolete or gets diluted by state of art of technology. And to get the state of art technology , one need not evolve through stages the present technology has passed through. State of art is an innovation which humbles the present technology.

Why can't ummah do dua and work towards that innovation. That is also a step towards establishing justice, peace, harmony in present world. Now it is in hands of tyrants, oppressors, capitalists.

Note: Imam Mahdi harnesses the available resources of ummah, they all are scattered now.
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