The reason is staring you in the face and it is straight forwardly explained to you in clear words. Nobody is soft on "protecting the Madaris" but this Dharna is asking for trouble. Maulana Fazlur-Rahman (HA) has made it clear that he wants blood (not his or his family of course)
Follow this thread from the beginning, there were many here who were supportive of this Dharna and now after the abuse of Maulana Tariq Jameel (HA) they seem to be having second thoughts.
The reason for crack down on Ulama & Madaris (not justified, not correct) is that "Deobandees" are not detaching and distancing themselves from a "Mob" which is threatening the National security of a Nation.
If you understand simple English then you can understand what is written. If you choose to ignore it that's fine but then don't ask, I don't understand...Because you do understand. A "Mob" cannot be allowed to threaten a Nation
I know that you are reading and understanding what is being said. Don't blame Imran Khan & PTI when it begins because unless something changes, it will begin!
Once again, let me clarify I am not supporting it or happy about it but I can see how the Army will begin the crackdown on Ulama and regulate Madaris and "Deobandees" will then blame Imran Khan & PTI