Is Maulana foolish to not know of this? Or do geniuses also make mistakes and it was his blunder? Orya thinks that he will come back with more popularity at the end of next year. Only Allah knows best.
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Mufti Saheb did not know about wikileaks, its no big deal and not the end of the world. Many people don't know about a lot of things, not many us of understand Quantum Physics. Nobody knows everything and everyone makes mistakes, we are all humans.
The issue is a "Mufti" establishing relationships (cousin etc) and accusing people of being "Zionist Agents" without checking the authenticity of the information available.
The episode BEFORE and AFTER is even more embarrassing, watch the discussion about 86 vs 8.6 billion and the whole saga afterwards.
For Non-Urdu Speakers:
The person in the above video says, "You must have heard rumors that this or that is happening about Qadiyanees. He then goes ahead and presents analysis on rumors"
In Islam, you are supposed to take the words of a Muslim on face value, the above 5 statements are crystal clear but "Deobandees" will still twist it to say that Imran Khan is being worshiped as a "Hero"
Orya Maqbool Jan (Non democratic, non deobandi, non JUI-F member) who is well admired by Deobandees actually visited Golden Temples (spoke to Sikhs), he then went to Qadiyan and gives eye witness Account and rock solid geographical analysis that Kartarpur corridor has nothing to do with "Qadiyanees" there are no rumors or speculations.
This cannot be undone and I am sure it will be greatly appreciated.
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