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#631 [Permalink] Posted on 7th November 2019 06:25
ALIF wrote:
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Is Maulana foolish to not know of this? Or do geniuses also make mistakes and it was his blunder? Orya thinks that he will come back with more popularity at the end of next year. Only Allah knows best.
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#632 [Permalink] Posted on 7th November 2019 06:25
sipraomer wrote:
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If you are talking about علم لدنی , that must be extremely rare, otherwise we have to use the ‘tools’ available to us.
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#633 [Permalink] Posted on 7th November 2019 06:27
ALIF wrote:
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No not Ilm e Ludni. I was talking about informal research like reading, exploring, pondering, researching, inquiring, tinkering etc.

Anyway, so what kind of education will create good leaders? Will medical science help create good leaders. Can medical universities create great leaders?
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#634 [Permalink] Posted on 7th November 2019 06:30
sipraomer wrote:
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He is certainly not a fool but sometimes taqdeer’ overwhelms us.
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#635 [Permalink] Posted on 7th November 2019 06:32
sipraomer wrote:
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I don’t know sir !

I am searching for the answer myself, and same goes for so many others like me and you....
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#636 [Permalink] Posted on 7th November 2019 06:34
ALIF wrote:
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You are already a doctor. Become our leader. You have got good education. You are also a Syed. You will have a large following Insha Allah. Mahathir is a doctor too by the way.
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#637 [Permalink] Posted on 7th November 2019 07:14
ALIF wrote:
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So do these future leaders graduated in university need ulema for any thing. Or should they be free style thinkers and researchers of deen? I mean directly understanding Quran and hadith?
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#638 [Permalink] Posted on 7th November 2019 07:19
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#639 [Permalink] Posted on 7th November 2019 07:34
bint e aisha wrote:
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So far I've not seen anyone on this forum who is defending Maulana. People are just pointing out the blind love which some of us have for Imran Khan. That does not make anyone a supporter of Maulana.

Problem is slightly different my sister.
Sadly we are only a few people left on the forum discussing the things and among us there is a huge difference of opinion - we do not have even a couple of people with the same opinion.

And then there is this problem that some of the boys are expecting that we should show the same amount to deference and loyalty to Maulana as we do to Deoband.

I have problem with that.

There are some people in Pakistan like Zaid Zaman Hamid who just need an opportunity to bash Deobandis.

Sadly we Deobandis give a lot of opportunity to him to have fun at our expenses.

If someone is a Deobandi it does not mean that he supports JUI. But some people are so biased that they will never acknowledge this.

That certainly is a problem.

And this brings me to an issue that I personally did not get to till now. The question is the following: Is it proper for a person like me, who is happy to take his Deen from Deoband, to prefer a non-Deobandi like Imran Khan over a Deobandi like Maulana Fazlur Rahman?

From the point of view of the Deobandi ethos this is simply not permitted.

The Deobandi ethos say that we should not appreciate late Dr Israr Ahmed even if we do not have a counter part of him in our kitty.

The Deobandi ethos say that we should not appreciate Dr Zakir Naik even if we do not have a counter part of him in our kitty.

The Deobandi ethos say that we should not appreciate Imran Khan and go with the Maulana because he is our answer to Imran Khan.

Thankfully the brothers and sisters here at MS have been indulgent in the former two cases and have not shown any resentment for my appreciation of late Dr Israr Ahmed and Dr Zakir Naik.

And if they do not feel accommodating for Imran Khan that too is alright - it is a Deobandi forum and it is absolutely alright if Maulana is preferred over Imran Khan.

Sadly I can not bring myself to like Maulana.

I suppose This curtails the liberties that I enjoy here at the forum but I shall gladly submit to that.

But this still leaves out one crucial point - why I do not criticize Imran Khan?

Well he might be having a myriad shortcomings but my focus is on such issues that I have never got any opportunity to criticize him. As such I do not look for opportunity to criticize people.

A few mistakes that Imran Khan made simply do not exercise my critical abilities. Bilawal Bhutto is not a Sahiba but a Sahab. The feminists were absolutely thrilled at this opportunity to label Imran Khan sexist. Good for the feminists. I did not even chuckle at this jibe.

I have not seen the Diesel video. If Maulana calls Imran petrol I will not be much curios again. Politicians abuse each other. For me there are much more serious issues to seek my attention.

But Maulana being Maulana can not escape a closer scrutiny of his personality. It is he who called Imran Yahoodi agent. The onus therefore is on him to prove his case.

That Imran has no beard while the Maulana has is too weak an evidence against the former and it gives me no reason to reject him.

Lastly I reject the accusation that Imran Khan is a Jewish agent unless you provide me with evidence. Similarly I reject the accusation that Maulana Fazlur Rahman is a CIA agent unless you provide me with evidence, period.

I suppose I naturally come under the purview of this argument. I was presented the evidence for Maualna being on CIA payroll and I took more than a year to digest the information. I did not take any stand in this regard for this whole period. The nature of the evidence is such that I can not present it before the public. But it certainly has left an extremely bitter taste in my mouth.

I am completely biased against the Maulana yet I do fear being proved wrong. What I fear is how will the Jamiat cadre will feel when the truth is out publicly - as and when it does.

That people like Mufti Kifayatullah Sahab hate WikiLeaks points, for me, in a different direction - Wiki Leaks is likely to play spoil sport for the Maulana.

These are the people who will ultimately end up doing more damage to Deoband than the credit Imran Khan might gather for himself.

And for the record I am can not forgive Maulana Fazl-ur-Rahman for making fun of Maulana Abdul Aziz, elder brother of Maulana Abdur Rashid Ghazi Shaheed, for trying to escape in a Burqa.

And let alone Maulana Fazl-ur-Rahman even Mufti Rafi Usmani Sahab did not take the final step to save our beloved boys and girls of Lal Masjid. Mufti Rafi Sahab was on the site but later on he gave the argument that they did not go in personally for the fear of getting shot by the army. I am sorry I do not buy that excuse.

Deoband is the best explanation of Islam but there is another fact of life - there are a few non-Deobandis who have done or are doing better than us in those fields that I personally find essential for the welfare of Muslim Ummah.

I would have preferred Deobandis doing all those things.

And for the record I have not shown frustration like this Deobandi when it comes to the actions of us Deobandis.

RSS operative Mr Indresh Kumar was entertained by Mufti Abul Qasim Nomani Sahan in the Dar-ul-Uloom, Deoband. Muhammed Adeeb, former MP and a Deobandi, vents his frustration. You have to listen to first 12 seconds only.
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#640 [Permalink] Posted on 7th November 2019 07:40
ALIF wrote:
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I doubt very much that Mufti Sahib came to this conclusion himself. He most probably got told this by his ill knowledged followers.

Every Mufti, before passing a fatwa on current affairs should have knowledge of Fiqhul Waqi, otherwise he can't afford to pass judgment / fatawa.

I blame those who lied to him, then him.
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#641 [Permalink] Posted on 7th November 2019 09:05
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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#642 [Permalink] Posted on 7th November 2019 09:41

Mufti Saheb did not know about wikileaks, its no big deal and not the end of the world. Many people don't know about a lot of things, not many us of understand Quantum Physics. Nobody knows everything and everyone makes mistakes, we are all humans.

The issue is a "Mufti" establishing relationships (cousin etc) and accusing people of being "Zionist Agents" without checking the authenticity of the information available.

The episode BEFORE and AFTER is even more embarrassing, watch the discussion about 86 vs 8.6 billion and the whole saga afterwards.

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#643 [Permalink] Posted on 7th November 2019 09:58
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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The issue is a "Mufti" establishing relationships (cousin etc) and accusing people of being "Zionist Agents" without checking the authenticity of the information available.

Again, this is probably based on info given to him.

Just like how info is given about a particular "chap" to a particular "scholar"

They take their word for it and trust them wholeheartedly. Such is the state of mureeds
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#644 [Permalink] Posted on 7th November 2019 10:05

sipraomer wrote:
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For Non-Urdu Speakers:

The person in the above video says, "You must have heard rumors that this or that is happening about Qadiyanees. He then goes ahead and presents analysis on rumors"


  1. I don't think that Imran Khan is a "Hero"
  2. I don't back Imran Khan unilaterally
  3. I don't think Imran Khan is perfect
  4. The issue of Kartarpur corridor has nothing to do with Imran Khan, it was negotiated back around 1995
  5. The issue of Kartarpur corridor has nothing to do with Qadiyan


In Islam, you are supposed to take the words of a Muslim on face value, the above 5 statements are crystal clear but "Deobandees" will still twist it to say that Imran Khan is being worshiped as a "Hero"


Orya Maqbool Jan (Non democratic, non deobandi, non JUI-F member) who is well admired by Deobandees actually visited Golden Temples (spoke to Sikhs), he then went to Qadiyan and gives eye witness Account and rock solid geographical analysis that Kartarpur corridor has nothing to do with "Qadiyanees" there are no rumors or speculations.

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#645 [Permalink] Posted on 7th November 2019 10:45
sipraomer wrote:
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Talking about a new leader, how about Boom Boom Afridi?

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