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#1141 [Permalink] Posted on 12th October 2021 10:05
Difficult Individual Cases

This is about a decade old episode. Zaid Hamid found it difficult to deal with a secularist, Marvi Sarmad, on Shahid Masood show.

In this video Dr Israr Ahmed Sahab RA finds it difficult to deal with a Shia.

About six years ago a a girl complained that AMU does not allow girl students to access its main library. The Vice Chancellor was former Deputy Chief of Army Staff but found it very difficult to deal with the matter.

In case of Malala episode Harris Hammam gleefully pointed out that they, Taliban in particular and Deobandees in general, do not know what to do.

More than a decade ago a Bengali student started posting about AMU on discussion fora and the Aligarh community found it very difficult to counter his arguments.

Islam and Muslims in general and we in particular have lots of enemies. Here and there we might come across a person who has worked out a strategy against us using a issue or a point that we might have ignored. Such cases have to be dealt with individually.
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#1142 [Permalink] Posted on 19th October 2021 08:44
Facebook Post by Younis Bhatt

Jokes apart!

I think Imran Khan is the only good thing happened to Pakistani politics after Quaid Azam M Ali Jinnah. I personally think that he is even better than religious party leaders like Siraj ul Haq, Fazlur Rehman etc.

PS: Al Qadir University Project.
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#1143 [Permalink] Posted on 19th October 2021 14:49
Maripat wrote:
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Indian response to Imran Khan's UNGA speech

Pakistan's reply to above response

First one already has three million views.

Second one is still less than a million views.

Indians are trolling Pakistani reply.

Pakistanis are not that active on Indian response.

The battle against the Saffron bigots from India will be won online. Pakistanis have to play a critical role in this battle. I go, anonymously, to You Tube videos by bigots and troll them. I urge my Pakistani brothers and sisters to do the same and defeat the bigots.

Rasoolallah SAW said that if there are two ways to do a task, one easy and another difficult, then choose the easy path.

I find it strange that lately Pakistanis have given up on You Tube discussions. This is strange.
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#1144 [Permalink] Posted on 30th October 2021 15:39
Orya Maqbool Sahab warns PM Imran Khan against taking the TLP head-on. He says there aren't many ulama and mashaikh supporting the TLP, but there is a very large mass of ordinary Muslims standing with the TLP for the cause of Namoos e Risalat. They are inspired by Allama Iqbal RA, Muhammad Ali Jinnah RA, and Ghazi Alamdeen RA.

Orya Sahab says fighting the TLP will be PM Imran Khan's swansong, as elections are around the corner, and he has not lived up to everything the people were expecting of him.

youtube . com/watch?v=8qRuhJ0H0ug
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#1145 [Permalink] Posted on 30th October 2021 16:02
sharjan8643 wrote:
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OMJ Says: When the decline or end of a powerful person comes then he commits a big mistake and that leads to his downfall.

In my view OMJ is over reaching. But Allah SWT knows best.
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#1146 [Permalink] Posted on 31st October 2021 08:45
Maripat wrote:
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Agreed, Sir. I was of the same opinion that Orya Sahab's views sound very exaggerated. Perhaps after some time has passed and Orya Sahab is allowed to cool down a little, he may give us a more tempered commentary.
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#1147 [Permalink] Posted on 6th November 2021 08:13
Yogi Adityanath on Pakistan Love of Indian Muslims

This tweet tells us about it

If you praise Pakistan then you will be crushed.
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#1148 [Permalink] Posted on 10th November 2021 14:56
Mufti Saeed Khan Sahab on the then situation in Iraq
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#1149 [Permalink] Posted on 10th November 2021 16:24
Maripat wrote:
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This was heartbreaking. A scholar of tafseer, no less.

After the loss of livelihood for many ulama and huffaz here in India after lockdown, some were forced to take up manual labor (digging pits), and others were forced to sell trinkets at intersections just to feed themselves and their families.
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#1150 [Permalink] Posted on 18th November 2021 12:24
Robert Gates Mission

More than three decades ago a high level US diplomat, Robert Gates, came to India and Pakistan because there was a possibility of things spilling into a nuclear war.

The US, Pakistani and Indian versions of the events are summarized in this Indian Express report.

I read about the mission at that time in the famous magazine the Time.

One aspect of the mission has been etched into my mind since then.

The Pakistanis said to Mr Gates that Muslims are capable of fighting enemies much bigger than their own size and Gates disagreed in a matter of fact manner.

Indeed Pakistan has been out smarted by India in each conflict and always in a spectacular manner.

So what happened to the Qur'anic dictum that a believer is better than ten or even twenty disbelievers in the battle?

Clearly this 1:10 or 1:20 can not be a Divine Jumla.

In case of Palestine issue Mufti Tariq Masood has, in my view, pinpointed the lacuna.
If it was an Arab-Israel war in 1967 then it was not a war between believers and disbelievers.
Same will apply to Kashmir problem it is about Kashmiriyat.

In Indo-Pak wars there were always Muslims on Indian side who fought in an exemplary manner and hence the Qur'anic considerations are again not applicable.

And Allah SWT knows better.
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#1151 [Permalink] Posted on 18th November 2021 13:12
Maripat wrote:
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I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment, Sir. The promise of Divine Assistance is for the Muslims who fight only for the sake of Islam alone, i.e., Raising the Word of Allah Taala. The Taliban did this in Afghanistan and were given victory twice. The mujahideen did this against the Soviet Union and were given victory. The mujahideen who traveled to Bosnia during the 90s also fought only for the sake of Islam. I dare say a lot of sincere Muslims traveled to Al Shaam recently and fought only for the sake of Islam. Lack of proper Islamic guidance and an over enthusiasm for "takfeerism" was likely their undoing.

As long as the qaal and the haal (inward and outward) of the people fighting are in consonance, the Nusrah of Allah Taala is near.

This is not to say that all sincere armed struggles will be rewarded with manifest victory (Sayyid Ahmad Shaheed RA's campaign is a case in point), because Allah Taala decides the outcome in his Infinite Wisdom, but we are hopeful that those who strive will find their reward in the Hereafter.
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#1152 [Permalink] Posted on 21st November 2021 06:24
Answering WION

Sudhir Choudhary is a rabid communal TV journalist from India and he has an Indian as well as an international news network under his belt.

He uses both to spread venom against Islam and Muslims in India and at the world stage.

The international news network he owns is WION.

This network has a an anchor - Palki Sharma Upadhyay.

She uses very simple but calculated and precise terminology to the nefarious end mentioned above.

The Saffronites are bigoted Jahils in general. But they had a significant share of well educated contingent.

By now this contingent has come out in the open and it is working against Islam and Muslims at full throttle.

Palki is a prime example where she can articulate her case with ease and she is suave. Her prose is rapid, lithe and lissome.

And Muslims are vapid about it.

Till now nothing is working against the Saffron onslaught against Islam and Muslims. And nothing will work till Muslims take note and counter their advances.

The academic, media, political and rhetoric onslaught has to be fought on these respective fronts.

In the Modi phase of Hindutva Muslims of Pakistan have shown a rather pathetic response.

Pakistan has been countering Indian position on Kashmir rather splendidly over the decades but in the Modi phase, to my utter and disgusting surprise, Pakistanis have been less than valiant in general.

For example in many of Oriya Maqbool Jan videos the comments have been switched off.

Then there was this suggestion by Burhan Wani that was articulated by Oriya Maqbool Jan himself that the Kashmir issue can not be solved till Indian Muslims take it up.

That is simply fantastic.

I remember 2002 as vividly as it occurred. A Jama-at-e-Islami man, and they are not cowards, said to me at that time that Gujrati Muslims would do something. I was astounded. How can a pathetically beleaguered community do anything? This Jama-at-e-Islami man was certainly aware of what happened in Nazi Germany but he was still expecting that Gujrati Muslims will defend themselves on their own.

My contention at the moment is that you Pakistanis can not even troll the Saffronites on line anonymously and then you expect us Indian Muslims who are completely under Hindu grip to do miracles.

To be fair to Pakistanis it has been very difficult for them. If Muslims of India thought that the Muslim world has a hope in Pakistan then so did the west and the Hindus - both Lib-Dems and the Saffronites. All three, the west, the Lib-Dem Hindus and the Saffronites have been very active to keep the Muslims under check.
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#1153 [Permalink] Posted on 21st November 2021 11:46
Maripat wrote:
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Sir, I had thought that it was Pakistan who had used its proximity to China to stir up trouble for India on its Chinese border, to thin out Indian armed forces in Kashmir.

Pakistan on its own now is far too weak to pose any threat to India, because it has been severely crippled by the FATF.

Also, Pakistan has its work cut out for itself in managing Afghanistan, so Indian Muslims are understandably a low priority at the moment.
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#1154 [Permalink] Posted on 7th December 2021 14:31
Mufti Tariq Masood HA on Sialkot Incident/Blasphemy Law in Pakistan

A Sri Lankan was mercilessly killed in Sialkot, Pakistan for alleged blasphemy.

I have been speaking with scholars and other intellectuals on the topic of blasphemy laws in Pakistan. However, until now, I have not made my views known publicly. People have engaged in extreme behavior with regard to the Honor of Prophethood (SAW). In the time of our Prophet SAW, we find that sometimes blasphemers were put to death, and sometimes they were forgiven. When the blasphemer retracted, he was forgiven.

In our present times, extremist behavior is being actively promoted in the matter of the Honor of Prophethood. Junaid Jamshed was attacked in public for something he said about Hazrat Ayesha RA. I listened to his speech and there was nothing blasphemous about what Junaid Jamshed said. Junaid Jamshed publicly forgave his attackers. I would have advised him to file charges and let the law of the land deal with his attackers. I knew that if such reactions to "alleged" blasphemy were not dealt with severely, the cancer would only get more malignant.

In Pakistan, the overwhelmingly vast majority of people are ignorant. For these ignorant ones, the quickest ticket to Paradise is to lynch a blasphemer.

Because a strong message was not sent by the establishment in the matter of vigilante justice for blasphemers, Zakir Naik was also falsely accused of blasphemy. Maulana Sayyad Muhammad Husain Neelvi RA was a Deobandi scholar who lived and taught in Sargodha. Someone filed a case of blasphemy against him for something he wrote in one of his books. The judge, who likely had an ax to grind, sent Maulana to jail and Maulana died in incarceration. Similarly, in my childhood, a neighbor was sent to jail for life on charges of blasphemy because he ripped off a (religious) poster that was put up on his wall.

Statistics tell us that 46% of the people jailed for life for blasphemy are Muslims who would never dream of committing blasphemy. These cases are usually filed based on personal enmity.

The Sri Lankan manager in Sialkot was an honest and upright man. Because of this, those working under him disliked him. He prohibited employees from putting up religious posters within the factory premises. If it was my factory, I would have given similar instructions. When the manager found a poster up on a wall, he ripped it off. I'm sure the manager could neither read Urdu nor Arabic. His intent could never have been blasphemy.

Disrespect has different standards in different societies. I've seen Arabs get extremely emotional and crying while reading from the Quran. But they do not bat an eyelid when the Quran is placed on the floor, or near their feet. They do not consider such behavior to be disrespectful towards the Quran.

Maulana Tariq Jameel HA was accused of blasphemy when he narrated an incident from the tafseers of Qurtubi and Razi about Prophet Yusuf AS. Those who accused Maulana Tariq Jameel HA of blasphemy should have made similar accusations against Imam Qurtubi and Imam Razi too. I was very fearful in those days that someone might try to kill Maulana Tariq Jameel HA because of this blasphemy accusation. The only sensible reaction would have been to simply announce that the incidents relayed by Imam Qurtubi and Imam Razi were not from authentic narrations.

The first rule for determining blasphemy should be that the accused should not have been provoked into uttering blasphemy. The second rule for determining blasphemy should be that the statements are unequivocally blasphemous, and those statements cannot be interpreted in any other way. A non Muslim cannot be accused of blasphemy if he denies the Prophethood. Similarly, a Qadiyani cannot be accused of statutory blasphemy if he denies the Seal of Prophethood, because that his belief, even though it is an egregious belief, and blasphemy in Shariah. A Qadiyani cannot be put to death because he denies the Seal of Prophethood. The third rule for determining blasphemy should be that the accused is fully cognizant of his blasphemous utterances. A court judge should be given the responsibility of deciding if these three rules are satisfied before sentencing. No one can be allowed to take the law into their hands and dispense justice arbitrarily.

This one incident has brought Islam into unimaginable disrepute globally.

Scholars bear a large part of the responsibility for this heinous incident because they did not reign in people's excesses on the issue of Honor of Prophethood.

There are some people who believe privately that such incidents are justified. To them, I say, your views will change when you travel the world and gain an appreciation of what is required to effectively govern a country and be part of a global community. To govern a country well, rulers need to be aware of international sentiments.

It is extremely important that such extremism is brought under control. This is not from the seerah.

All cases of blasphemy should only be handled through the court system. No one should take the law into their hands.

youtube . com/watch?v=DOU6Yz96Wz0
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#1155 [Permalink] Posted on 7th December 2021 15:57
To claim that a mushrik/kaffir was honest and upright is too big and too personal a testimony for someone like to me to even attempt it. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. Infact, within the matters of dunya I am sure many kuffar and mushrikeen are honest and upright. Doesn't absolve them from blasphemy. There is no reasonable scenario where justice can be provided in case of blasphemy if the accusers are required to present proof.
I just can't bring myself to sympathize with someone who did not even believe in the existence of his own Creator.
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