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abuzayd2k, bint e aisha, Abdur Rahman ibn Awf, sipraomer, tanveerzakee, sharjan8643
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
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#781 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2019 11:58
Maripat wrote:
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The worst is probably yet to come.
May Allah make it easy for the muslims of India ameen.
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#782 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2019 12:00
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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That is how it looks like. I do not know how I cheated myself to believe that things will have a minimum that will be acceptable to us Muslims.

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#783 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2019 12:16
Maripat wrote:
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Muslims under one world satanic government have only one thing to preserve. Their iman.

Only Muslims with a certain geographical position can put a significant impact on the world events and on the reality they want to create for their future generations.

Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Soon there will come a time when the best wealth a Muslim will have will be sheep which he will take to the mountaintops and places where rain falls, fleeing for the sake of his religious commitment from tribulation.”

a. Yes education counts
b. Yes resources count
c. Yes faith counts

but the most important thing is our geographical position. If we have the correct ideology but we are at the wrong place then we are powerless. If we are at the right geographical position but our ideology is twisted then we are blind and clueless. It is difficult to educate ourselves about the truth in this age of confusion. However, it is more difficult to go to the correct geographical position which demands more sacrifice and more physical, mental and emotional hardship.

What more can I say? Do whatever you can, wherever you can. Death is inevitable. We just have to make sure that our iman remains intact on all costs. No matter we die a natural death or as a shaheed. No matter fighting with arms or are tortured to death in prison. Our iman should remain intact. Our iman must remain intact.
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#784 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2019 12:42
My Idyll Thoughts

The feelings of alarm after the Supreme Court decision has been so intense that I have been pondering over very desperate and emergency kind of actions.

For example the following thought has been coming to my mind for last few days. Mufti Abul Qasim Nomani Sahab DB should issue an advisory to Maulana Fazl-ur-Rahman to simply call off his activities, including the Maqami Dharnas, immediately. He, Mufti Sahab DB, should also ask, in a public message, Imran Khan to convene an emergency meeting of OIC to suspend Umra and Haj indefinitely because Saudi Arabia has not taken an appropriate stand on the plight of Indian Muslims. OIC should issue a warning to the UAE idiots for the same. In the meanwhile Asaduddin Owaisi should tell the government that even if a single policeman shows up at the gates of the Dar-ul-Uloom then the Muslims in Muslim majority areas all over India will come out and sit on the road.

Things by now have boiled out to the point where courage is all that matters.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#785 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2019 14:22
MFR is losing from many directions.

He should now move on to The High Commission of India, G-5, Diplomatic Enclave, Islamabad

Protest at the High Commission, mourn for the loss of our Masjid. Wake the Ummah up. Provoke peaceful protests around the world.

Tell the world that Babri Masjid is more important than Imran Khan and Pakistan!

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#786 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2019 16:53
abu mohammed wrote:
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Thats not gonna happen, looks like
MFR only concern is overthrowing Imran Khan. So that Nawaz Sharif or Zardari get back in power. Then he can have a seat in their cabinets.

Cannot see any other purpose for this Dharna.

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#787 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2019 17:41
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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I am not in favour of Maulana and it is obvious that what he is doing is dead wrong.

Having established that, I admit that I was wrong about assessing the magnitude of Maulana’s preparations.

A few points to ponder :

• if the current campaign of road blocks by Maulana succeeds, it will create huge problems for government and the state. I hope it fails. I believe it will fizzle out. “If” it does not, it will be a national emergency.

• Blocking roads is one of the easiest things to do. All it needs is a ‘few’ committed workers. Police and law enforcers can indeed disperse them but they may come back easily, and in the meanwhile the roads will still remain blocked because ordinary people don’t like to risk their lives and vehicles, so they will remain off the roads. Simple ‘stone pelting’ is all that is required to keep people off the roads.

• Any action against the leaders, leaves the mob ‘leaderless’ and therefore more violent. So arresting a few Maulana’s will add an element of violence and bloodshed into it.

• Road blocks directly affect economy and the daily life of people, creating frustration and anger in common people. Such anger is usually directed against the sitting givernment, as they are considered responsible for keeping ‘law and order’.

• At the moment many very important main roads are blocked by relatively small crowd . The linking roads between KP and Punjab, the road to Afghanistan, the road between Chaman and Qandhar., the silk road at Mansehra. the road between Sakkar and Multan. the road between Peshawar and northern areas is blocked. Various roads inside Karachi are blocked.
The roads between Sindh and Baluchistan are blocked.

•It is huge and dangerous. All the four provinces are cut off from each other and the international trade is negativity affected.

The state will have to take it seriously and find a solution. If it continues ‘extra ordinary’ measures will have to be taken by the armed forces, and that is ‘exactly’ what Maulana wants... to pitch the army against the people’.
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#788 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2019 18:51
ALIF wrote:
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So worst case scenerio is Pakistan being turned into the New Iraq. Insurgency taking place then insurgents splintering into different groups.Chaos, murder, mayhem across the country.

I dont see anything fizzling out...MFR is on a mission. On whose behalf I am not sure.

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#789 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2019 19:11
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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The common people are not with him, Alhamdolillah.....

And pakistan have, by the grace of Allah swt, survived much more worse situation than the present one...

He will fail, inshaAllah

And yes, all he is doing is beyond his capabilities and his resources, so ‘someone’ is certainly behind him.
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#790 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2019 20:22
ALIF wrote:
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I guess some doctor is masterminding all this mischief ;)
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#791 [Permalink] Posted on 15th November 2019 01:55
sipraomer wrote:
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Agreed !

But doctors attempt to ‘cure’ rather than to cause ‘harm’ :)

It is more like an ‘autoimmune’ disease where body’s own defences turn against the body, considering it ‘foreign’...and therefore cause irreparable damage...

May Allah have mercy on us. Amin
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Maripat's avatar
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#792 [Permalink] Posted on 15th November 2019 05:35
Some Implications of Indian Situation

(1) Whatever is happening in India has implications in general for Muslims the world over and more specifically for Muslims of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

(2) At the moment Indian Muslims are most vulnerable.

(3) Pakistan is equally under danger.

(4) Bangladeshis are momentarily in a better shape but the same can not be said about Bengali Muslims anywhere in India.

(5) At the time of cleaving of East Pakistan the Bengali Muslims perhaps thought of India and Indira Gandhi as their messiahs. At the moment, I suppose, the taste in their mouths must be bitter.

(6) The international liberal democratic community is clearly not asserting itself to desired levels - after all RSS, through Modi and Shah, is about to bury democracy globally, in case they have not done it already.
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#793 [Permalink] Posted on 15th November 2019 05:36
For the record I am not mourning the demise of democracy.
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#794 [Permalink] Posted on 15th November 2019 06:07
A Few India Headlines

265 fake websites representing Indian government interests

RSS agenda from day one has been trickery, deception, lies, falsehood and after coming to power they have taken this activity to very high levels.

Congress complains of being sidelined. I say wow!

Pakistan Onsession

The Pakistan obsession!
An analysis done by political satirist Ramit Verma showed that of the 202 popular prime-time news debates across four major Hindi channels till October 19, at least 79 were about attacking Pakistan; 66 about attacking the Opposition; 36 about praising the Prime Minister and the ruling party; and 14 about Ram Mandir.
There was not a single debate on economy, unemployment, education, health, gender, farmers or the environment. This is simply staggering by any measure.
Therefore, unsurprisingly, the annual Global Hunger Index (GHI) reports come and go without any debate or outrage. But for a ruling establishment obsessed with Pakistan, the latest report should have rung the bells. If in 2015, India was ranked 80th (out of 104 countries) and well ahead of Pakistan, every year since then, the gap has closed, with Pakistan finally overtaking India in 2019, and being eight ranks ahead.
The costs of obsessing with and competing with Pakistan, an economy eight-and-half times smaller than India, are also that you begin to mimic its politics and Human Development Indicators. The GHI 2019 notes that India’s child wasting rate is at 20.8%, “the highest wasting rate of any country” for which data is available. Its child stunting rate, at 37.9%, is also categorised as “very high”.
The government, rather than taking up these issues on a war footing, dismissed the GHI as an inadequate representation of India’s data in 2017. True, hunger, and its manifold dimensions, are not a creation of the present regime. But the brazen and wilful negation, or deflection of human development issues by national security is its unique contribution.
The contrast within the neighbouring nations is itself telling. The GHI report talks about the “significant advances” in nutrition and “remarkable reduction” in child stunting made by Bangladesh and Nepal. Unsurprisingly, they are 14 and 29 ranks ahead of India respectively.
~ 'At the altar of national security'/The Hindu/ Nov 09.


CIA has overthrown 81 elected governments since 1946.


No more pro-India voices in the Kashmir valley


Asaduddin Owaisi speech after the Supreme Court verdict on Babri Masjid land.
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#795 [Permalink] Posted on 15th November 2019 07:12
@Maripat sir

It may be hard for you to accept it today, as RSS seems to be dominating, but history tells us, and from our experience in Pakistan we can tell you that :

•Soon you will find RSS at a collision course with the Indian establishment

•that extremists never stop at anything short of ‘total control’ over the state authority

•That such dominance as the extremists have today, brings a lot of power and money along with it, a big attraction for the criminal elements of any society. Even today, if you look into it, you will find ideological hindutua followers only a few in numbers, the rest of them must be common criminals using the situation to their advantage

• overtime, it becomes impossible for the state to function normally in such situations and the ‘state’ (not the government) is forced to act against them

OR else

The state breaks down....

RSS phenomena will die its own death like all the extremist phenomena in the past. A little patience is required. Nature knows how to keep its balance.

وَلَوْلَا دَفْعُ اللَّهِ النَّاسَ بَعْضَهُم بِبَعْضٍ لَّفَسَدَتِ الْأَرْضُ وَلَٰكِنَّ اللَّهَ ذُو فَضْلٍ عَلَى الْعَالَمِينَ
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