Islam did not, cannot and will not come through democracy. This is the simple reason we have failed. Only the black banners of Khorasan can implement it.
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Laymen and followers never fail, they simply get led astray. When an army fails it is the fault of leadership and not the Sepoys who fight, nobody laments over the actions and conditions of Sepoys and if they do it is considered to be the the fault of leadership.
The Ummah is in a terrible mess because leadership has failed. Leadership will promptly blame it on millions of followers because it is hard to pinpoint and even hrader to rectity.
It is always the fault of command and not the Soliders, those with dignity admit their fault while BAYGHAYRATS shift the blame on someone else.
Indian Muslims suffered because the Mughals were getting drunk and having parties. Allah gave them unrestricted access to India for over 1000 years and YET THEY DID NOTHING to give Dawah to the masses of Indians. NOT ONE MUGHAL KING OF INDIA did Hajj! Did you know that?
Indian Muslims merely followed what they saw happening right in front of their own eyes. If a common Muslim witnesses his King marrying a Hindu (lady) what do you think he will do???
What do you expect to return from the Heavens? Blessings OR Punishment?
Its a miracle, it actually lasted over a 1000 years.
Its time to take off nostalgic sunglasses and actually view the Mughal Raj of India, it was a big party! Then Allah Ta'ala deemed an end to it. Later Indian Muslims instead of looking at the actual problem decided to put a political patch on it (Ulama included).
Two disagreements if I may, please...
After reading all the books, refelect on your post about Mughals. I leave it in your capable hands.
History is Maripat Saheb's deaprtment :) so he can correct this...
Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf was a tyrant and Mughals were no way classical tyrants. From my limited reading of history Mughals were absorbed in partying and Merrymaking and that is overwhelming majority, if not all of them.
They were guilty of dereliction of duty (from an Islamic perspective) and the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent are paying the price for it, today.
Shah Waliullah (RA) writes about the rulers of India and issues a verdict that that by and large they were derelict in their duty of propagation of Islam and (I believe) Shaykh Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi (RA) has also alluded to it in his writings.
Poetry, fine arts, architecture but they neglected the elephant in the room (i.e. Hindu majority). The lower casts of Hindus were strongly discriminated against and even a hint of encouragement (towards them) would have opened the floodgates of Hidayah for them to Islam. During the British Raj, the Christian missionaries of India exploited this and as a result thousands converted from Hinduism to Christianity. Before the Christians, it was the Buddhists who appealed to the lower caste Hindus with their message of equality.
Mughals were interested in extending their rule and partying and nothing else!
Allow me to add my view on it brother. Hassan Nisar is critical, critical, critical of Pakistan and Muslims.
Of course he and the others of his ilk think that they are indulging in positive criticism.
But things do not work out that way. The enemies will not pay attention to this angle. They are not interested that Pakistan improves in any way or Muslims are reformed and put on the right, straight path.
They, the enemies, will take it as authentic and confirmed information whenever Nassan Nisar opens his mouth and use it against Pakistan and Muslims in general.
Indeed I have seen comments by Indian critics of Pakistan and Muslims using Hassan Nisar as a sort of model of criticism of Muslim society.
I also have seen videos of Hassan Nisar being used the RSS troll army and the BJP IT Cell that work overnight to defame, denigrate and run down Islam and harass Muslims and those who come out in defense of Muslims.
Misguided he certainly is while it is difficult to say anything about his intentions - we can not fathom intentions of the people for we can not dive into the oceans of their hearts.
This leaves us with the damage that people like him do to Pakistan in particular and Muslim society in general.
Owing to these considerations I was getting these fancy ideas to go into overdrive about the internal enemies of Muslims and use a crisis as an opportunity. To do a thorough academic demolition of Shri Hassan Ji Nisar because of his stupidity in the style of our beloved Late Dr Abu Tamim Rahamatullahi Alaihi.
My balloon was burst by one of our brothers here at SF who said that no one takes him seriously in Pakistan. This view simply leaves out the damage he has done by his unwise criticism. Never underestimate the power of foolish friends.
Now the situation has changed. I can not go after him any more. I saw a recent video and I felt that he is a tired man already. I can not have a go at a defeated man.
I have been targeted and vilified for saying this for decades. From my first post on Sunniforum to today, this is what I have consistently said.
Apparently, my vilification of what I said on Sunniforum continues to this day when this is ALL I have been trying to say.
This cannot be undone and I am sure it will be greatly appreciated.
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