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abuzayd2k, bint e aisha, Abdur Rahman ibn Awf, sipraomer, tanveerzakee, sharjan8643
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#811 [Permalink] Posted on 15th November 2019 16:23
bint e aisha wrote:
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Good question !

Some scholar should take it upon himself to discuss it further. Unfortunately I am not a scholar. It just crossed my mind while reading the post of Abu Muhammad....

I had always had my own secret confusion about one other aspect of it. It is in ahadeeth that some awlia will find Syedena Mahdi in Madina Munawwara and ask him about him being Mahdi. Syedena Mahdi will refuse and go to Makkah; they will follow him to Makkah and approach him and he will escape from them back to Madina. That will happen many times...

It used to puzzle me as to why would Syedena Mahdi refuse to acknowledge himself being Mahdi ?

This Hadeeth gave me at least one possible explanation. May be before that ‘one particular Night’ Syedena Mahdi himself is not aware of him being the Mahdi ???

Eslah here, then, would probably mean that he would be granted those ‘special abilities and qualities’ befitting Mahdi, although he would be a ‘saleh’ Momin even before that night, he would be Muttaqi even before that night, but there is always room to be more Muttaqi.....

Well, that is just a layman explanation, as I said I am not a scholar. My word here should not be taken seriously !

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#812 [Permalink] Posted on 15th November 2019 17:08
abu mohammed wrote:
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Sir! Muhammad Morsi RH attempted this already but the strategy of Ikhwan ul Muslimeen failed.

You cannot implement one system of government while standing on the shoulders of another system. Our thinkers must learn from the past and must come out of this delusional thinking that through democracy Khilafah can be implemented.

You have to entirely destroy the previous institutions and build new and better ones. This will demand utmost sacrifice and a huge amount of blood of pious and honest people gathered under one true flag and leader as Satan and his associates will use all their might to destroy such a movement.

So far, only Afghan Taliban seem to be successful in implementing (Partial Shariah) or in other words the Hudood part of Shariah and that is also through military force. Otherwise, I can't see any other example in the Muslim world today.

Also remember the cancellation of 1991 elections in Algeria where Islamic Salvation Front was believed to be winning heavily by the military and could as a result change the constitution in order to form an Islamic state. Therefore, martial law was imposed as a result by Algerian military.
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#813 [Permalink] Posted on 15th November 2019 19:56

sipraomer wrote:
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This guy has a very serious point, you cannot really answer his argument!

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#814 [Permalink] Posted on 15th November 2019 22:45
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#815 [Permalink] Posted on 16th November 2019 02:39
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#816 [Permalink] Posted on 17th November 2019 19:00

16NOV2019: Mufti Mehmood (HA) of JUI-F

This issue (of Azadi March & Imran Khan resignation) is a personal matter of Maulana Fazlur-Rehman (HA), the Shura of JUI-F is not behind this and neither did they agree on these actions at all.

Maulana Fazlur-Rehman (HA) has repeatedly said to the Shura, "When it comes to Imran Khan, nobody should ask me and nobody should question me"!

Maulana Fazlur-Rehman (HA) has inflicted his personal opinion on Jamiat Ulama-e-Islam

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#817 [Permalink] Posted on 18th November 2019 05:24
ALIF wrote:
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The state will not go against it. RSS is very deep rooted and have done their homework well. I admire the level of their preparation (Don't get me wrong though! Only praising their competency and well preparedness.) India will die her own death and RSS will be responsible for it. The same goes with Pakistan's establishment. Insha Allah the subcontinent will unite again under Khilafah ruled by true Muslimeen and this area will again be a true Islamic part of the global Islamic world with great opportunity for material and spiritual growth.
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#818 [Permalink] Posted on 18th November 2019 05:30
As-Saif wrote:
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It was a blunder on late Junaid Jumshed's behalf (Rehmatullah Alaihi) to support PTI followed by Maulana Tariq Jameel (Hafidhullah), going against Tablighi Jamaat rules which is a totally apolitical movement. The job of Tablighi Jamaat elders and workers is to do naseeha to everyone instead of taking sides of one party over another.
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#819 [Permalink] Posted on 19th November 2019 16:05
Swedish prosecutors drop rape inquiry into Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who is currently in custody in the UK

Vicky's cousin is a free man now.
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#820 [Permalink] Posted on 19th November 2019 18:52
Molana Doctor Manzoor Mengal About Mulla Umar RH

1. When with weak iman you can offer Salah, Pay Zakat, Perform Hajj and Umrah then why can't you do Jihad?

2. And they say that Your rulers are according to your actions and our actions are bad so our rulers are bad too.

Maulana replies "Yes! Your actions are bad. Jihad is also an action. So do jihad and remove these shameless and ghairatless rulers and bring good rulers through sword."

3. Those who are indulged in luxuries are unable to do jihad. In order to do jihad you have to live simple and tough lives.
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#821 [Permalink] Posted on 19th November 2019 19:19

Maulana Tariq Jameel's controversial statement about Sayyidina Yusuf AS and Maulana Makki Hijazi's stern reaction.

Here this reasonable guy has explained that people must know the close and warm relationship of Maulana Manzoor Mengal and Maulana Tariq Jameel. Both are very close friends. If they have disagreement among themselves on some issues then it is a natural thing. No one has the right to make that negative speech viral. People forget to viral messages of love and peace and are very active in making controversial things viral. This states the intentions of these activists. Those who are foolishly doing gheebah are just wasting their sins.

Those who are calling Maulana Fazal ur Rehman "Diesel" and are continuously saying that he is corrupt and this and that must publicize the evidence against them. Otherwise accusing others without evidence is a major sin. Why are these people tempted to undermine these ulema before their "corruption" is publicized yet? Why is the establishment so reluctant to arrest Maulana for his corruption? Why is PTI government so reluctant to bring this most hated Maulana to the court for his crimes? If Nawaz and Zardari can be thrown in jail then why this Maulana is spared?

I am not on the side of Maulana but if you want to accuse him publicly then you have to provide the evidence in public too.
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#822 [Permalink] Posted on 19th November 2019 19:22
The PTI government is very caring and loving towards mandirs. Does this government give equal or even some importance to masajid? Has this government announced funding for creating new masajid?

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#823 [Permalink] Posted on 20th November 2019 06:17
sipraomer wrote:
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I am not on the side of Maulana but if you want to accuse him publicly then you have to provide the evidence in public too.


Sir! What do you expect from me? Is there any justification in your asking that I, in my capacity of a famous Muslim ruler, should take you into my court? May be your request would have been reasonable if you had imparted education to me in proper way. A student, who receives good education, should respect his teacher as he respects his father. But, what have you taught me? Firstly, you taught saying that Europe means a small island called Portugal, that the king of that country alone is great, in the next position is the king of Holland and then comes the king of England. You also said the king of the France and Spain are like the petty rulers in our country and that the King of Hindustan are greater than all those Kings, that they are the emperors who conquered the whole world and the kings of Persia, Uzbek, Tartar, China, Eastern China, Pegu, Machina, will shiver at the mere mentioning of the names of Hindustan kings. Ah! You have taught excellent history and Geography, indeed! Instead, you should have taught me about the different countries in the world and their varied interests, the strengths and weaknesses of those kings, their war strategies, their customs, religions, Government policies, the advantages, History, progress, downfall, what disasters and blunders had led to great changes and revolutions-you should have taught me all these things. I did not learn anything from you regarding the great men, who established the Mughal empire. You did not teach me anything about their life histories. You did not teach about the policies and the strategies that they followed to achieve glorious victories.
You wanted me to learn how to read and write Arabic. You wasted much of my time on something, which cannot be mastered unless I worked hard for ten to twelve years. Perhaps, in your opinion, it is a great thing if a prince becomes a great linguist and a perfect grammarian. May be you thought this esteem is enhanced by learning other languages and foreign languages instead of learning his mother tongue, the language of his people and the languages of neighboring states! Infact, he does not need these languages. Time is quite precious during the childhood for the people like me, who belong to the royal family, since we have to shoulder so many responsibilities. There is an urgent need to learn many things during the limited time that is available to us. You have wasted all my time in teaching Arabic for such a long time, which was boring activity. Study of an Arabic was tragic event in my life. It was useless pursuit. I had to learn it with extreme reluctance. It has even blunted my intellect. (Persian was the official language at that time).
Don’t you know that happy childhood memories are preserved forever, that thousands of things can be learned which makes everlasting impression on the young minds and that because of their influence, he can be mentally prepared to take up greater responsibilities? Is it not possible to learn the laws, prayers, and sciences in our mother tongue instead of learning them in Arabic?
You have told my father Shahjahan that you would teach me philosophy. I distinctly remember it. For several years you have fed my mind with half knowledge of many things which would not satisfy me. All that fanciful stuff is not at all useful to human society. It is very difficult to understand them but very easy to forget.
I cannot say how long you had taught me that kind of speculative knowledge. I could only remember that those ugly and horrible vocabulary which could surprise and confuse even the most intelligent people. Ignorant egoists like you, who would like to hide their bad qualities, must have created such words. By listening to such bombastic words, we should think that you are knowledgeable and omniscient! We should think that those wonderful words contain some wonderful inner meaning, which could be understood only by scholars like you!
You should have trained me to be a person with analytical thinking. You shoaauld have taught me the techniques of being a person of equanimity and imperturbable mind! You should have told me the laws and grandeur of the universe and the fundamental principles of life. You should have filled my mind with this kind of practical philosophy. Had you done these things, I would have shown you same kind of reverence that Alexander showed to his teacher Aristotle. I would have helped you more than that.
Instead of raising me to the skies with flattery, you should have taught me the essentials of being a good king. You should have given me the knowledge of a king’s responsibilities towards his subjects and their responsibilities towards the king. You should have foreseen that a day would came when I should use the sword in the battle with my brother. You should have taught me how to lay siege to a town and rally the soldiers who are scattered in confusion. However, I learned all these things from others, but not from you.
Therefore, now you must go to your village. I will not help you in any manner. Let not the people know who are you. Lead the rest of your life as an ordinary citizen.

Remaining question : What has got Aurangzeb's letter to his teacher got to do with the demand quoted above?
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#824 [Permalink] Posted on 20th November 2019 06:25
Francois Bernier

François Bernier (25 September 1620 – 22 September 1688) was a French physician and traveller. He was born at Joué-Etiau in Anjou. He was briefly personal physician to Mughal prince Dara Shikoh (28 October 1615 – 30 August 1659), the eldest son of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan, and after Dara Shikoh's demise, was attached to the court of the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb (14 October 1618 – 20 February 1707), for around 12 years during his stay in India.

A son of a farmer, François Bernier, was orphaned very young and was cared for by his uncle, the curé de Chanzeaux. At the age of 15, he moved to Paris to study at the Collège de Clermont (the future Lycée Louis-le-Grand) where he was invited to stay at the home of his younger friend Chapelle, the natural son of Luillier who was a councillor at the parlement in Metz. There Bernier most probably met Cyrano de Bergerac and Molière, and certainly the philosopher Pierre Gassendi (1592–1655), whose aide and secretary he became.

Liberated from his ties to France by the death of Gassendi in 1655, he set out on his twelve-year journey to the East, at 36 years of age: Palestine, Egypt, one year in Cairo, Arabia, and an attempt to enter Ethiopia which was frustrated by civil war in the interior. In 1658 he debarked at Surat in India, in Gujarat state. Attached at first and for a short while to the retinue of Dara Shikoh—the history of whose downfall he was to record—he was installed as a medical doctor at the court of Aurangzeb, the last of the great Mughal emperors.

A tour of inspection by Aurangzeb (1664–65) gave Bernier the opportunity to describe Kashmir, the first and for a long time the only European to do so. In: "Voyages de F. Bernier (angevin) contenant la description des Etats du Grand Mogol, de l'Indoustan, du royaume de Kachemire" (David-Paul Maret ed., Amsterdam, 1699). He subsequently visited the other extreme of the empire in Bengal. European medical training was highly esteemed amongst the Mughal and gave him access to all ranks of the court, even on medically required occasions to the Emperor's harem.

After his return from Kashmir, he traveled around on his own, meeting with Jean-Baptiste Tavernier in Bengal and—while preparing for a journey to Persia at Surat—with Jean Chardin, that other great traveler in the Orient (1666).

He returned once more to Surat (1668) to write a memoir on Indian commerce for the use of Jean-Baptiste Colbert (who recently had founded La Compagnie des Indes Orientales). In 1669 Bernier left India for Paris, to stay.

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#825 [Permalink] Posted on 20th November 2019 06:53
The account of Aurangzeb's letter to his teacher perhaps comes from Francois Bernier.

Some Deen has been taught to us also by our teachers.

In those teachings we have the dictum that if we accuse someone of some wrong doing we must bring forth the evidence.

But there are other teachings also that these teachers did not teach us.

Just like Emperor Aurangzeb I too have some very serious complains against these teachers of Deen.

They have hidden some of the essential teachings of Rasoolallah SAW from us.

Let us recall the story of Thusama (Samama) bin Asaal RA coming to Islam.

He was arrested by Sahaba RA and tied to a post of Masjid-e-Nabawi.

From the story as it is told no charges are levied against him but he his tied for three days just for his haughtiness.

And then he is let free with honour in spite of the fact that he talked very rudely and offensively to Rasoolallah SAW.

Then there is Maulawi FR. Pakistanis who accuse him of being a sold out must produce evidence against hi.

Muadh Khan must produce evidence against him.

I should bring forth evidence against him.

On my part I have put by stand on record - I can not and hence I shall not put the evidence on record.

And I stand on my words.

The onus now is on those who want me to bring forth the evidence to do what they would like.

But do remember when the cat is out of the bag, when Maulana's favourite character Mr Vicky who is Jamima Goldsmith's cousin or some one else brings out the evidence against the Maulana, then it is not MFR alone who will be the loser. Deoband will be hit by a huge set back.

On that day I want to be counted among those who were not fooled by MFR.
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