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samah, abu mohammed
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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 13th March 2018 13:14

Accept responsibility when it’s your’s!

‘Retweets are not necessarily endorsements’


‘The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily that of the editor.’


Whilst this may be a legal shield in this world, in no way does it absolve one in the court of Allah!

We are indeed responsible for whatever we say, write, pass on or share. One who is sharing information actually assumes the position of a muballigh (preacher). Every preacher is duty bound to verify the information he shares and to ensure he isn’t a carter of falsehood.

The gem of the last century, Shaykh ‘Abdul Hay Laknawi (rahimahullah) writes:

‘If the view is baseless, it is not permissible to quote it, but for the motive of pointing out its flaw…

…it is not permissible to remain silent whilst quoting it, which gives the impression of it being correct.’

(Tadhkiratur Rashid, pg.74)


Let’s ask ourselves the following questions:

• If we do not endorse what we are propagating, then why are we spreading it?!

• Why do we want for others what we do not want for ourselves?!

• What is the purpose of publicising such information?


Whatever the answer to the above, we are still responsible in Allah’s court. Many of us seem to be unaware of this.


As Received

Some of us have the habit of adding the following disclaimer at the end of text messages:

‘As received’.

This may be a legitimate form of precaution, but one should still weigh up the information before passing it on.

If it seems legitimate, but one is not completely sure, then one may add this note when sharing it.


All of the ‘disclaimers’ discussed in this article are a result of the ill habit of passing/sharing whatever we receive or discover, without verification.

One who passes everything he receives, without verification is considered a liar in the Hadith of Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam).

كفى بالمرء كذبا أن يحدث بكل ما سمع ;

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najimuddin's avatar
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 13th March 2018 22:23
In addition to written information, there are learned preachers passing around pictures of women like it's no big deal.

These preachers need to be aware of the images that accompany their retweets, etc.

Not doing so desensitizes people to haram.

O Mufti, Maulana, or Shaykh Sahib! Please ponder on this and the following:

* You are responsible for normalizing either halal or haram thoughts, emotions, and behaviors amongst the populace.

* People use your actions as proof (daleel).

* Whose daughter/mother/sister/wife are YOU passing along for some strange man to see?

* Actually, YOU are likely passing her along to MILLIONS of strange men.

--- Would you like that for your daughter?

--- Would you like that for your mother?

--- Would you like that for your sister?

--- Would you like that for your wife?
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samah's avatar
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 13th March 2018 23:08
najimuddin wrote:
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 13th March 2018 23:22
samah wrote:
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What I would like to find out is why some scholars and organizations use women in hijab along with some inspirational quote, or advertise some course, or as an image for some article. I want to hear from them why they see this as allowed. And then people will retweets the post.
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bint e aisha's avatar
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 10th April 2018 14:23
Assalam u alaikum warahmatullah

Is everyone here able to access al-miftah and hadithanswers? It's been few weeks the websites are not working for me..
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 10th April 2018 14:27
bint e aisha wrote:
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Yes, both working from the UK :)
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WifaqulUlama's avatar
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 10th April 2018 14:45

najimuddin wrote:
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samah wrote:
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A scholars yesterday pointed out that Wifaq tweets pictures of women and he was very polite, courteous and private about it.

But is this really tweeting pictures of women?

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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 10th April 2018 14:49
WifaqulUlama wrote:
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I forget the name of the lady who was killed recently - her picture was tweeted and I believe we all disagreed with that. Maybe now, Alhumdulillah, Wifaqul Ulama are more cautious when tweeting.
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 10th April 2018 14:59

abu mohammed wrote:
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Absolutely and as I responded to the Maulana yesterday, please point it out so issues can be corrected. Picture of Jo Cox came from the BBC article.

Retweets, linking articles on twitter or Facebook automatically carries pictures and an inadvertent mistake can be made but the tweet above is not an example of tweeting the picture of a woman. There are hundreds of Islamophobes who are trolling, responding on Wifaq social media accounts every month. Disgusting material is posted daily which is muted/blocked all the time. Wifaq Account is prime target for spam advertising and insulting Islam & Muslims as it has a far bigger reach compared to individuals.

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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 10th April 2018 15:07
WifaqulUlama wrote:
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I guess what the scholar is pointing out is the fact the profile picture of the person who is being retweeted is the problem.

I can see their point.

If someone see's a profile picture of another, they decide to click the image due to that one second of a whisper, then it can lead to other sins and that is a fact. As the Prophet (saw) said, "Shaitan Runs in our blood...."

So before retweeting, I guess it would be a good idea to double check what else is in the package.

If the package is going to contain probable fitnah, then forget the tweet. If the tweet has been retweeted, and thereafter, the original person changes their profile picture, then that's not your fault.

Tweets don't cary a copyright as far as I know, so if you like something, copy and retweet it fresh and make mention of source if space permits.
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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 26th April 2020 23:52
I couldn't think of a better place to post this hilarious yet serious message!

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