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#721 [Permalink] Posted on 11th November 2019 08:43
Have not paid much attention to this whole dharna thing.

But did a Mufti really go on TV and state Wikileaks is a Zionist and a cousin of Imran Khans former wife. Thus proving the fact that Imran Khan is a Zionist agent.

Allah have mercy on us.....

Seems to me the longterm consequences of this whole march is the secularisation of Pakistan. Akin to what happened in Egypt and Tunisia.

The younger educated classes in the country losing all respect for Ulemah and religious institutions. These same youth will be the powerbrokers and policy makers and media influencers in 10 to 20 years time.

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#722 [Permalink] Posted on 11th November 2019 10:09
This post has been reported. It could be due to breaking rules or something as simple as bad use of bbcodes which breaks the page format. We will attend to this soon.
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#723 [Permalink] Posted on 11th November 2019 10:25
Imran Khan - Good heart but struggling.
Tariq Jameel - Sincere preacher of Islam , his praise for imran is not political , its to bring him more towards dean as he did for many superstars.
JUI Ulama/muftis- Purely political protest and baseless blames with no proper road Map.
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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#724 [Permalink] Posted on 11th November 2019 10:53

Honest servant wrote:
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I am not an Imran Khan fan, PTI member or supporter but:

  • Imran Khan is not struggling anywhere (except in the minds of Deobandees), every economic indicator is up, FDI is up, loans are being repaid, exports and particularly defense exports are up, a buffer (Kartarpur) now exists on our border for Indian forces to go through before they get to Narowal/Lahore with Punjab no longer a safe epassage for Indian Army. Kashmir issue is internalized (Imran Khan has failed in aggresive military posturing in my view on this front).

Deobandi Ulama and Madaris will have a crackdown and the issue has nothing to do with Imran Khan.You cannot assemble a mob 7 KM from sensitive corridors of power while the Nation is facing threats on two borders with internal security threats and not expect to be hunted down and neutralized!

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#725 [Permalink] Posted on 11th November 2019 13:37
I have two queries , could you please clarify?

1) Destruction of Bamiyan Buddha , what hanafi law has to say about this?
2) Opening of Kartarpur Sahib corridor , what hanafi law has to say about this?

Please i need to have proper understandings, as both actions appears to me contrary to each other.
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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#726 [Permalink] Posted on 11th November 2019 13:58

Honest servant wrote:
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Why "Hanafi"? because Bamiyan statues existed before Islam so don't you think that "Islam" has something to say on the topic? You do know that "Hanafi" Madhab came after Islam, right?

I have discussed this issue from the Sahaba/Tab'aeen time and spoken about it somewhere so google it.

As far as Kartarpur is concerned then it is also in "existence" from the time of Mughuls (like the other Hindu temples of India) so "Deobandees" cannot pin that on Imran Khan either. The access to it was being negotiated from the time of Benazir/Zardari/Nawaz Sharif so also not an Imran Khan issue.

P.S: I am messing with you man, the Hanafi Madhab ruling is no different to what the Sahaba (RA) did about Bamiyan statutes. My guide on the issue are the Sahaba (RA) and not Taliban.

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#727 [Permalink] Posted on 11th November 2019 14:06

Posting this 3rd time

No idea as to why the Admins are blocking this, there is no lie in this.

Muadh_Khan wrote:
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08NOV2019 Prediction

Deobandees in Pakistan will turn against each other and there will be chaos

09NOV2019: So it begins...

Crime of Maulana Tariq Jameel (HA):

He has not said anything spectacular. Maulana (HA) just said, "Imran Khan takes the name of state of Madina. Allah Ta'ala knows if he will be able to transform Pakistan in the mould of Madina but at least the intention is good OR at least the words are good."

Mufti Tariq Masood explains the issue here:

Doubts about the Eemaan of Maulana Tariq Jameel (HA)

Maulana Tariq Jameel (HA) being abused

Stupid, vulgar and dirty talk by the Deobandees against Maulana Tariq Jameel (HA)

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abu mohammed's avatar
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#728 [Permalink] Posted on 11th November 2019 14:20
Muadh wrote:
Posting this 3rd time
No idea as to why the Admins are blocking this, there is no lie in this.

Images or videos (media) with people (eyes) is simply not permitted on public section to respect all opinions. If the video is beneficial, please convert it to audio format and repost. See this topic for help on video conversion to audio.

Images on the forum! These posts can be seen with images on the forum and the video can be played within the post too.

Please post links to the tweets instead on embedding them.

Please update the above post too

P.S: Rules are for everyone. Edit the post or it will be removed even though it may not contain lies :)

P.P.S: I am not Admin and I removed the post on both occasions as it's not the first time :) :)

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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#729 [Permalink] Posted on 11th November 2019 14:24

abu mohammed wrote:
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I have no issues with the rules but throw us a bone to tell us the problem, instead of just continously disabling them and not sharing the reasons :P

There are no images on my tweet whatsoever no idea about the issue is but doen as asked.

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abu mohammed's avatar
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#730 [Permalink] Posted on 11th November 2019 14:39
It's been discussed before

Maybe YouTube links become embedded as videos automatically (This happens in certain places) - Please be cautious if this is the case and in future, check the post to see if the tweet has placed any images/videos automatically.
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Interesting's avatar
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#731 [Permalink] Posted on 11th November 2019 14:44
One thing does not comes in my sense

Why should Deobandi Ulama and Madaris face a crackdown?

If an 'Alim wants to do politics, and his ways goes against the government then why should the Madaris be the target?

Whereas if a person who graduates from xyz institution, stands against the government and follows the similar patterns; should his institution or those of similar mindset be the target of crackdown?

And who will conduct the crackdown?

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#732 [Permalink] Posted on 11th November 2019 14:45
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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i stated Hanafi because as per my understanding talibans are hanafi followers , so i want to know what is the ruling based on hanafi .

Could please share link here regarding your post about destruction of idols.

Also please give more details related to corridor opening based on islamic sharia rulings.

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abu mohammed's avatar
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#733 [Permalink] Posted on 11th November 2019 14:55
Honest servant wrote:
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Please post questions such as the ones posed in this topic to the Ulamaa. Or click here for a vast library on Alternatively, you can get support locating available answers online in the Q&A Support section of this form here

On Idols:
Q: I have learnt that to demolish or disrespect the sacred idols (worshiped) (like to burn the statues or spitting on them inside the religious places like temple) of non Muslims kept at religious places or at any other place is sin. Is it permissible to destroy the idols inside the temple and plunder its booty as (maal-e-ghaneemat) during the war like jihad (between Muslims and Kaafir)? Also does Islam allow to do the same during the islamic law (khilafat) under normal conditions?


A: Yes. All the idols that were kept in the Ka`bah Shareef were immediately destroyed after the conquest of Makkah.

And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

1) The keeping of statues in museums and other public places?
2) The keeping of statues as objects of worship confined in places of worship by non-muslim minorities?
3) Is it correct to criticize, Darul Islam, if it decides to destroy all pictures, images, statues and carvings? And what is the position of a Muslim’s Imaan if he decides to criticize like this?
4) Can Darul Islam protect statues and such just for the purposes of culture or heritage?
5) Does Shariah recognize concepts like ‘heritage belongs to all humanity’ in the case of pictures, images and statues?
6) Is it correct to take as a valid argument that Amr bin al-‘As Radhi allahu anhu did not break statues during his governorship of Egypt, therefore it is wrong for the Taliban to break statues?
7) Lastly, did the Taliban go against Shariah by destroying images and statues in Afghanistan?

1. This is not permissible.
2. This is permissible as long as it is not exposed to the public.
3. It is the duty of Darul Islam to destroy statues and idols found in public places. One who criticises them may be a Muslim, but has weak Imaan.
4. ‘Culture’ and ‘heritage’ are no valid reasons for allowing idols to be displayed.
5. Shari’ah does not recognise such concepts with regards to images and statues.
6. This argument is incorrect.
7. It was an Islamic duty for the Taliban to have destroyed the statues. This should have been carried out a long time ago.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai
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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#734 [Permalink] Posted on 11th November 2019 15:09

Interesting wrote:
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Because just like TTP (10+ years ago):

Deobandees are not clearing denouncing themselves from a "Mob" 7 KM away from sensitive seats of power of a Government

Pakistani Deobandees talk about Rohingya, Kashmir, Tableeghi Jamaat (split), Dr Zakir Naik and XYZ, all they have to say is that they do not stand with this "Mob".

TTP had elements of Deobandees in them and it took APS Peshawar for them to be clear.

In the eyes of (common) Pakistanees

Deobandees = TTP

and now

Deobandees = Dharna

P.S: Before you starting hating me too (and know that I don't really care if you do) I am not asking or happy about it, I am saying that in my humble view (it is coming)...Know what I am saying & why and THEN HATE.

abu mohammed wrote:
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Absolutely nothing to do with his question or the scenario in Afghanistan.

Honest servant wrote:
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Please search/consult about the actions of Sahaba/Taba'een (RA) and Bamiyaan (it is in the books of Hanafi Madhab) and also consult them about the corridor.

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#735 [Permalink] Posted on 11th November 2019 15:29
May Allah Ta'ala protect our Madaris. Ameen.

Maulana Saleemullah Khan Sahib رحمة الله عليه stood firmly against those who wanted the Madaris to shut down in Pakistan. A brave man he was.

I remember a tablighi elder mentioning a karguzari of Raiwind Ijtima. Where Maulana Ihsan ul haq Sahib (db) indicated towards Raiwind being targeted.

It does makes sense why could there be a possibility of these places to be a target, and these elements could use it as an opportunity towards their benefit even if being a minority in power.

Allah kareem
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