انا لله وانا اليه راجعون
Maulana should narrate things cautiously; because of him people spread all types of nonsense. He should really be careful.
Another video by an Alim refuting this:
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Kartarpur Corridor and some Shar'ai regulations
Maulana Tariq Jameel Saheb (HA) should absolutely research and use authentic sources but when you point out "Imam Qurtubi (RA))" quoting the same incident in his Tafseer, you get a "dislike" for your trouble.
That's all one needs to know about "Deobandi" bias.
It is an error on part of Maulana Tariq Jameel (HA) but he is neither the first nor the last in Ummah to use weak/fabricated narrations either deliberately or purpose.
Maulana Tariq Jameel (HA) is also neither the first nor the last to use Israeli narrations in Tafseer of the Qur'aan but lets target Maulana Tariq Jameel (HA) because he "supports" Imran Khan & PTI. Ibn Katheer (RA), Imam Qurtubi (RA) and many others have done the same, I guess there was no Imran Khan in him time for Ibn Katheer (RA) to support.
Let me end again by saying, "Maulana Tariq Jameel Saheb (HA) should absolutely research and use authentic sources" but there is not a reason for him to make Taubah etc. He is repeating what Imam Qurtubi (RA) wrote in his Tafseer.
P.S: Maulana Tariq Jameel (HA) does not support either and has made it clear many times. He has indicated his fondness for certain aspects of it.
Timer is on, lets see how fast the first "dislike" comes because you cannot really address the issue and the poison in the heart is too much to control, got to do something to express the hatred :P
Then we should abandon Imam Bukhari (RA), Imam Muslim (RA) and others Imams and adopt you as the Shaykhul-Hadeeth of Islam, Masha'Allah.
P.S: Hit dislike, don't ever question yourself to check whether you are right or wrong and check whether you have spoken about issues which are way outside of your expertise and your comfort zone. :P
Our love for Sayyiduna Yousuf علیه السلام is more than our love for Maulana Tariq Jameel Sahab.
تفسیر قرطبی میں تو صرف اتنا لکھا ہے کہ قید خانے تک لے جانے کیلئے گدھے کی سواری استعمال کی گئی. یہ کہاں لکھا ہے کہ سیدنا یوسف علیه السلام کی تذلیل کرنے کیلئے انہیں گدھے پر سوار کر کے ان کے چہرے کو کالا کر کے بازار میں گھمایا گیا نعوذبااللہ
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