Difficult Individual Cases
This is about a decade old episode. Zaid Hamid found it difficult to deal with a secularist, Marvi Sarmad, on Shahid Masood show.
In this video Dr Israr Ahmed Sahab RA finds it difficult to deal with a Shia.
About six years ago a a girl complained that AMU does not allow girl students to access its main library. The Vice Chancellor was former Deputy Chief of Army Staff but found it very difficult to deal with the matter.
In case of Malala episode Harris Hammam gleefully pointed out that they, Taliban in particular and Deobandees in general, do not know what to do.
More than a decade ago a Bengali student started posting about AMU on discussion fora and the Aligarh community found it very difficult to counter his arguments.
Islam and Muslims in general and we in particular have lots of enemies. Here and there we might come across a person who has worked out a strategy against us using a issue or a point that we might have ignored. Such cases have to be dealt with individually.