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Psychology behind the Propaganda.

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Yasin, abu mohammed
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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 12th September 2017 22:15
Being an old timer not knowing much about how, Social media works.

Sometime ago during Donald Trumps election campaign....I noticed on Twitter loads of accounts of Black people who seemed to be fanatically supporting Donald Trump, and leaping to his defense, and even agreeing with his remarks.

That striked me as rather odd, considering Donald Trumps, anti-black rhetoric and his history of racism going back decades he was taken to court for his refusal to rent his properties to black people as far back as the 1970's. Then some time later I read that thousands of dummie accounts, had been created by a White Supremacist website, that was supporting Trump. What they did to make those accounts seem more authentic is post hundreds of photos of black people, tweets about black musicians, andathletes, Afro-american cuisine Soul Food etc. So any one reading would assume immediatley that was a real account. And that this style of propaganda is commonly used by the Military and intelligence agencies.

So I looked at this from a muslim perspective, if they are targeting black people then they most definitley must be targeting, Muslims.

That is indeed the case, for example you have loads of ex-muslims on twitter, what struck me as odd here is that forums run by apostates only has limited membership. On youtube the videos posted by Converts to Islam far, far exceeds the number of videos posted by apostates infact its not even close.

Yet on twitter there seemed to be loads of them and even sounding and looking authentic, but the pattern of propoganda is always the same, "Barbarity Of Islam" "Oppression of Women" "Honour Killings" "Forced Marriage" etc.

Then you got others pretending to be muslim, whilst spewing anti-muslim propaganda to give just one example yesterday I came across an account by an Indian guy claiming to be Muslim with a Muslim name, in it he tweeted a few hadiths, the rest was Praise for Israel, Palestinians are evil, Kashmiris are terrorists.
The Rohingya are evil. Modi is great Trump is great.

Then we have Dummie accounts pretending to be Muslim and mocking non-muslims, posting tweets rejoicing at any type of misfortune that has fallen any non-muslims, labelling them evil Kafirs etc.

What is disconcerting is muslims seem to be falling for this propaganda, some sympathising with the anti-muslim rhetoric and others becoming disheartened.

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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 13th September 2017 11:06
A couple of decades ago, I used to live across the road, from a Pentescostal church. One day as I was returning home I noticed a News letter that they published lying on the pavement, what caught my eye was the headline, it read, " From Mullah to servant of Christ". So I picked it up and it was the story of a former Alim and Peer, in Pakistan no less a graduate of Jamiah Ashrafiyah in Lahore who had apparently converted to Christianity, they even had a picture of a clean shaven distinguished looking uncle to accompany the story. His reason given for converting was the fact that in Islam muslims believe a person can only reach salvation through good deeds, and he was baffled as to how can any individual do enough good deeds to reach paradise. What attracted him about Christianity was that a person achieves Paradise through gods grace, and Christ had already dies for the sins of humanity etc. For a while he was battling to and fro as to which of these 2 religions was the correct one night before going to sleep. He held a copy of the Quran in one hand and the Bible in the other...He prayed to god to guide him to the truth. That night he saw and spoke to Jesus and he became Christian. The whole story was well written seemed very authentic, (except for the bit about Muslims believing that salvation rests in the multitude of Good deeds, I was a complete Jahil back then but I knew that a person will acquire Jannah through ALLAH Rabul Izzats, Rahmah.)

Anyways this story really disturbed me I kept reflecting on it for a couple of weeks....And it remained in the back of my mind for a few years. When I got the internet I came across the same story almost word for word, except the Alim this time was a graduate of Al Azhar, then another version of the story were the Alim was Malaysian. It is only then I realised that it was fake. And that some Christians in particular the evangelical Christians believe it is acceptable and virtuous to lie in order to guide people to the 'truth' of Christ.

Years ago, Dr Abu Ameena Bilal Philips, published a few examples of fake apostate stories taken from Christian websites, Some of the attempts were totally laughable and clearly written by individuals who did not have clue about Islam. The funniest fake story in the collection posted by Dr Bilal Philips, about a guy who had left Islam because of its Violence barbarity and Oppression of women etc. and he stated in his article that he was a practising Muslim and had even performed Hajj but because of the sea of people he was unable to enter the inside of the Kabah and pray to the Idols inside the Kabah.

In any-case some common themes You will find in these fake Evangelical stories, the god of Islam is a vengeful god, whilst the god of Christianity is a loving god who died for sins of humanity, Christianity is about Peace and Love , Islam is about Violence and forcing people to convert . In Christianity creation will enter paradise through gods grace, whilst Muslim believe a person can only enter paradise if his good deeds out number sins and which is impossible and can never outnumber his good deeds. But the most important part is the dreams, they are always confused they pray to god and they see christ...Loads of Videos on youtube with these dream stories.

To be Continued....!
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 13th September 2017 11:15
This thread would be better in the Public forum. Hardly anyone in the brothers section.
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 13th September 2017 11:30
abu mohammed wrote:
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I have a number of themes I want to touch upon... I prefer to post here quietly, it can be transferred to main forums when I am finished Insha'Allah...If the moderators feel the thread will be more beneficial in public.

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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 13th September 2017 13:27
Needless to say fake conversions stories of Muslims leaving the barbarity of Islam for the love and warmth of Christianity is a common theme of the evangelicals. Yusha Evans mentions after he embraced Islam he did a lecture, called "How the Bible led me to Islam", the event was well publicised and well attended. So to coincide with it the Christians in response held a similar event from Islam to Christianity.
With alleged former muslims who had embraced Christianity. He states he turned up at the event and asked these "fake former muslims" explain the concept of Tawheed, and how many rakahs they used to pray in Salah when they were muslim, they had no response. Some more recent stuff, in a discussion with the Dawah Man, an African Christian preacher claiming he converted to Christianity from Islam, because he was raped by the Imam, in his local mosque, when asked to recite Surah al Fatiha did not have a clue what it was, when asked which masjid he had attended as a child. He named a large Masjid that had only been built recently and did not even exist when he was a child.

An Indian Christian girl, in a debate at speakers corner with Hussain Thomas, claimed she was an ex-Muslim when asked about some basics of Islam did not have a clue. It transpired she was infact a former Hindu.

Yes Muslims do apostasise but vast majority of them become Atheists.

In anycase the Anti-Islamic rhetoric and propaganda that you see where they distort Islamic history, mis-represent quote and Misrepresent hadiths and Ayahs of the Quran. Is all firmly rooted in Christian hostility towards Islam. The same themes have been re-invented and repackaged and used by atheists, Zionists, white Supremacists who cut/paste them and them claim I have read the Quran and studied Islam when infact they have not.

The following is my interaction with one such individual, who claimed the ideology of Muslim Terrorists was firmly rooted in Quran.

“They have supremacist beliefs that dehumanise those who do not subscribe to their world view”“I can’t possibly imagine where they got that backwards idea from, maybe from their backwards, supremacist doctrine?” To back up his premise he posted quotations purporting to be from the Quran.

So checked the so called verses he posted and found the following.

For those interested the above Old Chap went to some Islamaphobe websites and cut/paste stuff without any knowledge of what is actually in the Quran.

Our Dear Old Chap above posted” Disbelievers are liars”. 7:66

Here is an actual translation “Said the eminent ones who disbelieved among his people, “Indeed, we see you in foolishness, and indeed, we think you are of the liars.” 7:66
The above verse is referring to the Disbelievers calling the Prophet Hood a liar.
65. And to `Ad (the people, We sent) their brother Hud. He said: “O my people! Worship Allah! You have no other god but Him. Will you then not have Taqwa”) (66. The leaders of those who disbelieved among his people said: “Verily, we see you in foolishness, and verily, we think you are one of the liars.”) (67. (Hud) said: “O my people! There is no foolishness in me, but (I am) a Messenger from the Lord of all that exists!)

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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 13th September 2017 14:30
One of the main problems for us is that we dont know our history or western history. So we have the Ant-Islam propagandists
transposing there own history upon Muslims.

"Islam is an evil religion spread by the sword." Fact Christianity was spread by the sword, in the Islamic lands the Muslims co-existed with non-muslims for centuries. Whilst in Christain europe virtually all the religions that pre-existed Christianity were exterminated and wiped away by the swords. During European colonialism this missionary Zeal was at the forefront of their endeavours. Africans were enslaved in the name of Christianity, Native Indians in american and aborigines in Australia were driven to extinction in the name of christianity, and across the world various violent endeavours used to impose Christianity.

Islam, views women inferior to men, ...Infact historically in Christendom women were considered inferior to men, the rights women were given in Islam 1400 years, such as owning their properties, right to seek divorce, right to their own wealth and run their own businesses. Even had discussions on whether women had souls or not.

Corinthians 11:8-9: For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.

The Hijab is imposed on women and is a symbol of oppression, Fact it is a symbol of modesty. Every image of Maryam (Alayhi salam) she is wearing a Hijab and it is part of their own tradition.
In fact harsh censure imposed by the bible.

Corinthians 11:6
For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.

You will find this on virtually every accusation they make against Islam.
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 13th September 2017 15:45
Now getting back to the title of the thread. "The Psychology behind the Propaganda".

Over the last hundred years or so vast amount of research has been done on behavioural science. Initially using Print media, subsequently electronic and digital.

For example in commerce people realised that they could increase their sales of a product, just by rephrasing the words in their advert's and during the golden age of Newspapers and Magazines, Advertising CopyWriters were a highly valued profession, with the best amongst them charging huge sums and royalties for their advertising Copy.

To give a practical example Joe Karbo a copy writer was given a huge stock of inventory of peep-hole viewers those fish-eye lens you put in doors so you can look out and see who is knocking on the door. This friend who had owned a hardware Store had bought a huge stock of them when they first came on the market, try as he might they did not sell, even at below cost price and they had been gathering dust for years. Karbo advertised them in the paper as the "Amazing Spy Scope helps you See through walls, see through fences, and see through doors." He quickly sold-out of the viewers and had to buy more.

The establishment and various political movements and lobbies started quickly adapting these methods as tools for brainwashing to sell ideas to people and to manipulate the public.

For over a century since the rise of the newspaper industry and subsequently radio, TV, to the internet age. These methods have been used to demonise Islam, to instil fear and revulsion of Muslims and their religion.

Terms such as "Islamic Guerillas" "Islamic Militants" Islamic Fundamentalism" "Islamic Extremism" "Islamic Terrorism", have been used consistently for decades in order to demonise an entire faith and billions of followers due to the action a few, so much so that Traditional Islam to the non-muslims and many modernist muslims has become synonymous with violence, and backwardness.

To be Continued....!

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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 13th September 2017 16:41
Okay Im finding it hard to gauge how my posts are coming across whether they are readable or not, So feedback would be appreciated the feeling I am getting is they are too long and rambling. What you think?
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 13th September 2017 18:49
Part (1) The Fitnah of 'Grooming' Gangs.

Well in any-case I will return to the above theme later .... Just Looking at the present context one of the main topic of concern is "Grooming Gangs" "Islamic Rape Gangs" or "Muslim Pakistani Child Rape gangs" "Muslim refugees raping white women" across Europe. Since our Brother Ahmed Patel has brought this to our attention I have looked into it.... Whilst in reality it has nothing to do with Islam it is an organised criminal issue none the less their are thousands of posts on Social Media and this issue has gone viral people are outraged that this 'vile' religion is committing and promoting rape en masse. ..

Note: Whilst whatever these criminals have been doing is completely reprehensible, both morally and religiously, but none the less considering the entire muslim world is being tarred with the same brush. Then we are perfectly with in our rights to critically analyse what is said concerning this issue:

Traditionally the words "Child Grooming" have been used in the context of individuals plying very young children, with sweets, gifts etc. And then after obtaining their trust abusing them. The vast majority of individuals convicted of such crimes are Middle aged white men. Their has been a shift or a campaign to equate this type of abuse, with what these criminal gangs have been doing and then to project the notion that Islam and Muslims are responsible for all or majority of sexual abuse, taking place in the U.K.

One of the towns in which a gang of muslims where convicted, is Telford a small town about 40 miles from Birmingham where I live. I have visited Telford on many occasions and a small group of practising Brothers from Telford attend an Islahi majlis regularly in Birmingham.

To give a brief over view of the town, and the community, in the 1970's several factories from Birmingham closed their plants. And transferred their manufacturing operations to Telford, because there was a recession going on at the time decided to transfer to Telford. After these Brothers had re-located some of their friends and families joined them the community grew from there.

Two of the things Telford is renowned for is having the largest concentration of single mothers in the U.K. and also the lowest church attendance in the U.K.

As the community grew, the need arose for a mosque, an Old 19th century Methodist chapel was purchased and converted into a Masjid.

After a few years a dispute arose concerning the control of the Mosque between the Deobandis and the Barelvis, the dispute lasted several years the court ruled in favour of the Deobandis. The Barelvis et up their own masjid.

The Town has been split along sectarian lines ever since, the Deobandis mostly interact with each other on a social level and the Barelvis mostly with each other.
The community being very small there was a lot of racism and hostility back in the day, so some of the youth would hang around in large groups for protection. Fast forward a few decades, a small group of the younger generation born and brought up in the town got involved in organised crime. Mainly the Drug trade.

So the coolest guys, and the toughest guys, the guys with the cars and the latest designer clothes and jewellery are the gangster Asians. One of the strange features in Telford is that having an Asian boyfriend is considered cool or exotic amongst many of the local girls, whilst somewhere like Birmingham and other large cities having a Afro-Carribean boyfriend is cool but having a Paki boyfriend is like degrading yourself.

There is hardly any afro-carribean community in Telford so the cool guys are Asians. They go from one girlfriend to another and some of them will have illegitimate children from several different women.
Anyways traditionally Drugs trade whilst highly lucrative carry’s very harsh sentences, so the organised criminals in a lot of times shifted to prostitution. Historically if you got arrested for pimping the sentences were low, you would be charged with living of immoral earnings. Be out in a few months. In recent years laws pertaining to Sex trafficking have been brought in with harsher sentences, the words Child Prostitution have removed from the legal terminology and new term used CSE that is Child exploitation.

So onto this grooming what is this about from what I read about it. This is what would have been called pimping years ago, the guys usually seduce the girls, take them to top class rounds, take them cruising
In their luxury cars, nightclubs partys, drugs alcohol, once they have the girls hooked , they entice them into prostitution some of the girls do it willingly with promise of riches, others are forced or threatened, or extorted where by they will loan the girl loads of money and demand repayment.
Normally the pimps prefer the first option, were the girl is doing it willingly there is less likelihood
Of her going to the police.

To be Continued...!
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 13th September 2017 20:04
On to the present case A couple of Pakistani guys, were pimping the girls, from a Bangladeshi restaurant. According to the press people where being charged up-to £150 per session.

Someone found out reported to the police, the guys were charged the first trial collapsed. After one of the girls testified they were willing participants and doing it for money. The Crown Prosecution Service retried the case and the guys were given lengthy sentences. They were convicted of being involved in the Prostitution of 4 girls youngest 13 the oldest 16. There were other girls involved who refused to press charges or where older. Essentially the guys got convicted because the girls where below the age of consent. If they had been older there would probably have been no conviction.

The main propaganda is that the Police have been unwilling to charge or investigate this issue across the U.K. because the perpetrators where Asian and they did not want to be accused of racism. Infact the police did not charge because they felt
many of the girls where willing participants, and others would often make complaints and withdraw them and return to their gangster boyfriends, they were also sceptical because the girls they lived with family or under local authority care yet would keep returning to chill out with the gangsters.

The Far right , Islamaphobe groups have taken up this issue many Social media accounts on twitter set up by alleged victims, although some of the accounts on twitter are genuine other others seem to me like fake ones set up by the far right to capitalise on this issue.

There several convergent propaganda themes to this, one angle is that Islamic doctrine teaches that rape of non-muslims, justified. The propaganda against the Prophet (saw) his marriage to Sayedna Ayesha (RA) and the number wives He had. This is psychological propaganda is mainly for the benefit of the White community and argument presented is that the entire Muslim community needs to be held responsible.

Second angle is that this a "Pakistani Muslim" pathology, the entire Pakistani community is complicit, this is for the main benefit of Muslims who are not Pakistani, as a form of divide and conquer. Some muppets falling for it, similar to those who thought by saying that if they claimed Terrorism is "wahabbi" and "Salafi" some how the non muslims will view us more favourably.

Some of the language and tone being used is very extreme, a number of journalists and MP's who have spoken out in defence of the wider Muslim community are then deliberatley targetted with Social Media campaign against them.

Those individuals who have spoken in defence of the Muslim community, and have labelled this campaign
of demonising the entire muslim community as racist agenda, In response to this a campaign has been launched by the Islamaphobes claiming that infact the reverse is true, that these pimps were motivated by a Racial and Religious Islamic Superiority against white people.

False equivalency narrative with the crimes of these "Grooming Gangs" being used to justify the rape and genocide of the Rohingya people....!Hostility shown to anyone tweeting about the genocide.

And our Brother Ahmed Patel has been at the forefront of most of the above campaigns on his twitter.

To Be Continued.

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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 13th September 2017 22:08
So the question is do the muslims control the Prostitution trade in the U.K. the answer is NO! But we can say that since these stronger laws have come into effect, the majority of those convicted of trafficking teenage girls under the legal age of consent have been Muslim.

Prostitution trade has been going on in this country before there were muslims, there are many facets to it, from street prostitution to ,massage parlours, and escort agencies. Prostitution is present in every town in the country even those that are all white. Prostitutes can come from a variety of back grounds, and social strata University Students earning money on the side, Single mothers, most often drug addicts, those wanting to fund an opulent lifestyle. And Teenage girls, as for many of the Teenage girls they often come from broken homes, and have suffered from sexual and emotional abuse at the hands of their own relatives.

The style of Pimping and exploitation that these "Pakistani Muslims" gangs have been doing is not Islamic but infact American.
Dr Lois Lee is probably the foremost authority of this in the United states. She set up a Charity in California to help rescue young girls in 1979 called "Children Of The Night" according to her in 1981 Underage Prostitutes were estimated as numbering 600,000
the present statistics, are approximately 100,000.

You find such gangs in all the major American Cities. Reading Dr Lois Lees work the methods used by American pimps mirror those used by these "Grooming gangs in the U.K.

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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 13th September 2017 23:25
The dominant narrative and present methodology of pyschological warfare being used to demonise, muslims is a narrative that has been used against the Black American community for decades: It is a form of extreme stereotyping called Black Pathology, In essence that blacks are less intelligent, they are genetically pre-disposed towards crime, they are uncivilised, lack all human decency, are lazy do not value hardwork, are backward in their thinking, leech of the state whilst not giving anything back in return etc. They are sexual deviants and represent a threat to white women in particular and society as a whole all of them secretly support or complicit in criminal and immoral behaviour. It is usually tinged with double standards and hypocrisy. Readers of this thread will find the following article of interest. It is by the renowned Black American, Play right, Novelist, poet and Professor Ishmael Reed.

Black pathology is big business. Two-thirds of teenage mothers are white, two-thirds of welfare recipients are white and white youth commit most of the crime in this country.
By Ishmael Reed FEBRUARY 12, 2002

This article originally appeared in the November 20, 1989 issue.

Black pathology is big business. Two-thirds of teenage mothers are white, two-thirds of welfare recipients are white and white youth commit most of the crime in this country. According to a recent survey, reported by the Oakland Tribune, the typical crack addict is a middle-class white male in his 40s. Michele Norris of a has cited a study that dis- covered “no significant difference in the rate of drug use during pregnancy among women in the public clinics that serve a largely indigent population and those visiting private doctors who cater to upper-income patients.” Yet in the popular imagination blacks are blamed for all these activities, in the manner that the Jews took the rap for the Black Plague, even in countries with little or no Jewish population.

Now that network news shows have become “profit centers,” news producers have found a lucrative market in exhibiting black pathology, while coverage of pathologies such as drug addiction, child abuse, spousal battering and crime among whites and their “model minorities” is negligible. According to the news shows, you’d think that two black gangs, the Crips and the Bloods, are both the cause and the result of the nation’s drug problem, even though this country was high long before these children were born.

When it comes to singling out blacks as the cause of America’s social problems, NBC and CNN are the worst offenders. (The owner of CNN, Ted Turner, once proposed that unemployed black males be hired to carry nuclear warheads on their backs; when pressed he said that he was only kidding.)

Let’s look at just one month: October of last year. General Electric’s NBC Nightly News ran stones on child abuse, drug trafficking and cocaine pregnancy. Blacks were the actors in all these news shows, yet the August 30, 1988, front page of The New York Times reported that there is as much cocaine pregnancy in the suburbs as in the inner city. That same October, it was revealed on CNN’s business program, Moneyline, that U.S. bankers have laundered $100 billion in drug money, $90 billion of which ends up overseas, contributing to the trillion dollars in debt owed by the United States, mugging millions of Americans of jobs and endangering the economic stability of the country.

Also in October, CNN did a series called “Crime in America.” According to this series, whites don’t commit crimes. They’re either victims or on the side of the law–the line promoted by The New York Times, a black pathology supermarket that regularly blames crack use, crime, welfare and illegitimacy on black people and whose journalists and columnists still use the term “black underclass” even though studies, including Blacks and American Society, by the National Research Council, and The Persistence of Urban Poverty and its Demographic and Behavioral Correlates, by Terry K. Adams and Greg J. Duncan, have been unable to locate this underclass. Its neoconservative house organ, The New York Times Magazine, printed in its February 26 issue a puff piece about the ex-editors of the anti-Semitic, anti-black Dartmouth Review.

Earlier last year, on August 20, CNN aired a special about drug-crazed Los Angeles street gangs. It proposed that gang activities were inspired by rap music. If rap music is forcing people to sell drugs, then how does one explain the participation in this industry of a Gregorian chant-loving ex-Vatican diplomat, the Rev. Lorenzo Zorza?

How convenient it is to blame everything on a scapegoat, in this case black youth, who, according to public superstitions, are responsible for all the crime in this country. Yet Gerry Spence, citing a Bureau of National Affairs estimate, writes in his book With Justice for None: Destroying an American Myth, that “the cost of corporate crime in America is over ten times greater than the combined larcenies, robberies, burglaries and auto-thefts committed by individuals. One in five of America’s large corporations has been convicted of at least one major crime or has paid civil penalties for serious misbehavior. One way the Crips and the Bloods can improve their image is to do what the big crooks do, buy advertising on TV news shows so that their crimes will rarely be reported.” The only difference between white pathology and black pathology is that white pathology is underreported.

By putting out the lie that U.S. crime is black, the networks contributed millions of dollars in free advertising to Lee Atwater’s most recent racist political campaign.

Presenting the fact that pathologies are widespread in American society and that American society itself might be pathological would be like showing films about lung cancer to the millions addicted to cigarette smoking. To portray America as a pathological society would interrupt the country’s cozy fetal sleep, which requires that the shrill half-wits it elects to office run the sort of campaign that former Confederate officers ran in the 1880s: They threatened whites with a black rapist in every bedroom, an image that’s been commercialized by some millionaire feminists in novels and movies for the last decade, proving that the black pathology industry is an equal opportunity gold mine.

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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 13th September 2017 23:41
Apologies if some of the paragraphs in the above posts come across as incoherent I will read back and make corrections, as I go along.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 14th September 2017 09:17

This sentence started with [b] which caused the rest of the page to be bold as there was no end with [/b]
Black pathology is big business. Two-thirds of teenage mothers are white, two-thirds of welfare recipients are white and white youth commit most of the crime in this country.
By Ishmael Reed FEBRUARY 12, 2002

Edited and added end code.
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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 14th September 2017 19:42
The Condemnation angle.

Every time a muslim does a Criminal act, Muslims are collectively asked to condemn. The Media will constantly ask muslims guest on their radio or tv shows " Why Are Muslims not doing enough to condemn" "Do you think the Community has done enough to tackle this issue". The psychology behind this is very simple by continuously asking the entire community to condemn the objective is to instil in the minds of their viewers and listeners that the Muslims are collectively to blame, and if each and every muslim is not vocally condemning that means they are secretly sympathetic or supportive of such criminal acts.

Secondly when Muslims do condemn the media refuses to report it. In the days after 9/11 the IPCI (Islamic Presentation Centre International), They are the U.K. dawah branch of the late Shaykh Ahmed Deedat (RAH), contacted every single National news paper and Tabloid they wanted to take out on advert condemning 9/11 every single paper refused and said it would be disrespectful to the victims. The Media is really not interested in any condemnations their singular objective, is to apportion collective blame on Muslims. To try and inculcate the image that Muslims are deliberately working against the west and represent a threat.

In the cases when they do bother reporting that a prominent Muslim or organisation has condemned a certain act, the implication then made is that the muslims are some how pretending to condemn it, but in reality they support the said act.

Recently some naive individuals have a launched a campaign on social media that Muslims and masjids are not doing enough to condemn "Grooming Gangs", well firstly even the most jahil of muslims knows that it is haram and evil to to earn money from prostitution, Secondly if criminals despite knowing that it is haram are involved in such crimes, what impact will the Imam doing a Jumah Khutbah have on them, these criminals attend masjid only on Eid at best anyways. Thirdly most Masjids hold majlis on tazkiya and these type of issues addressed on a regular basis. So this argument in itself is a fallacy.

Musims in U.S. Have finally clicked that after a generation of condemning that its time to stop playing the media blame game the following is a very well thought out response.

Yasir Qadhi: I will not apologise for Orlando shootings

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi
US Muslim theologian Yasir Qadhi has said that Muslims do not need to apologise for the Orlando gay night club attacks during which gunman Omar Mateen killed 50 people.

In a Facebook post Qadhi asked why he must issue an apology for something perpetrated by a mentally unstable person simply because his name was “Omar?”

Here is the post in full:

“Barely 36 hours after one of the most positive exposures to Islam and Muslims in America, via the funeral of Muhammad Ali, it appears all of that good will be wiped away by a senseless act of violence, perpetrated by a nobody who happens to have a Muslim name.

“Such is the problem of being a minority under pressure: the actions of one become linked to all. Last I checked, Caucasian male mass-shooters (which is the default) do not represent all of white America. Mexican gangsters don’t represent all Latinos. African American criminals are not representative of the entire African American population.

“So why must I issue an apology for something perpetrated by a mentally unstable person simply because his name is ‘Omar’?

“I’m not trying to be callous with regards to the deaths in Orlando – any and all loss of human life in such a manner is a tragedy, and no religion or law or moral code would approve such an act.

“I merely wish to point out that it seems unfair that the actions of one are extrapolated to represent all ONLY when the perpetrator is Muslim. We never have all churches issue condemnations when a Christian fanatic murders an abortion doctor. So why must we as a community somehow collectively ‘own up’ the crimes caused by a lone, deranged person? (And as of the writing of this paragraph, by all accounts it appears to be an act perpetrated by an individual acting on his own, who has not associated this act with religion nor acted on behalf of a terrorist group).

“If you want a condemnation, I condemn every unjust killing equally, regardless of the religion, race or nationality of the shooter. But I’m afraid I will not be issuing an apology, as I have nothing to apologize for.”
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